Sorry this is another long megillah. But it's your fault

You wrote:
NebulaMud wrote on 29 Aug 2011 20:01:
I can either ignore that and risk falling, or face it and give myself a shot at winning! This emphasis that you have made about getting to terms with the fact that one cannot be a temporary addict makes me all the more confused since your posting">over here seems to completely contradict this! Over there you said the following
If so, why in the world do you think you are an addict at all? I do not get it. What you describe sounds pretty normal to me.
The case over there seems to be exactly this, the fact that our dear friend over there once had a problem does not mean that he is beyond it now. Yes his behaviour lately is nothing but amazing, with all the growing that he has clearly done, and the amazing talmid chacham that he is clearly becoming, and the seriousness of his avodas hashem etc, I don't need to list any more qualities of greatness that he clearly displays but nevertheless, if he once had a problem, doesn't that mean he still has that problem, and to ignore it could C"V lead to as you said
So if I really am an addict, then I must freely admit it to other safe people. If I do not, then I will not actually be admitting it to myself and I will eventually act out my lust again and again, and die from my problem (after it takes every good thing in my life and turns it into trash).
It sounds like you believe that no matter how great you become and how far you are from where you once were, there is no ex-addict! Please could you clarify what you mean here and there, because right now I am rather confused. Addict or no?
A few things I need to clear up about what I believe. And I am not asking anyone else to agree, just clearing the air because confusion messes up our connection.
1- I do not believe there is such a thing as a "winner", per se, with an addiction, and I do not typically use the term. Rather, I believe that I
can live one day at a time in more and more freedom from the tyrrany of lust. And also that I
can be allowed by Hashem to live a miracle: I can be sober till I die. All I need to do is
let Him. That was what I was not doing all those years I was struggling to
not do zera levatolah, to
not lie to my family, later to my wife, etc. All those years were poisoned with ego. Hashem was my Superman, and I was his failing and pathetic servant - always struggling to achieve that 'greatness' of being tahor. It all sounds nice...but
it did not work for me. And it
still doesn't. I wrote about that in my very first post on GYE (really an email to Guard) about two and a half years ago.
And what would a "winner" be? A person who has the power to use
only a bit of porn or lust without 'going all the way'?
"No, no,
no, dov, you don't understand, at all! That's not
at all what we mean by that! We mean a person who
never uses porn,
always sees women as real people and not sex objects, and is only sexual with their wives in a healthy and happy way.
That's what we want. Oh -
and who has a burning desire for
Hashem instead of for the rear-ends of the shiksas on the subway....
and can shower without ever getting an erection...and
never fantasizes sexual stuff nor is ever driven to use porn, then comes to a wet dream at night c"v.... - - - - -anything
else on the shopping list?
That is not humility, but the height of gayvoh. And so many of the innocent sweet and pure yidden here expect this of themselves from day one! Do they understand that the habit they built for years or even decades is actually part of their lives? Do they understand how their avodas Hashem would probably fall apart completely if they really changed into non-lusters
today? They do not see how their habit is
part of their relationship with Hashem. The extremes of: "Take me baaack!" - and then - the ectasy of purity and kedusha! The deveikus! The see-saw we all know as frum yidden. Most of us grew into manhood and into our
serious yiddishkeit
together with this problem. And we are so prideful to imagine they are really separate? That our yiddishkeit as we approach it has been one of the major feeders of our addiction? Come on. Our yiddishkeit is twisted in some fine way. It must be. For if it was not, why did we need to masturbate and do porn so much all these years? But I digress, as usual.
The expectations of our tzidkus above, I see as nothing more than a prideful list of things that we expect Hashem to do for us. As righteous as it all may sound, that is not avodas Hashem, but avodas atzmi. "I want to be a tzaddik, not a Rosho!" Pure gayvo. And I will have no part of it, be"H. Not because I am a good guy, but because
it does not work for me!
I want what Hashem gives me. Sure, lusting in any of those ways above causes me pain and makes me crazy and useless - and
that is why I do not want them. I want to live. And the biggest requirement of living that recovery is teaching me is: living life on lifes (we say
Hashem's) terms. It is the essence of hachno'oh. That is, surrender. It is mesiras Nefesh - giving over myself to Hashem. Not because He is so great, but because I can't make it without Him. My addiction proved that to me more than anything else did.
2- I do not believe that most guys - even frum guys - who use porn and masturbate, are addicts. You use the terms interchangably. I do not. I believe that an addict is a person who cannot stop. He looks at his life and history and decides that he has already lost. It is not hard for him to remain clean and have a good, happy, and useful life - but it is impossible. He sees that his lusting behaviors drag him out of the real world. Not just because the kitzur or his rov
or Hashem says that his behaviors are so bad, but because that's what happends to him - his life is being ruined by it. he davens and his G-d is not saving him. He just is not making it for years and years and he has the humilty to accept that he has lost and will only lose more. he often does not see it until after marriage, because so many of us really believe that being able to finally have sex with a woman will 'take the edge off' and give us control of our drug. Then we get married and after a short time discover that it only makes it worse! Sadly, that makes a lot of decent, good addicts lose faith in
Chaza"l. For didn't they teach us that a woman makes you happy? A
whole person? That he will finally have
pas besalo and that "a wife is
matzilaso min hacheit"?
I went to a good rov for advice about my porn problem and my being so painfully unsatisfied with sex with my wife, and he actually (100% innocently) advised me to explain to her that she must have sex with me more often and do more positions and other stuff as I wanted her to. He was operating in a simple world, and was european. He simply did not understand that sexual abstinence would actually draw us closer than my sex would. He thought that my hunger could be satisfied by a real women, after being trained for years in fantasy women. Ha. (Of course, I went home and told her that and she was not very happy....and it did not work to help me, either.)
So, when I say I am not so sure that fellow is really an addict,
I mean just that. He may have a porn and even a habit of having sex with himself (you call it masturbation), but that does not mean he is a loser to lust as I am. The Yetzer Hora of most men for sex and porn actually has very little to do with addiction, really. Addiction does not respond well to the normal tools for fighting the YH. Hey, that's why it is not working for some people. If the guy in that post is not an addict, why try to brainwash him that he is? I don't get it. Is it misery loves company? He will not be helped by these tools. And even if he
could be helped by them - if they do not ring true in his opwn heart, he will fail. He will not use them.
The 1st step is a admission of me being a loser. Unmanageable by me, and a loser to lust. The 2nd step is an admission of having some insanity, and of needing a miracle to regain that sanity. The 3rd is giving myself into Hashem's trusted care. Why should I do that if I still think that by my hard tefillah and my strong eisek baTorah I will purify myself enough to merit freedom from ly lust problem? That person does not really need G-d! He needs his siddur and a gemorah - and he knows exactly how to use both.
And that approach apparently works OK for normal people - even frum ones! Somehow
they do not get twisted and keep Hashem really in there. I (and many addicts, apparently) get all screwed up (and end up acting out). I lose Hashem quite easily. Sure, Sheim Shomayim shagur be'fi...but that's not enough. If I was really
with Hashem, then how did I always end up sneaking a peek at the dirty magazine? It was so very deeply precious to me - my hands were shaking with anticipation, my breath shallow - you all know exactly what I mean cuz youv'e all been there! How did I end up masturbating (with great guilt, fear - and excitement) on that bathroom floor? Why was it so
predictable? How did I do it
again?! Where was Hashem? Did I really feel He was taking fine care of me? But then why did I need to take the job into my own hands? Any addict who uses lust is saying, "G-d, I know You are really great. But since I obviously feel in my very gut that I really,
really need this, and
You say I can't have it/do it! I am really sorry, but I am trusting
myself rather than you to take good care of me. Pardon me, but You apparently do not realy know what You are doing.
I know how to take good care of myself, here's how..." And since that is what is really going on for us in acting out, I do not blame the poor guy who goes ahead and acts out. He is sick in the head. That means me - I am sick in the head when I act out. But the chiddush to me in recovery is that the reason we act out is because we are twisted in the head. The AAs say that our problem is an a=obsession of the mind and an allergy of the body. We are really sick.
We need G-d - not our brains - to save us. Our brains and our bodies are the sick things that got us in this mess to begin with, and they will not get us out. So action is the solution, not more thinking. And the rest of the steps are about action. Na'aseh first, for addicts, then nishma - we get our heads screwed on straight by taking the right actions. Posting is nice, but it is not really taking
enough action - it is a big machlokess whether dibur is asiyah or not! (derech tzachus, there). Take action, and more action...hatzlocha!
(If you want to understand better what I mean by "losing Hashem quite easily" look for the post about the midrash about the three malchei Yisroel who acted three different ways in wartime.)