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TOPIC: New Member 995 Views

New Member 09 Jul 2012 09:30 #141118

  • oyvay
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Hi, don't know how to start and what to say. All i can say is that I'm Really not in a good state , despite having b"h a good blessed family loving wife and children and parnoso etc. I'm still wasting my life on shmutz. Have tried a lot of things but cant get out of it. I hope to get Chizuk here frommy brothers on this form.


Re: New Member 09 Jul 2012 12:35 #141124

  • refoel
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Hi and Welcome!

You have made the right decision in coming to GYE!!
Well Done!

Admitting our powerlessness is the first step to mastering this problem!

Make sure to sign yourself up for the Daily Chizuk Emails, these are a life saver!
Next I would read through the Forum and obtain as much Chizuk and tips as possible!
Post about your struggles, things that you find helpful and ideas.
Sign up to the 12 Step Group and the Shmiras Einayim daily shiurim

Ask Hashem constantly for help, cry out to Hashem!
No Tefilla goes unheard.
And true tears cleanse the eyes and bring them to Kedusha.
Have a good look around GYE's website and find out what works best for you.
Download the Handbook and read more every day.
Sign up to the 90 Day Chart and get Chizuk by updating it every day seeing how far you are progressing.

Remember that a fall is only there to lift you up!
Yerida Zu Letzoirich Aliya - We need to go down in order to go up.

Remeber that everything comes from Hashem, Everything Hashem does is for the very best and for your ultimate benefit, and everything Hashem does has a purpose!

Hashem will only ever give us a test that we are capable of passing!

So never despair.

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov says Ein Yiush Beolam Klal! - There is no despair in the world whatsoever!!

May Hashem give you and the whole of Klal Yisroel much Hatzlocha in overcoming these Nisyonos and getting stronger each and every day.

Take it in steps.

One day at a time!
Adding another brick to the 3rd Beis Hamikdash every day, with every test we pass, and we will merit the re-building of the final Beis Hamikdosh and redemption speedily in our days!

Re: New Member 09 Jul 2012 13:16 #141126


You might find it helpful to post about your struggles, but take it at your own pace.


Re: New Member 09 Jul 2012 17:02 #141139

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome Willwin!

I relate. I have a wonderful wife, good kids, a great parnassah, a wonderful community, etc., etc.

I was once a screwed-up, unhappy child, but that is long over. I have a good life now. Except I dragged this one thing along, and it hasn't let go, despite outgrowing it's "usefulness." I no longer feel the need to escape. I know that continuing with the shmutz is a lack of hakoras hatov for all the brachos in my life. But knowing all this hasn't given me a way to stop.

Baruch Hashem I found this website over 3 years ago. I learned I had an addiction. I began applying recovery techniques (12 steps). Now I'm sober. I wish the same for you.

Read a lot. And DO a lot. Daven a lot for siyata dishmaya in your recovery.

Commit to living a life without lust. Surrender your lust to Hashem. Ask Him constantly to take it. Commit to strict shmiras eynayim in all settings. That's something you can start right now.

Stay with us here. Share with us here. The more you share, the more it will help you.

Hatzlocha today.


Re: New Member 09 Jul 2012 18:53 #141144

  • Newbi
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  • Posts: 60
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I have found that reading the forum really helps. Especially of those who posted there story. There is a lot to learn and to gain. I cried while reading some, just promise that no matter what you will keep fighting. And you will see Hashem will help you.

Re: New Member 10 Jul 2012 05:12 #141173

  • bzyzgye
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Welcome brother

You've come home.

FYI, i like your name but winning around here is basically surrendering. Hang around and read the 12 steps you'll get the hang of it.

Daily chizuk emails to me are a lifesaver.

And yes when you're ready we all want to hear your story, you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel after that.

For now just "Keep Climbing"

Re: New Member 10 Jul 2012 18:14 #141247

  • Newbi
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 60
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Just make a firm resolve that no matter what, you will stay in the battle. Ul allow Hashem to do the fight, while call out and cry to him.
We say in Tehillim chapter 20-8 "some with chariots and some with horses but we, in the name of our g-d call out." what we see written clearly by king David, is that the most we can do in a battle is call out to Hashem, when we do it with sincerity, and with tears would be even better, the we have our fighter. And if Hashem is fighting for us, no one stands a chance.

So the advice is,CALL OUT TO TOTTY, HAHSHEM. And he WILL listen. The more sincere we are the greater he listens.

Good luck,
Your brother.

Re: New Member 17 Jul 2012 13:41 #141814

  • oyvay
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 2
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Thank you so much for the kind words and the interest in my situation may hashed help you with all your needs.

My story begins long time ago - I'm in the late 30. As child I was abused by my mother , I head a very difficult childhood at home and in chaider. I did not have any real friends etc etc. I don't know if this is the source of the addiction problems i have today. Anyway I'm struggling with this for 20 years went to few therapist over the last couple of years the trouble is after a few visits I think to my self that I'm sorted forever and days later all over again.
I am having the same problem now, I'll come to this forum only within 24 hours of a fall after that I will tell my self I am OK now and manage to be misgaber myself. I need to end with this forever, how ? dont konw yet. hope to get some help from your website, thank you very much.

sorry about my english this is not my mame lushon - I learned the ABC when I got married

Re: New Member 17 Jul 2012 14:05 #141816

I feel like that all the time- "I'm good now" just a slip" until eventually I got here, recently I was thinking, what do I need to go such full force into 12 steps and making calls I'm clean (been bumpy but I'm at around 200) well last friday I went out shopping, and in the begining I was great no second looks no lingering glances not even a challenge! And I'm thinking "great!" And then slowly slowly the glances started to get longer the test was building, and I realized I'm not out of the woods this place is code red I MUST LEAVE NOW. It was a reminder for me just how fragile my sitution is.....how delicate. So hopefully we can both realize that we need all the help we can get and that we are NOT stronger than the yetzer, all it takes is a little bit. L'mashal a guy standing on a cliff, all it takes is a couple of steps and he's off and over the edge.
Willwin keep up the determination and take practical steps to make sure you protect yourself from falling.
Keep posting and stay in touch
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