I have found this site and after just reading some of the guidebook, i have been clean for two weeks. I have been sunk in to this mess for as long as I can remember, even as much so as showing this stuff to my little brother when I myself was just in seventh grade. While I'm certain it wasn't an addiction then, I do know that when I bought my first personal laptop of my own, it quickly developed. Ive tried, to no avail to kick this Which is funny, Ive managed to cut back drinking and have completely quit smoking in the interim.
Lately, I have found myself making my schedules around "the activity" and it was making me crazy. I was doing at work, at home, on the road, wherever. And i found it harder and harder to satisfy myself. Recently I saw a couple of posts regarding kicking the addiction on news websites and message boards. I felt it was talking to me and visited this website.
It has been a rough two weeks. Truthfully, the first week was pretty easy, relatively, this last week has been amazingly difficult. I keep looking for excuses, or better yet, justifications. Or even better, I keep looking for something/someone to tell me thats its okay to do it, just now, just this once. Thats terrible!
I keep searching the message boards looking for posts saying thats its okay. I have slipped the last week, but Baruch Hashem have not fallen. I have stepped up learning every day, davening with minyan which I wasn't doing before and speaking more with friends.
I need chizuk! I need people! But I don't know who I can turn to in real life. I'm afraid! I don't know what I would say. My father is a recovering Alcoholic, but it would kill him if I told him. Or would it? An uncle? a co-wroker? I don't know! Additionally, I'm so deadly scared of putting a filter o my comp as I'm afraid someone will see it and inquire as to why its there. What would I answer?!
So far i'm this two weeks clean. Without 12 step, just kabolos ol and the 90-day count. can it hold? I know I want it to, but I also know I wouldn't mind a fall, sadly! (Very sadly!)
Shalom to all my brothers in this with me. Looking to you for support, its not coming from anywhere else but Hakadosh baruch hu at this point!