The offline journey of an Old Freind:
I woke-up an hour early, well rested and happy to enjoy the early-morning tranquility of ארץ ישראל. By the early morning calm you can hear the feint tick-tick of the keyboard as I am overcome by an inhumane obsession, my internet addcition.Something must stop!
I am ashamed to show my face in kollel, my absence has been long-noted, and my facial expression shows everyone just how much i'm 'in trouble'. So instead of running out to learn, i wish my wife a good say as I accompany HER out on HER way to support ME. Ow I know this hurts her so much to see me like this. So despite how accusing it sounds, i put the computer's modem in her purse, aking her to take it with her. She knows "i love the computer", and she knows i as once addicted, and she susspects I am NOW TOO. But despite the risk of her finding her fears to be true, I know that I need to do ANYTHING to stop this.
After 2 hours of 'trying' anything to see pics, I finnaly give-up. I have nothing but chasunah pics, and B"H everyone there is revoltingly ugly, but my wife (hashem did me a favor). I open a shiur from R Yaakov galinsky, and hear an inspiring vort: אחת שאלתי מאת ה'... There are 4 types of שומרים (a שומר שכר/חינם, שואל, שוכר) and David hamelech teaches us that his nashama in 'on loan' as a שאלה. Oy, nobody is more responsible than a שואל! So what does he ask for שבתי בבית השם, and therefore our הנהגות have the דין of בעליו עמו... and we are פטור בנזקים of our neshama. "Let go and let G-D"
שאינו בחיקך כאשר ישא ...
But we cannot realise such a freat, untill we make הקב"ה an intricate part of our daily lives. How to do that... there are a million דרכים. And the purpose of them is universal, ואני קרבת אלו-ים לי טוב' וכל זולת זה שיחשביהו בני אדם לטוב אינו!