mynisayon wrote on 28 Oct 2011 00:43:
Guys, for the first time in a long time I am able to be myself on this thread. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to post. SSA is complicated and maybe it even deceives its own thread (or is this it?)
Dov, that was a powerful post with plenty to think about and digest. Thanks for the affirmation on my decision not to involve my wife for support. There are plenty of others who disagree and Ive been told that without involving her I cannot have an honest and open relationship. Truth is I wonder about this myself. I haven't involved her because I know it will cause much pain. Its a tough decision and I hear both sides.
I have looked for support in many places. Dov u hit it on the head. It seems everyone has a particular agenda and that agenda drives the methods. There are the reparative folks (unproven low success rates), the live the gay life folks (Im a yid, Cant do that), the "ur a yid control urself u pervert" (he's an idiot!) folks. There are many sides to take on the issues but I think there are too many that are focused on their particular agenda and not me.
Truth is communicating with others on this thread is just what I need. Thanks!
mynisayon, I am glad that you finally feel like you can express yourself, I felt the same when i arrived at gye a few months ago too. Then when I made another posting about how disgusted I feel about myself for having SSA, and I recieved such feedback as I did, that I shouldn't feel that way about myself, and no one thinks that I am a disgusting freak, and so I shouldn't get so down on myself, so I am happy that the opportunity to express your own issues here has benefited you too.
Now Dov, I will accept what you said as Tochacha, since I may have come across earlier as trying to "sell" reparative therapy, and that can certainly make others feel misunderstood, and feel like they are being used as objects in someone else's ego trip,as objects to collect.
Look how many people I have fixed. Look at their wonderful families that they are able to have now, look at all that. You know who did that? ME! Obviously that is just truly vile, debasing behaviour that is no better than just bullying others to uplift oneself.
Now I hate it when a thread just gets 'hijacked' by others and just turns away from what the original poster, the one who felt that he needed to create a thread to focus on a specific issue, wanted, but I do feel that this will be o benefit to everyone here, and is not off topic.
So I want to make myself, and my opinion clear:
I have no belt, no system of notches above my bed that collects the amount of people I have "saved". It is a sad reality that there are actual people out there that do such things.
When it seemed above that I was trying to sell reparative therapy to mynisayon, or anyone else, I was most certainly not. All I was trying to do was explain my own experiences. I went from being basically fully disillusioned at life two months ago, and at the grim prospect of starting to think about dating, and realising that obviously the thing that I was attempting would not work if I would remain feeling that way. Once I decided to stop moping about in my lonesome pity party, and start looking for options before just giving up, my life really changed. I started reading up on what causes all these feeling inside me. Both sides of the sea of opinions out there. I decided to stop saying, well if the APA (american psychological association) decided that it can't (or was it shouldn't be?) be fixed, they obviously know what they are talking about, and I'll just give up trying based on that. I started reading whatever books and thesis's on the subject that I could find, and I started realizing that there really is another side to this story. Nothing was clear cut, I found no secret button to switch off my SSA, but on the other hand, I could see that there was clearly some options for me to at least try. At that point, it was that or just despairing (which truly wasn't also not my only option but that was how I saw it)
I have since then, finished reading up on 2 books on reparative therapy, not all of which involves actively seeing a therapist by the way, there is a lot of benefit to be gained by just reading about what might be contributing factors to SSA, and in doing so, recognizing a series of patterns that could be playing a negative role in one's life. I personally found so many things that I was doing, or on the other hand, avoiding doing because of what I believe contributed to the development of my own SSA, and now that I know what was causing those things, I could start to reactivate my own free will in choosing what truly was good for me, and I did all that without any therapist being involved.
{I had a major breakthrough in dancing with all the other men on simchas torah in shul, and for the first time in my life, I actually felt some joy in dancing, and I didn't feel like an actor in some bizarre show, that was my life, but that is for another time, and another place, so contact me for details if that rings a bell for you.} What I am saying in perhaps too many words, is that I have found reparative therapy, even just reading about what
may cause it's development - and due to this being potentially misinterpreted, I must add yet another tedious disclaimer - (I only speak for myself in this and even though I have never been as sure of anything else in my whole life as sure as I am that my SSA developed because of almost everything that I read about in that book, everyone's story is unique so there are no guarantee's ), and not even actively doing anything about it had already made me much happier, and therefore much more in control of my life.
I said this in this forum, and on this page because I thought that I could feel some of mynisayon's pain in his SSA, and I know that he is another human being, just like me, that feels pain, and I wanted to give him some hope that there are options, and one doesn't always have to be so cynical about never being able to feel any different ever, just because everyone else tells you that you can't. I certainly was not trying to sell him something, and chas v'shalom, I was not trying to make him into an object on my belt.
I have learned above all else, in my ongoing struggle with my own SSA to refuse to accept anything that anyone else says as truth until it rings true to me, as was made clear in the beginning of the book that I linked to and read, above. And just because it has a supposedly 'low' cure rate, some artificial measure by the way, which does not reflect any one persons potential experience with it. Reparative therapy offers some hope to others, it does not claim to just cure all, in fact in their terminology, they only speak in terms of 'change' which reflect a continuum. There can be a total longing and hunger for other mens sexual, and emotion attention, there can be a total feeling of in difference and unexcitement in other women, and there can be anything inbetween. Which includes
less unsettling feels of attraction to ones same sex, and
more potential for heterosexual feelings which I would accept as a worthy goal, even if they never went away fully.
Ok so shabbos is almost in,so I have to go, but in closing, I wanted to apologise, and take responsibility for any ill-feelings that I have caused and consequently any feeling that I may have hurt. I was only trying to help someone that I greatly sympathised with, and I was only trying to share my own experience with reparative therapy and its positive effect on my my own life, and how I can see that it has already benefitted me tremendously.
I hope that in this current post I have made that all clear.
Good shabbos, my amazing friends!