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Thank u Por...& Mas...
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TOPIC: Thank u Por...& Mas... 2173 Views

Thank u Por...& Mas... 23 Oct 2011 16:40 #122224

  • ThankuThankuThanku
Hi Chevra
I started therapy lately, I am rather enjoying it.
But He is gettting me to realise how I react and respond in his peculiur ways.
But the most intersting part was the way he is tring to make me feel about P&Ming

this is what he said:
"you are in a war you against the world, living here has been hell for you"
"you have to be thankfull to the porn and sex, this is what kept you suviving"

Chevra tell me what you think about it
should i quit?

I am not new to the forum I love the forum and hang on to it
however I am new to this ID
I want to be very clear with disscussing my therapists way of work
I decided to add another ID for this sake
SO dont try guessing who I am It's none of your B
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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 23 Oct 2011 17:33 #122232

  • Blind Beggar
  • Gold Boarder
  • Not a sexaholic, just trying to be good.
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If he tells you to say Thank you and stop, he is good; if he tells you to continue, shoot him and dump the body in a garbage can in a different state.
The Blind Beggar is a character in Rebbe Nachman's story of the Seven Beggars.
If I view a woman as an object, I am powerless over lust, but I don't have to look.
I can guard my eyes.
I want to guard my eyes.
I do guard my eyes.
Why do I say these four lines?
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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 23 Oct 2011 17:51 #122234

  • ThankuThankuThanku
Thanks BB for your reply
he has not gotten to the point of the future (i assume he will prohibit it when i am ready)
It is the additude that p**n was my lifesaver
it seems odd but damn right
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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 23 Oct 2011 17:56 #122235

  • ThankuThankuThanku
A friend posted in Private

when you have the time, i would be very interested in you decribing your therapist's method
i thing that while a certain degree of feeling guilt is healthy,more than its proper dose actually can destroy a person spiritually
and therefore thanking Him for you coping in that manner in the past is not actually a novel idea-though some would believe that it is
but certainly this thanking need a healthy dose or realism.lust is an unhealthy outlet and even many non-religious know this.
and so,i am very interested in hearing more.anything you feel uncomfortable sharing in the forum but you are ok sharing privately,please PM me about it,when you can
Im not interested in your identity . I just want to learn more about this

Thanks for the info
I understand it's an additude issue:
the problem is not the p&m they where only my solutions
the problem is lack of security and trust

Tell me friend am i right?
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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 23 Oct 2011 18:56 #122242

  • ThankuThankuThanku
I am lusting because i lack security and trust
if i would stop lusting i would not stand the pressure out there
so thank you thank you thank you lust
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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 23 Oct 2011 23:24 #122259

  • DovInIsrael
TU x3

I am not a big fan of therapy - might have something to do with my ex's therapist convincing her to file for a divorce and then flirting with me while I went to my therapist ( in the same office)


I am more in favor of a sponsor -

but what do i know - maybe I am crazy.

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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 24 Oct 2011 16:58 #122363

  • ThankuThankuThanku
whoa dov if she want to have fun WITH you, she really needs a therapist, however if she flirted just to be mean and have fun ABOUT you, then she needs a large blood stain on her lower back while dancing in middle of a wedding circle)

what was her intention about the divorce, if your wife could not take the pain, or to get you to rock bottom?

about a sponser, i asked around for atleast 2 years and have not found one
can you help me

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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 24 Oct 2011 17:16 #122373

  • me3
  • Current streak: 98 days
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Blind Beggar wrote on 23 Oct 2011 17:33:

If he tells you to say Thank you and stop, he is good; if he tells you to continue, shoot him and dump the body in a garbage can in a different state.

Not condoning violence, however, I would advise a garbage can in the same state. If you cross state lines you will make it a federal offense.
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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 24 Oct 2011 17:19 #122376

  • dov
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1- What exactly is your issue? is it just porn and masturbation or is it really other stuff that is much more involved?

2- Sure your therapist is correct. He is no genius, though. Why else would you be doing it compulsively if it were not a coping mechanism?!

The Torah says the same thing:

Do not shun a Mitzri because you were strangers in their land. Rashi: They housed you, fed you, and clothed you all those years that they were bitterly enslaving you. Have hakoras hatov.

But it Chaza"l still say, "The best Mitzri(who is not a convert)? Bust his head."

Hashem is not asking you to worship or love mitzrim! Just not to shun them in the conversion process. Correct?

Same here. Lust preoccupation and behaviors enslaved you and bitterly messed you up. But it was a coping mechanism, so do not pretend you hate it! "Should" is worthless here - it is your unwelcome best friend.

This is sick, pathetic, but it is our true state, if you are like me.

So now....

What do do about it? That is the ikkar.

If you want it to stop, you will need to say goodbye to your sweet, ugly, best friend. It is what I must do in my recovery, as well. No chidush here.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 24 Oct 2011 17:49 #122384

  • ThankuThankuThanku
well BH its only p and m
but with side affects like
avoiding responsibilties
lagging behind in work
isolating from people
etc etc etc etc etc etc

of course he wants to stop
but only when i am ready

when i will have the security i need with the right things
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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 24 Oct 2011 17:49 #122385

  • ThankuThankuThanku
Me3 wrote on 24 Oct 2011 17:16:

Blind Beggar wrote on 23 Oct 2011 17:33:

If he tells you to say Thank you and stop, he is good; if he tells you to continue, shoot him and dump the body in a garbage can in a different state.

Not condoning violence, however, I would advise a garbage can in the same state. If you cross state lines you will make it a federal offense.

thanks for the advice, you stopped me just in time
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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 25 Oct 2011 01:04 #122460

  • tehillimzugger
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ThankuThankuThanku wrote on 24 Oct 2011 17:49:

Me3 wrote on 24 Oct 2011 17:16:

Blind Beggar wrote on 23 Oct 2011 17:33:

If he tells you to say Thank you and stop, he is good; if he tells you to continue, shoot him and dump the body in a garbage can in a different state.

Not condoning violence, however, I would advise a garbage can in the same state. If you cross state lines you will make it a federal offense.

if you're taking advice on this one i would suggest putting him in a bag b4 shlepping him around cuz it gets kinda messy
thanks for the advice, you stopped me just in time
?דער באשעפער לאווט מיך אייביג. וויפיל לאוו איך עהם
My Creator loves me at all times. How great is my love for him?
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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 25 Oct 2011 05:36 #122495

  • wishing for the real me
cut him up in pieces, like in the navi shoftim, he cut his wife up into twelve pieces and sent each piece to a different shevet. Cut him up in 52 pieces and throw each one out in a different state, they'll never figure it out.
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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 25 Oct 2011 09:23 #122508

  • DovInIsrael
@TY (older post)


sorry, forgot to mention my ex had a MALE therapist.

I was not impressed by HIS googly eyes at me, after HE pushed my ex to file for a divorce!

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Re: Thank u Por...& Mas... 25 Oct 2011 13:25 #122537

  • ThankuThankuThanku
I hope you are ok now
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