Welcome TCM!
I was addicted to z"l long before the internet was invented.
It's not an internet problem, it's a Me problem.
There are all kinds of good ideas here.
Most people recommend starting with reading the GYE handbook which you can access from the homepage.
Something you can start doing right away is practicing aggressive shmiras eynayim. Get into the habit of avoiding looking at women in all settings, unless absolutely necessary. Not even their faces. Not even ugly ones. Not live, not in pics, not in the newspaper, not on TV or in movies.
Another thing you can do is shift your attitude to taking it one day at a time. You only need to get through today, this nisayon.
Daven, in every shmona esrei for Hashem to guide you to recovery, to take your lust. Surrender your lust to Hashem. Are you ready to give up lust to break free?
Keep in touch with us here. Connecting with fellow strugglers is important to recovery.