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Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros
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Im Paga be’cha menuval zeh, mushchei'hu le- BEIS HAMEDRASH! This board is for divrei Torah relating to our struggle with the Yetzer Hara, from the entire spectrum of Tanach, Chazal, Mussar and Chassidus. On this board there will be no posts about personal struggles and no debates. Only TORAH CHIZUK.

TOPIC: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 37679 Views

Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 29 Dec 2011 21:01 #129549

  • ZemirosShabbos
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Parshas Vayigash

וישימני לאב לפרעה

לא"ב is roshei taivos (acronym) אשירה לה' בחיי אזמרה לאלקי בעודי
through shira and zimra we can escape and be released from the clutches of Par'oh

Likutei Imrai Chaim
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 29 Dec 2011 21:23 #129558

  • gibbor120
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ZemirosShabbos wrote on 29 Dec 2011 21:01:

the Shiltei Giborim
I like this vort already .

ZemirosShabbos wrote on 29 Dec 2011 21:01:

last year my daughter found another remez, where Yehuda says ונלכה ונחיה, the last two letters of  venailaichah and the first three of the word venichye spell chanuka.

Does she do computer codes at aish hatorah? WOW!

Nice vort!
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 29 Dec 2011 21:38 #129562

  • ZemirosShabbos
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gibbor120 wrote on 29 Dec 2011 21:23:

Does she do computer codes at aish hatorah? WOW!

Nice vort!

thank you Gibor for your kind words and for reading my posts
my daughter found it after i challenged my kids to find the letters of chanuka in the parsha. i gave them some hints and promised some sugary stuff, the exact details i have since forgotten. while looking for the Shiltei Giborim's remez she found another one.
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 30 Dec 2011 15:11 #129609

  • ZemirosShabbos
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Parshas Vayigash

Vayisa yisrael vechol asher lo.

The Midrash says that Yakov went to cut the cedars that Avrohom planted in Beer Sheva.

How can we understand this seemingly bizarre idea?

Kol Hashem shover arazim, vayeshaber Hashem es arzei halevanon. Some trees are planted in a place where instead of producing fruit and reaching their fulfillment they produce inferior and faulted produce. These arazim are nishmos yisrael that Avraham 'planted' in Beer Sheva. Yakov went to uproot them and bring them down to Mitzrayim in order to fulfill their mission there and to sustain and strengthen the yidden in galus and ultimately to build the Mishkan from these very arazim.

Ohev Yisrael from the Apta Rav zy'a

Sometimes we may feel uprooted and out-of-place in a lowly environment, but ultimately the RBSO is building His mishkan through us.
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Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 10 Jan 2012 21:18 #130506

  • ZemirosShabbos
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Parshas Shmos

Lama harei'osa la'am hazeh ki may'az basi ledaber bishmecha hayra la'am hazeh

The Midrash gives a mashal to a king whose subjects acted disrespectful to him and incurred his wrath.
The king's faithful minister, seeing how angry he was at the people, went and slighted the king's honor in some small manner.
He went to the king and confronted him, saying "if you're angry at the people you should be angry at me too".
The king had no choice but to forgive all parties.

Moshe Rabeinu saw that the RBSO was angry at the yidden for not believing Moshe and for complaining so went and joined them in a way, in order to placate the RBSO (keveyachol) by doing so.

The RBSO told Moshe "ata sir'eh", now you will see what I will do to Mitzrayim.
Rashi says, that the meaning is that now you will see, and not the war of the 31 kings which will take place when the yidden enter Eretz Yisrael.
This is usually understood as a punishment to Moshe Rabeinu.

Perhaps it can be understood somewhat differently.
Chazal say that Moshe Rabeinu is buried in the midbar and not in Eretz Yisrael because he will lead the Dor Hamidbar into Eretz Yisrael when Moshiach comes.

So what the RBSO is saying may be this: You stood in solidarity with the yidden when they were down and out.
I am giving you another opportunity to do so, when the Dor Hamidbar will be forced to remain in the desert and not be allowed into Eretz Yisrael you will remain with them too and ultimately lead them into Eretz Yisrael.
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 12 Jan 2012 22:13 #130726

  • ZemirosShabbos
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There are numerous tikkunim for pegamim in kedusha, but the greatest tikkun of all is Shabbos Kodesh, and especially the shabbosim of shovavim.

Divrei Shmuel - Slonim
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 12 Jan 2012 22:21 #130728

  • ZemirosShabbos
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Parshas Shmos

someone (from kentucky....) sent this to me as a gift

here it is:

Hashem tells Moshe rabbainu
Tell the yidden pakod pakaditi

Zuggt rashi
This was a mesora that the eventual savior
will say the code words pakod pakadti

we are all in mitzrayim
Metzer yam
we are all enslaved and
we serve our different levels of shibud to mitzrayim

So listen up tayere yidden
Pakod pakaditi
That's the code word

When someone says it

Just know u are steps away from your personal redemption

who? what? when?

Ok here is a teretz that would work in zip code 40004

Pakod is פקד
The same letters as דפק
דפק is a knock

Kol dodi dofek

Once in a while we hear a small little "klop"
It is a defek

Hashem is whispering

Psssssssssttttt. ... Hello there pokod pakaditi

Nuchh merr

Some times we chap a "klop"

That klop is is reminder "hello i'm calling you"

Kol dodi dofeik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
Last Edit: 13 Jan 2012 15:12 by .

Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 12 Jan 2012 22:26 #130731

  • ZemirosShabbos
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אם יאמר לך אדם היכן אלקיך, תאמר לו בכרך גדול שברומי, שנאמר אלי קורא משעיר. נמצא שזה האדם ששאל היכן אלקיך, בוודאי הוא משוקע במדור הקליפות, כי הוציא א״ע מן הכלל וכפר בעיקר, שאמר היכן אלקיך ונדמה לו שבמקומו אין שם אלקיס, בכן תאמר לו אפילו במקומך, שאתה משוקע במדור הקליפות, ג״כ שם תוכל למצוא אלקותו, כי הוא מחיה אה הכל כמ"ש ואתה מחיה את כולם, ומשם אתה יכול לדבק את עצמך בו ית׳, ולשוב אליו בתשובה שלימה, כי לא רחוקה היא ממך, אלא שבמקומך שם רבו הלבושים:

Likutei Moharan 1, 33
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 13 Jan 2012 14:51 #130784

  • heuni memass
Beautiful - zem.

I gotta check in to this thread more often.

Yasher Koach - And a good Shabbos!
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 15 Jan 2012 10:37 #130838

  • TehillimZugger
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ZemirosShabbos wrote on 12 Jan 2012 22:21:

Parshas Shmos
Hashem tells Moshe rabbainu
Tell the yidden pakod pakaditi

Zuggt rashi
This was a mesora that the eventual savior
will say the code words pakod pakadti

we are all in mitzrayim
Metzer yam
we are all enslaved and
we serve our different levels of shibud to mitzrayim

So listen up tayere yidden
Pakod pakaditi
That's the code word

When someone says it

Just know u are steps away from your personal redemption

who? what? when?

Ok here is a teretz that would work in zip code 40004

Pakod is פקד
The same letters as דפק
דפק is a knock

Kol dodi dofek

Once in a while we hear a small little "klop"
It is a defek

Hashem is whispering

Psssssssssttttt. ... Hello there pokod pakaditi

Nuchh merr

Some times we chap a "klop"

That klop is is reminder "hello i'm calling you"

Kol dodi dofeik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

zemmy i think you're being a bit t5oo liberal in dispensing klopps. in bardichev they don't klop so often
so what's the klop?
reb reuven margaliot in his sefer margenita dreb meir brings from reb meir of premishlan: teven ein nitan leavdecha even though we don't have sechel [tevuna] to do teshuva, ulevenim omrim but our white hairs remind us.... וד"ל
?דער באשעפער לאווט מיך אייביג. וויפיל לאוו איך עהם
My Creator loves me at all times. How great is my love for him?
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 16 Jan 2012 17:36 #130924

  • ZemirosShabbos
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hi TZ, that vort is from bards, not my own, and he is the powerbroker in bardichev and decides how many klops are de riguer
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 15 Feb 2012 22:51 #133100

  • ZemirosShabbos
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Parshas Mishpatim

וכי יזיד איש על רעהו להרגו בערמה מעם מזבחי תקחנו למות

In the Siddur Ha'Ari he quotes the Ramak who quotes Eliyahu Hanavi with a segula to banish improper thoughts.

If a thought enters your mind say the possuk: אש תמיד תוקד על המזבח לא תכבה

This can be merumaz in the posuk. Vechee yazid ish - the Yetzer Hara, al re'ehu - on his companion in a person's heart, the Yetzer Tov, lehargo be'armah - to destroy him, may'im mizbechi - with the posuk of 'aish tomid tukad al hamizbay'ach lo sichbeh', tikachenu lamus - you can banish him.

Avodas Yisrael - The Koznitzer Maggid zy'a

In a similar vein one can possibly say:
Vechee yazid ish - the Yetzer Hara, al re'ehu - on his companion in a person's heart, the Yetzer Tov, lehargo be'armah - to destroy him with 'armah' milashon eirom... lust, may'im mizbechi - with sacrifice and letting go of self/ego, tikachenu lamus - you can banish him.
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 16 Feb 2012 10:38 #133121

  • Blind Beggar
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Two great vorts in one post Zemmy.
Thanks a million.
The Blind Beggar is a character in Rebbe Nachman's story of the Seven Beggars.
If I view a woman as an object, I am powerless over lust, but I don't have to look.
I can guard my eyes.
I want to guard my eyes.
I do guard my eyes.
Why do I say these four lines?
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 16 Feb 2012 10:50 #133122

  • TehillimZugger
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ZemirosShabbos wrote on 15 Feb 2012 22:51:

may'im mizbechi - with sacrifice and letting go of self/ego,

Fire descends from on high in the shape of a lion,
Burn a sacrifice of pride and ride on to Mount Zion.

Rub me the wrong way, taking the highway
Rubbing sticks together but your fire's man-made
Capitalize on hot air, soar like an airplane
Yearn to rise in the sky
quick high like cocaine
False pride is suicide,
you've got nothing to gain

Heavenly fire only resides on an altar made from the ground

?דער באשעפער לאווט מיך אייביג. וויפיל לאוו איך עהם
My Creator loves me at all times. How great is my love for him?
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Re: Divrei Torah collected by Zemiros 07 Mar 2012 16:51 #134389

  • ZemirosShabbos
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Pitachta saki vatazraini simcha.
The Chidushei Harim said on Purim: all year long the Yetzer Hara keeps us in a bag and we don't see reality. on Purim the bag is opened and we have simcha.

Siach Sarfei Kodesh
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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