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A thought for shavu'os
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A Board for Yidden who are not as addicted, and for whom Torah/Chizuk/Chassidus can still help them stop.
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TOPIC: A thought for shavu'os 2020 Views

A thought for shavu'os 22 May 2015 16:44 #255313

  • shlomo613
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 433
  • Karma: 27
In the aseres hadibros it says: lo yiheye lecha elohim acheirim al panai velo se'avdeim.
It says that the yidden only served avoda zara in order to permit arayos. So the question is: given that it's all done for their pleasure, why does it say a lashon of serving when in actuality it's the idol serving them.
I think the answer speaks to each of us addicts profoundly.
We began with lust and mastarbation because it gave us something (this is why it says plain and simple lo yiheyeh). But then the avoda Zara ends up becoming out master (and a cruel one at that) - we end up serving it - as each of us addicts knows. And that's what the Torah is continuing: velo se'avdeim.
Good Yom tov!
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