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Yesodos from succa daf 52
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Im Paga be’cha menuval zeh, mushchei'hu le- BEIS HAMEDRASH! This board is for divrei Torah relating to our struggle with the Yetzer Hara, from the entire spectrum of Tanach, Chazal, Mussar and Chassidus. On this board there will be no posts about personal struggles and no debates. Only TORAH CHIZUK.

TOPIC: Yesodos from succa daf 52 5585 Views

Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 24 Jun 2009 00:53 #7152

  • PostalServicio
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I'm hesitant to add a comment...but a reason I heard (R' Shafier from TheShmuz.con) that the tzadikim are crying after the yh has been slaughtered is that they no longer have the opportunity to fight, to grow, to show H' how much they are willing to do for Him. The tzadikim realize how much they actually needed the yh in order to get them to reach great heights. For these reasons, they cry and mourn for their "friend"; their opponent is gone, so the war is over...so now what? Their existence is no longer what it was when the yh was around.

Thank you so much for organizing and expounding on these yesodos!
Last Edit: 24 Jun 2009 01:08 by AABBWW1250.

Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 24 Jun 2009 00:57 #7153

  • Noorah BAmram
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Postal my dearest chaver,
Why are you hesitant? How dare u withhold from us such a gem? ;
[b]כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם[/b] 
A Tzadik is he who continues to  bounce back after he hits bottom, even a hundred times !!!!!Rav Don Segal Shlita
Last Edit: by AABBWW1250.

Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 24 Jun 2009 03:21 #7159

  • Noorah BAmram
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Quote Why is the yatzer hara referred to as a string altogether?
The question of the wise are in themselves half the answer

Perhaps the analogy can be understood as follows: the purpose of a string is to bind together 2 disparate objects. When the menuvel first stops by to solicit our business, we may say to ourselves "look let me sample the wares, I can always send him packin on his way" that thought "that I can sever the relationship at any time that I feel like" is the "thin strand" but in the end as the business relationship progresses the "ties" that connects and attaches us to the menuvel becomes more n more shall we say "binding" pun intended

Like a student before his master I remain
[b]כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם[/b] 
A Tzadik is he who continues to  bounce back after he hits bottom, even a hundred times !!!!!Rav Don Segal Shlita
Last Edit: by strangecloud.

Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 24 Jun 2009 11:37 #7188

  • battleworn
Reb Yaakov, this thread is already very beautiful and even more promising. Orgaanizing these sugyas is of utmost importance. And you're doing a wonderful job.

Last Edit: by brandnewlife.

Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 24 Jun 2009 11:58 #7193

  • the.guard
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Noorah, perhaps you were Mechaven to the gemara that says that the yetzer Hara appears at first as a thing string, only to grow into a rope as thick as for cattle!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by Rany01.

Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 24 Jun 2009 12:31 #7202

  • ChaimChaim
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I appreciate your investment in time, in order to help us all learn this Chazal, lemaaseh. You are right for going to one of the main sources for inspiration.
I will add a bit of Perush and some additional questions

1. The gemara is on Daf 52. A siman to remember the daf is that 52 is gimatria = BeHaMaH.
As Chazal Say in Sotah, about the Sotah woman: that her actions are like a BeHaMah and therefore her meal-offering is Barley, which is Animal food.So we see that going after the ways of the YH of illicit relationships is called being a BeHaMah.
This adds to my understanding of being addicted. As is pointed out many times on this site - when confronted by the nisayon - it is almost impossible for an addict to resist. He has NO free choice. This is what it feels like to be a BeHaMa, just animalistic nature with no thinking capabilities.
Obviously the addict has a choice whether to enter the whirlpool intentionally with the surety of being sucked in - or to Let Go & step away and around the YH.

2. The Great Eulogy is also interpreted as referring to the Moshiach ben Yosef being killed. This will be around the time of Moshiach ben Dovid, who is referred to later on. The physical aspects of the geulah, represented by Moshiach B. Yosef - will have reached their peak, and will need the infusion of the spiritual powers of Moshiach B Dovid in order to bring new, higher "life" to these material gains.

Similarly, the end of days, will be a time that the Yezer will no longer be needed. Hashem will Shecht him. The game is up! The YH was needed to enable free choice through battle with him. No Longer. The Tzaddikim can now rest (after they finish crying - which will help them internalize & appreciate their previous Avodas HaShem ).

3. Section #4. Some added questions:
What are the different aspects of Torah referred to as Water and Bread?
How does each one deal with the YH?
What do coals on the head of the YH mean? What happens to him?
The coals seems connected with section #9 where the Torah is compared to Fire
What does the YH contribute to me as a friend?

Thank you again

Last Edit: by yosef cohen.

Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 26 Jun 2009 14:30 #7477

  • tester613
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I am sorry for not updating the thread in a few days.  Every day that I came to the forum to update I ended up posting on other threads and then ran out of time. 
So here are the two new section
Section #11 – Internalizing the Yetzer Hara
Section #12 – From Passerby to Master of the House

These two deal more with addictions.  Enjoy!

I really want to thank the chabura for taking part in this especially PostalServicio, who was hesitant.  I have a secret for you PostalServicio. As you know, you took a break for a while from GYE.  However, every week when I went to the kosel to daven for all the yidden on the site, I would look at your name and wonder whether I should take the name off as perhaps you are no longer a member.  And I knew you would return.  So I continued davening.  We need you here. 

Chaim, thanks for your elaboration and "introduction".  It was really very beautiful.  One question to think about.  If the idea of shecting the y"h was because we no longer need him, why did hashem shect him? Why not just kill him?

I want to now summarize some of the ideas that have been presented so far.

Section #1- Eulogy of the Yetzer Hara
Why are the tzaddikkim crying:
  • Noorah:they are crying from HAPPINESS. That they forged ahead anyhow. [see maharsha who says in theiry this is a good pshat but rejects it because the gemora calls it a eulogy]
  • Postal:they no longer have the opportunity to fight, to grow, to show H' how much they are willing to do for Him. The tzadikim realize how much they actually needed the yh in order to get them to reach great heights. For these reasons, they cry and mourn for their "friend"; their opponent is gone, so the war is over...so now what? Their existence is no longer what it was when the yh was around.  Wow!  Chaim's explanation helps a lot understand.

Both of these explanations should give chizzuk to ourselves as we rejoice in our efforts and realize how good life is. 

Section #2-Thin to Thick
Why is the yetzer hara referred to as a string altogether?
  • Noorah:Perhaps the analogy can be understood as follows: the purpose of a string is to bind together 2 disparate objects. When the menuvel first stops by to solicit our business, we may say to ourselves "look let me sample the wares, I can always send him packin on his way" that thought "that I can sever the relationship at any time that I feel like" is the "thin strand" but in the end as the business relationship progresses the "ties" that connects and attaches us to the menuvel becomes more n more shall we say "binding" pun intended
Last Edit: by teshuvah5773.

Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 29 Jun 2009 19:12 #7658

  • Efshar Letaken
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Reb Ykv,

I need some Water!

Ein Mayim Alo Torah!

Please keep the shiurim going!

Last Edit: by mamamana.

Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 30 Jun 2009 17:53 #7787

  • ChaimChaim
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Why does HaShem Shecht not Kill the YH - in the end of days (also in Chad Gadya)
Shecting is a tikun to the animal that we are to eat. We then are able to make this meat a part of our lives, and use the strehgt thereby gained to positively worship Hashem (not just stay away from issur).
SHechting is a halachic way of moving the animal from the issur of Ever min hachai to chullin, and leaves the carcass - tahor.

Killing just makes the animal a nevilah, and we of course cannot eat it.

The Yetzer was meant for us, to elevate our animalistic instincts, and by fighting him, we turn this animal part of us into human life.
At the end of days, the Yetzer will no longer be needed, the zakkikim of each generation, including the good people using this site - will have collectively turned this great animal, into power ready for Jewish Consumption. THrough this the YH will achieve it's tikun.
This will shown to us by Hashem, like the mountain etc and strand in order to impress on us the great work we have done.
This story of Shechting, comes in other forms, like the Great Leviathan (male and female), and Wild bull  (male and female) mentioned by Chazal, parts of which will be prepared for the feast of the righteous in Gan Eden.

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Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 30 Jun 2009 19:14 #7793

  • tester613
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The last three section have been added.  That concludes all the sections.  Tomorrow I hope to post the Topics that will be discussed. Please feel to ask as many questions and to offer possibilities both from your own or ideas that you heard or seen. Chaim, thank you very much for you beaustiful insights.  Please stick with us here.  I was actually expecting that answer from you.  But you elaborated on this yesod far greater than I would be able to.  Thank you very much.  This is such an important yesod. 

I will post the three new sections here so that you do not need to flip back that pages:


Section #13 – The More You Feed The More You Need
Rabbi Yochanan: Man has a small organ (the reproductive organ).  If he feeds it, it will become hungry.  If he starves it, it will become satiated.
Rashi: If man indulges in marital relations (albeit permissible, but there are limits) he will be weak at an old age.  If he starves his desires for marital relations, he will have strength at an old age.
Maharsha/Tosfos: The more man indulges in marital relations, the hungrier he will be for it.  And the more he starves his desires, the more satiated he will be.
Yaakov’s Comment:
  • Is the Gemara suggesting that we completely refrain from marital relations?


Section #14 – Hashem Regrets Creating the Yetzer Hara
Rav Chana Bar Acha: The more creations that Hashem ‘regrets’ creating. One of them is the yetzer hara
Pasuk(Micha 4, 6):אשר הרעתי
Rashi: The Gemara is interpreting the above pasuk as saying that Hashem takes the blame for the Yidden’s sin because he ‘caused’ the wickedness by creating the yetzer hara.
Yaakov’s Comment:
  • What does it mean that Hashem ‘regrets’?
  • If he regrets it, why did he create it?


Section #15 – It is Not Completely our Fault
[u]Rabbi Yochanan[/u]: There are three pasukim that illustrate that the Yidden’s wrongdoings are partially to be ‘blamed’ on Hashem.  These pasukim are therefore testifying that it is not completely our fault.  Without the testimony of these pasukim, the Yidden would never be able to exist, as the blame would be too much.
  • Micha 4, 6:אשר הרעתי

  • Yirmiyahu 18, :הנה כחומר ביד היוצר כן אתם

  • Yechezkel 36: והסירותי את לב האבן מבשרכם ונתתי לכם לב בשר 

Rav Papa: There is a fourth pasuk that portrays the same idea
  • Yechezkel 36: ואת רוחי אתן בקרבכם

Yaakov’s Comment:
  • Does this negate free choice?

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Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 01 Jul 2009 19:44 #7925

  • the.guard
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Yakov, this is going to be an amazing thread - Le'Doros!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by RightMindset.

Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 06 Jul 2009 16:12 #8247

  • Efshar Letaken
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Reb Yakov,

I'm making Chazoreh now on the shiurim you gave us till now but I'm also waiting for the new shiur going into the Amkus of what we learned until now.

Last Edit: by vladj24.

Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 14 Jul 2009 20:49 #8790

  • Efshar Letaken
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Reb Ykv,

Vos Geit Duh Fur?!

Bein Hazmanim?

If your on vacation then I will except why I haven't seen you in Beis Medrash lately, because when you return with Frishe Koiches you will make up for it.

But if not then I will have to send bardichev after you.
Last Edit: by hashem1414.

Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 04 Aug 2009 20:26 #10741

  • 7yipol
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I really hope R' Yaakov's Tu B'Av surprise is connected to this thread...
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
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Re: Yesodos from succa daf 52 05 Aug 2009 09:48 #10843

  • tester613
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Efshar Letaken wrote on 14 Jul 2009 20:49:

Reb Ykv,

Vos Geit Duh Fur?!

Bein Hazmanim?

If your on vacation then I will except why I haven't seen you in Beis Medrash lately, because when you return with Frishe Koiches you will make up for it.

But if not then I will have to send bardichev after you.

7Up wrote on 04 Aug 2009 20:26:

I really hope R' Yaakov's Tu B'Av surprise is connected to this thread...

Oy Gevald! I am so sorry for abandoning my thread.  A few weeks ago I became so busy and had no time to post anything on these forums.  I will try to add a few thoughts in the coming days.

As far as the Tu B'av surprise, go to this thread to find out. Be sure to bring presents and a l'chaim with you. This is going to be a real simcha. I look forward to seeing you all there.
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