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TOPIC: help 1039 Views

help 16 Sep 2011 05:45 #119215

ive gone almost 2 weeks now... im sinking fast, though. i need some major chizuk!
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Re: help 16 Sep 2011 06:56 #119219

  • obormottel
  • Current streak: 2208 days
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what are you doing that's making you sink? can you do something else?
daily chizul emails are wonderful and you can read them more than once a day if you have to.
But the main point, take it one day at a time. H..l, take it one hour at a time if you're sinking that fast. And if you happen to fall (c'v) get up and try again.
You're a champ. Keep it up!
Baby steps.
If the road is pulling you down, it's a sign that you are going uphill, so just press harder on the gas!

Have a great day - unless, of course, you made other plans.
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Re: help 16 Sep 2011 08:43 #119224

  • hubabuba
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Re: help 16 Sep 2011 13:28 #119240

  • ninetydays
What to think about when you are about to fall? There are so many things.. The problem is you do not have th ablility to think when you are falling.

Hashem gave man a brain and an ever. There is only enough blood for one. When its in the ever the brain shuts off.

Do not let it get to that point.


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Re: help 18 Sep 2011 13:24 #119363

Hold on and keep on trucking.
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Re: help 18 Sep 2011 20:54 #119392

  • struggler1
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Just try to keep trucking, you already put in 2 weeks before you know it it will be 3 weeks... 90 days...120yrs.   
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Re: help 19 Sep 2011 16:40 #119461

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome back to the forum!
What's your plan? Raw self control? Killer shmiras eynayim? Persistent tfilla? Giving up lust?
Read through the tools.  Trying really hard isn't going to work.  You need some new weapons, and you need a plan.
Keep us in the loop.
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Re: help 20 Sep 2011 04:42 #119572

  • 1daat
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Nu, so how are you doing?  Dig deep.  Ask Hashem to save you from the deepest place where you hang out with Him.  Get out of the physical place that you're in.  Go for a walk.  If that's not an option, go take a cold shower.  If that's not an option, stick your fingers in a light socket.  OY, no.  that's not a good one.  Find the funny thread and read through them.  Check out Zmiras Shabbat's thread.  It's usually a rip.

DO something different.

We can't talk you into staying clean.  But we can root for you.

Hang in there.
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Re: help 20 Sep 2011 08:41 #119589

  • Jackabbey
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i am with you 1daat
there is so much more enjoyable functions in life
why not start making three column list whereby you list planned activitys:
column 1: write the activity, for example, "walking for 10 minutes", "calling a brother", etc...
column 2: BEFORE you do the activity, in a grade from 1-100 where 1 is the least, and 100 is the top, grade the amount of predictable pleasure.
column 3: AFTER you have done the activity, write down the actual pleasure recieved in a grade from 1-100 , you will be surprised.
there is so so so much pleasurable enjoyable activity in life, it just gets all doomed by thinking, because that one lusty pleasure i have to stop therefore its all black, its just not true
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