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suffering from zera levatola alone..basically
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TOPIC: suffering from zera levatola alone..basically 775 Views

suffering from zera levatola alone..basically 19 Apr 2012 11:54 #135914

i have a problem of zera levatola every day practically unrelated to the worst of the internet as our computer has a reasonably good filter..also able s.times to view untzniusdige females on internet any advice etc.??
The best ive done in the last 1 and a half years is 4days clean but the rest i was practically every day...

Re: suffering from zera levatola alone..basically 19 Apr 2012 14:53 #135920

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1933
  • Karma: 68
Welcome TCM!
I was addicted to z"l long before the internet was invented.
It's not an internet problem, it's a Me problem.
There are all kinds of good ideas here.
Most people recommend starting with reading the GYE handbook which you can access from the homepage.
Something you can start doing right away is practicing aggressive shmiras eynayim. Get into the habit of avoiding looking at women in all settings, unless absolutely necessary. Not even their faces. Not even ugly ones. Not live, not in pics, not in the newspaper, not on TV or in movies.

Another thing you can do is shift your attitude to taking it one day at a time. You only need to get through today, this nisayon.

Daven, in every shmona esrei for Hashem to guide you to recovery, to take your lust. Surrender your lust to Hashem. Are you ready to give up lust to break free?

Keep in touch with us here. Connecting with fellow strugglers is important to recovery.


Re: suffering from zera levatola alone..basically 19 Apr 2012 16:56 #135932

I actually have a member in the hanhola of yeshiva that i'm in that i speak to.Hes open he really cares and everything .so its good to disuss it with him but hard on the ground i;m still doing it practically every day

i get so depressed.....yes i know that its atzas hayetzer and everything but i still get very depressed and cant get back into learning ..you know..like who am i after all .
its not that i dont know that its natural to have lust problems but it just seems like im the only one i yeshiva to get down and stuck in these issues to such a degree and so often......

Re: suffering from zera levatola alone..basically 19 Apr 2012 17:11 #135933

Don't get depressed remember all you need to do is continue to win the war you might lose one battle but your in it to win the war! Got to continue to push to the finish line and we will make it! Think positive and I totally agree with the IDEa that it is a daily one step process think of the now not the past or the future it really helps!

Re: suffering from zera levatola alone..basically 19 Apr 2012 17:56 #135935

By the way another issue is that during yeshiva whilst learning i can have lust attacks and i wont be able to focus.However theres nothing to feed it on even,never theless it burns in me like crazy.does this happen to anyone??????

Re: suffering from zera levatola alone..basically 19 Apr 2012 18:25 #135936

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1933
  • Karma: 68

All the time. It's called fantasizing. This is one of the many ways we get our lust drug. This was actually my biggest problem before getting into recovery. Whenever lustful thoughts or images come, as soon as I detect them, I say this tefilla:

"Ribbono Shel Olam, I am powerless over lust and my life has become unmanageable.
Only you can restore me to sanity.
I turn my life and my lust over to your care and ask you to please heal me from this illness of lust. I don't want to lust, I only want You and a relationship with You and Your Torah. Take my lust. Please, take my lust."

Re: suffering from zera levatola alone..basically 23 Apr 2012 02:40 #136109

You write in the title "suffering from zera levatola alone..basically"
just to inform you you're not alone! there are thousands of people suffering the same as you. perhaps you can daven for the other sufferers and feel their pain which would help you recover.
כל המתפלל בעד חבירו והוא צריך לאותו דבר הוא נענה תחילה!
הצלחה רבה!
p.s. I know you meant alone as in without a po** addiction but couldn't resist the pun!
Good Luck!!!

Re: suffering from zera levatola alone..basically 25 Apr 2012 13:31 #136249

  • hubabuba
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 423
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tocontrolmyself wrote on 19 Apr 2012 16:56:

it just seems like im the only one i yeshiva to get down and stuck in these issues to such a degree and so often......

I can promise you that every other guy on gye used to think the same thing...
Everyone's worried that they are see-through and the only one's going through this thing. Being on GYE will help you alot b/c you'll connect to other people just like yourself.
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