realholyyid wrote on 19 Mar 2012 13:39:
In a way we are learning for ourselves and telling hashem that we are much more in his hands and relying on him than before.
By admiting that we cant on our own , we are realizing that we need hashems help and involvement in our lives on a much deeper level than just "serving him" we need him to help us and pull us through every single day we live .
Isn't this real teshuva (returning)?
And don't worry about "fighting the fight." Hashem won't do everything. There's still plenty of effort. The difference is that in recovery, we focus our energies on
A) Avoiding lust altogether, rather than trying (yet again in vain) to fight it

When we are attacked by lust, we focus our energies on turning the battle over to Hashem. There's plenty of energy and self-control involved. It's just in a new, more effective way.