I highlighted some of the stuff you wrote above in order to make a point that many others never seen to accept, but you seem ready to.
Some folks seem to just love saying, "Once an addict, always an addict." They innocently think that it is a good insurance plan and warn everybody that they must remember that they are doomed.
But I think that's a mistake, and my sponsor was the first to show me that. He told me that we can never say that for others - only for ourselves. If humility is necessary in recovery (which it is), then where do any of us come off making such a pronouncement on
anyone? Are we suddenly bestowed with godlike knowledge of the disease - or of them? Are we prophets? Doctors? Wise men (or women)? If we feel we are, then I say, "good luck staying sober, brother!" No way. I accept that it is entirely possible for some person out there to be truly healed from this addiction - even if they
are addicts. Maybe it'll work for them. Surely the 12 steps and meetings do not work for
But as far as I can tell so far, for me,
I will always assume that I am a powerless addict. I have had so much 'trouble' in my life because of what you described so well:
overconfidence and wishful thinking. Hashem has given me a good bunch of brains, yet by all appearances when it comes to knowing that I am healthy, I am just plain dumb. Farm-boy dumb. As a result - as a sober person today - I fully accept that no matter how much progress I make, it is truly suicidal for me to assume I no longer need to live by these 12 steps and meet with other addicts as a fellow addict.
[Now, a digression: Let me define what "not needing to live by these 12 steps" means. It means not seeing myself as powerless to [b]
use [/b]and
control and
enjoy lust - which includes using womens' images, fantasy in my mind, sex fantasy and neediness with my wife, lying about or intentionally hiding or faking
anything - good or bad, taking credit for my recovery or sobriety rather than seeing it as (an undeserved) daily reprieve granted to me by Hashem Himself, and also no longer needing to see my emotional challenges as lying squarely with
me and me alone....in other words, I can now blame Hashem and people for my circumstances again. Whew, what a relief! I can really
live again! :

How pathetic.
As I guess you can see, that would of course be very silly and stupid of me. No longer 'needing' these things (
by which I was able to remain sober in the first place) would mean -
for me - slipping back into a life that
made me need the nechoma of sweet porn, fantasy, masturbation, strip clubs and other stuff in the first place!
But you may be able to live without any of these things. I have seen so many backslides and so much hubris and stupidity around me in all the others who have failed by the hands of pride, "holiness", overconfidence, that I want no part of it. They are the same ones who still masturbate their heads off but whine about how they need the RMB"M's "Teshuvah gemurah (oso isha, etc.)" to finally, finally be "cured".]
Cured for what, I wonder? For not having to need to struggle any more? For Hashem to
finally really like us?
Bubkess. I think that we go halfway because we really want the luxury of feeling we are doing something about our problem - yet keep that 'free pass' (we like to call it 'our bechirah' :

) so that we can keep our
really dirty secrets and keep using them...these guys are almost
never the ones going to "live meetings". They still protect their dirtiest secrets enough - so they can still act out without too much shame. If they regularly attend and share at the same 'real live' meetings then others there
will know! How will they still act out and
crawl back? They feel they are like Rav Shimon bar Yochai going into his cave - but they bring a sandwich along 'just in case'. They
hide just enough to still protect our precious acting out. And their lust for "teshuvah gemurah" is just that: another lust for something they do not have. It's just
lust. It has nothing to do with Hashem, at all. Even their
avodas Hashem is all and only about them and what they get and have and can 'be known as'. How can this lead to sobriety or even to happiness?
I say "they" and "them" - but I know it because
it is me, too! I took that route for nearly twenty years. I am also that fool! The only reason I have sobriety and have been in recovery these years so far is because I was forced to. I just couldn't take it any more, boruch Hashem. And that itself was a gift from Hashem, it seems. For, as you put it: "mah nishtanah"?
OK. So I bless you - especially if you had the ability to actually read this megillah - to reject any thoughts of being cured. But not because of some 'motto' or dogma - but because you said it yourself about you. Lose all concern with getting healed and instead choose learning one day at a time to honestly and truly live
with Hashem and
with his people (all people). You wrote that the connection was missing - this is what recovery is for. Connection (yesod). Thoughts of being 'stronger' are just plain stupid - and in your case, probably dangerous (and certainly
ossur, if you favor that religious perspective

). And as you wrote, knowledge about the nature of "this disease and how it works" has not worked for you. It does not get us sober. We, like Avraham avinu at the akeida, only change through action. Hashem knew Avraham would do it - but Avraham and Yitchok needed to DO it, and Hashem knew that. We live ourselves into right thinking, not the other way around - trying yet again to think our way out of this just gets us back into the bathroom masturbating.
Be ever more powerless over using, controlling and enjoying lust. How many times do we need to get thrown off the wild bull before we finally admit we can't ride one? Maybe others can - truly - but not me or you. That's the way I am -
less powerful over lust
than ever. Growing more ability to use lust would be the opposite of recovery. In recovery, we need no proof of Hashem's power and of His love for us - we are sober today, and that's enough proof, right there. Yet I can still function normally sexually with my wife - that has nothing necessarily to do with lust (but that's an entirely different topic). And fear of women is just plain silly, too. They are not the problem - your lust is. I interact with Hashem's people appropriately without problems - that's obviously what He wants. Most people in recovery who I know find that hiding from women just makes them even more vulnerable to lusting and deifying women and their power. They are just real people, that's all. Like us. OK, enough already.
Hatzlocha. Stay here and post your brains out. And do what you really feel you need - not halfway. Go and do what you
need, rather than what you are
comfortable doing. There is a big difference between doing what your heart tells you is 'right for you', vs doing what you feel comfortable doing. Chuck the fear and go for the gold, man. Don't stop now.