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starting over with a bigger dose
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TOPIC: starting over with a bigger dose 2008 Views

starting over with a bigger dose 26 Dec 2011 15:51 #129256

  • shadow
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Hi...I am in my 20's and starting over with a new angle. I am not new to this site as i get daily emails from it but new to a new approach...a little about myself...about a month and a half ago i joined the forum with the thought  that just talking about it would help...It was a start but I was wrong. I had many things going aside from the lust problem and decided to clean some of that (anger and such from my past) so that I could better focus on the biggest flaw of them all. Thank god since then I have let go of many negative emotions and have started to reconnect to god a short time ago. Since then I have installed K9 filter and made it virtually impossable to view porn and xrated content and the password is with someone I trust. I am good with working around such filters and every time since installation I have managed to get around I have repaired the problem so it dosnt ocur again. It has been a week or so since my lust  used my computer skill to obtain access to xrated content. It tried but failed to circumvent and I am very happy for that. With all the above said masterbation Is still something that awakens every number of days with or without porn(although with its more powerful and more frequent). Still fighting the good fight but I think i neef to take it a step further by perhaps having a sponser/freind that deals with this addiction also. the ppl I know have been very helpful and continue to be so but some things cannot be understood if one dosnt know first hand....any thoughts and opinions would be very appreciated ...
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 26 Dec 2011 15:55 #129257

  • gevura shebyesod
  • Current streak: 1360 days
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You're on the right track....Keep up the good work!!!!

!אנא עבדא דקודשא בריך הוא

וּבְיָדְךָ כֹּחַ וּגְבוּרָה וּבְיָדְךָ לְגַדֵּל וּלְחַזֵּק לַכֹּל

"If it would be so easy there wouldn't be a GYE, but if it would be impossible there also wouldn't be a GYE."
"Sometimes a hard decision leads to an easier outcome."
- General Grant

My story: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/111583-hello-my-friends
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 27 Dec 2011 20:03 #129367

  • alexeliezer
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Welcome back!  I just read through your previous posts as well.
You are struggling mightily.  But this addiction isn't something we can fight and win.
We can only admit that we are powerless over it.
Powerless means we can't go anywhere near it.  You don't face an armed tank bearing down on you with your pocketknife.  You run.  Avoid it.  And live.

We can't fight lust.  So we run from it.  This means avoiding anything that fuels lust.  Like gazing at women in the street, magazines, newspapers, billboards.  And like entertaining fantasies.

So the keys to getting past lust and back into life are
1) bulletproof shmiras eynayim.  No women.
2) avoiding lustful thoughts, fantasies, and images.

The shmiras eynayim is mostly up to you.  Just take it one nisayon at a time.

Avoiding the thoughts will require tefila.  We call this turning the battle over to Hashem.
Here's a nusach I have found helpful.  It's based on the 12 steps.  I say it whenever lustful thoughts come knocking.  60 times an hour if that's what it takes:

"Ribbono Shel Olam, I am powerless over lust and my life has become unmanageable.
Only you can restore me to sanity.
I turn my life and my lust over to your care and ask you to please heal me from this illness of lust.  I don't want to lust, I only want You and a relationship  with You and Your Torah.  Take my lust.  Please, take my lust."

Give up your lust to Hashem.
One day at a time.  One nisayon at a time.  One right decision at a time.

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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 30 Dec 2011 00:27 #129575

  • obormottel
  • Current streak: 2208 days
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Hi and welcome!
Solid advice from Alex.
It seems that you know what you need to do, too, and you're willing to do it.
Hatzlocho rabbo!
Baby steps.
If the road is pulling you down, it's a sign that you are going uphill, so just press harder on the gas!

Have a great day - unless, of course, you made other plans.
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 06 Jan 2012 13:21 #130228

  • shadow
  • Fresh Boarder
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progress report= I have fallen yesterday in a somewhat unexperted nisyoyin.
things  i did wrong=1-should have added a ew sites to the "always block list" on the filter
                            2-should have known to fail better
no one goes from 0 to 100 in 1 shot and i know that....i realize that if i will deal with it i need to know to fail on my own grounds(like to a lesser acting out over a bigger one)not that there is a lesser but I think ppl on here know what i mean.

things i did right/learned=1-was able to keep control and use methods effectivley for a longer duration up untill my fall
                                    2-realized that one cannot win all battles and lossess can be salvaged and be a part win if one knows when to settle and next time do better.
                                    3-talking about it as i am doing now

ps:alex that sounds like a good thing that works for you...I have my own phrase that I heard lately and that has been a huge factor in my will power...the saying goes"if you could not handle it god would not give you this nisoyin" its very helpful for me and has helped keep me clean for one of the longest period at a time....

thx all for the things you said...i will continue to check in and take your words for use
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 06 Jan 2012 17:39 #130263

  • alexeliezer
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Try to stay away from the computer altogether.  If you must get on, do your business and get off.  Don't surf  purposelessly.  That's just the Y"H hoping to get a peek and set you off.
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 06 Jan 2012 18:02 #130268

  • chaimyakov
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Welcome.  Alexeliezer is right.  i remind myself before i even go into the room with internet that i am going into a place of great danger a place that can literally cost me my life.  So far it is helping.
Hatzlacha in all things GOOD.
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 11 Jan 2012 04:40 #130535

  • shadow
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wow...and just when i thought k9 web filter would keep me protected at least from online imagaes... . As soon as I have the unlimited plan for my cell I will be utilizing the phone confrence. The k9 is a grt filter but has 1 major flaw that makes it extremely easy to bypass for those that are computer savy....what now? will try another filter I suppose....as for my  slow but steady progress I am worried it will spiral in to a deep pit....
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 11 Jan 2012 14:05 #130553

  • chaimyakov
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k9 was evaded by me, a non-computer savvy person.  somewhere around here there is advice on how to mend the fences in k9.  my solution was simply to add accountability software to my protective fences.  the rosh kollel is my accountability "sponsor" because my rav already knows, so a slip wont embarrass or inhibit me with him, and my wife doesn't use computers. 
Hatzlacha in all things GOOD.
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 11 Jan 2012 14:21 #130558

  • shadow
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I found a solution for most ppl even for those that are computer savy....create a standard user account on your pc or laptop and do not allow yourself access to administrater account (by having someone set a password to the administrater account that you dont know) it will give you the flexability to use the computer for work and neccesities but will protect you from content and will prevent you from mkessing with the files...I have no idea why I havnt thought about it in the beggining...so now my defenses in this poerspective are rebuilt and strong...unless I know how to hack accounts (which I dont thank god) I believe its as strong as it can get...moving on and its relieving to know I got defenses up....
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 11 Jan 2012 14:32 #130560

  • chaimyakov
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repeat.  k9 is not fool proof even with Guard holding the password.  please don't try, but take my word for it.  until i got the accountability side in place k9 was worthless to me.  don't get me wrong, i use it to this day but only to protect me from accidents not deliberate attempts, for that it isn't strong enough.
Hatzlacha in all things GOOD.
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 11 Jan 2012 15:24 #130563

  • gevura shebyesod
  • Current streak: 1360 days
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If you know what you're doing (and I do) no filter or accountability software is foolproof. I can get around all of that in a few minutes (I won't say how, and I've never actually done it). The only thing that really works is a filtered connection like Jnet where the filtering is done at the ISP. And even then your neighbor probably has an open WiFi, or your local park, library, airport etc.....

In the end all the filters are just to slow you down so you don't fall in without thinking, or to protect from mistakes. It's like the guardrail at the edge of a cliff, you can still climb over if you really want to....

Keep on Trucking, and stay away from the edge!!

!אנא עבדא דקודשא בריך הוא

וּבְיָדְךָ כֹּחַ וּגְבוּרָה וּבְיָדְךָ לְגַדֵּל וּלְחַזֵּק לַכֹּל

"If it would be so easy there wouldn't be a GYE, but if it would be impossible there also wouldn't be a GYE."
"Sometimes a hard decision leads to an easier outcome."
- General Grant

My story: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/111583-hello-my-friends
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 11 Jan 2012 16:49 #130572

  • gibbor120
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Wise words Gevurah.
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 12 Jan 2012 02:29 #130639

  • shadow
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yep...agreed that they are not foolproof....but atleast for now im secure (atleast in his regard). It helps tremendesly not being able to view content online. Not being able helps me focus better on betterment. as for accountibility I will look in to it...thx for the help guys....also as a side question, I recently sent t a email for a sponcer/partner...how long does it typicly take t get a response?
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Re: starting over with a bigger dose 12 Jan 2012 17:08 #130687

  • gibbor120
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As a wise man once said "the only safe filter is one you don't test".
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