I do not like mixing the two because I do not believe that for an addict (which many here likely are not, but some are) it's irrelevant that it is an aveiro. Of course it is still an aveiro - but that is not the point. The point is that it has become an obsession and an insanity that is supported by a whole structure of false beliefs and messed up thinking.
I need to learn how to stop first. And that may take a year...not to stop - anyone can stop. But to stay stopped one day at a time, to really be free of the obsession - that is the goal.
And that is not Teshuvah at all, as far as I can tell. Teshuvah comes afterward. Maybe it is part - just part - of azivas hacheit. But that's it. The real Teshuvah is a lifelong process for me, as far as I can see. And my program helps me through that, too. But it is way after "sobriety".
So mixing them together is OK from Hashem's perspective, for He sees that recovery is part of our quitting and Teshuvah. But for us, the teshuvah is the result of recovery - but not recovery itself.
Like staying alive as a result of learning how to drive safely. You do not call a driving course a "staying alive course," and you do not learn how to drive thinking all the while, "Oy! I need to prevent myself from getting killed in a car accident!". That would be nuts and create a crazy driver.
Rather, he learns how to drive. And memeilah he does not get killed by driving into an oncoming truck at a red light. Its the fruit of learning how to drive right.
Teshuvah, I believe, is the eventual natural fruit of learning how to be sober. But it is way beyond the scope of mere sobriety, as far as I am concerned.
But the real reason I separate them is practical. Nearly every religious guy (whether Jewish or lh' not!) who I know that has chronic failure in sobriety keeps repeating the same thing to me: I am so ashamed before my G-d and before people, I need to try praying much harder, I am sinning so badly, etc.
And these are the people who when AA tells them to trash the shame and admit they have a disease, respond: "But if I say that then I'll just keep sinning even more!" really they will not, they'll give up and quit...but it is the pride of religious conquest over their weakness that they simply cannot manage to give up, that's all. So they choose to stay ashamed and cannot admit their obsessions to others - for they are so ashamed of their obvious evil. They cannot really sincerely ask their Higher Power for help - for of course they feel they morally do not deserve it. They keep 'sinning' because the intense sweet pleasure of porn and masturbation is the only thing that they are left enjoying - for their G-d and religion obviously is not working for them...they are failures at it, no?
Ther are other opinions, but that is the one I accepted from my sponsor, a chssidishe rov who is a sex addict and visited prostitutes for years until he got sober, be"H, and from others who accept AA as I understand (or misunderstand) it. It's working for them and it's working for me.
PS - as far as making my own spouse my partner, that took me a long time, for first I had to stop acting in a way that trashed the relationship. I got the help I really needed to quit one day at a time, and slowly was able to bring her into my recovery - and we are great partners today. But she is not an addict and does not and will never understand. And she knows it. Heck, she will never unsderstand what it is like to be a normal guiy - let alone an addicted guy! We love eachother more than ever, boruch Hashem, and she knows my entire story with every single detail. But that's another story...