Blacky, Boy do I understand. Only from your wife's point of view. I'm Bipolar. A real bag of tricks. I feel for you. You never know where it's going to come from next.
Is your wife under the care of a psychiatrist? Is she medicated? If not, I suggest you send Rabbi/Dr Twersky an email and ask for help with encouraging her to get medical help. The medication trip works very well for most and not very well for others, not at all for yet others, and can make things worse for a few. But it has helped me a lot.
What my wife at the time did for herself that seemed to work, besides talking to a professional about how to live with me, was to start making a life for herself. Bipolars can be very demanding and feel very entitled. They'll suck you dry. this is not good for you, for her, or for the children. So she started doing things just for herself that brought her some joy without abandoning her relationships with everyone else in the family. Ultimately, though, she left. 20-2o hindsight that was the right thing to do, to protect the kids, to make a new life for herself, and to stop all the drama. I don't know your situation, but even the depressive side of b/p can be very draining for the spouse.
YOU need some help with all this. How about joining a group for spouses/family members of the mentally ill/bipolar disorder. Try googling "wife bipolar group". Just like it's important not to be isolated with our problem, it's important that you get some support, information, and get out of the house for a little while. If that's not an option, try online support groups. NO CHATROOMS.
The other thing she began to do was to swim laps. It got her out of the house and she returned relaxed.
I hope this helps a little.
Beyond that, do the regular stuff: filters, handbooks, posting, Number one priority is our sobriety ("If your traveling with a child, or someone acting like a child, pull the oxygen mask down over you face first, and then put the mask on their face"). As we clean up, our relationship with Hashem changes, deepens, for want of a better word. and of course it's from that relationship that all else flows.
I'm suggesting something different than "He basically told me I had two choices: divorce to save myself, or become a total giver with taking next to nothing". I'm not a tzaddik yet, so being a total giver is out of the question. so I have to deal with myself the way I find myself just now. I have limitations. If each day I am given a spiritual reprieve from acting out, taking a second look (a work still in progress), indulging in the yh's seductions, if I'm doing my little work everyday and doing what I can to keep my spiritual condition, then the rest seems to flow from there. I'm a very limited person, this seems to be the best I can cope with for now. Baby steps aren't an option just yet. I'm still trying to stand up.
My experience has been that I have to keep my sobriety my number one priority. Oddly, especially during the summer, it is all the pritzus that forces me to keep making those choices throughout the day. What would I do without the temptation? I wouldn't have a clue how to be a tzaddik. so if I keep making those little choices all through the day and night, as best I can, then when I daven, or leyn or just have a talk (R' Nachman again), I settle down, my tzuris lightens, I know everything will be ok, one way or another.
I'm sorry for how long this turned out to be. I'll keep it short from now on.
You've got a really tough situation. And no you're not being a cry baby. Cry, baby, cry.
Much love