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Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros
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Im Paga be’cha menuval zeh, mushchei'hu le- BEIS HAMEDRASH! This board is for divrei Torah relating to our struggle with the Yetzer Hara, from the entire spectrum of Tanach, Chazal, Mussar and Chassidus. On this board there will be no posts about personal struggles and no debates. Only TORAH CHIZUK.

TOPIC: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 56040 Views

Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 23 Dec 2011 14:31 #129126

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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V'atta b'rachamecha harabim amadta lahem b'eis tzarasam..... v'achar kein ba'u baneicha....  (Al Hanisim)

Hashem did not do it for us because we 'earned' it or because we 'deserved' it. Rather, Hashem did in his abundant mercy!!!

It was only AFTERWARDS that we came to recognize that He did for us what we cannot do for ourselves & gave ourselves over to Him with complete abandon.

So to, I ask Hashem to take me out of this life of misery - not because He owes it to me, but as an undeserved kindness. It is only in a life of Recovery that I can hope to recognize and appreciate His greatness.
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 30 Dec 2011 19:32 #129632

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Shuvi nafshi limnuchoychi. = God, please restore me to sanity.
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 30 Dec 2011 19:34 #129635

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Vayigash:

Lamah namus l'eineicha? (47:19)

Why should we kill ourselves just to find favor in your eyes?

Why should we sacrifice ourselves, our ideals, & everything that we hold dear only to make a good impression on others?
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 02 Jan 2012 08:04 #129743

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Vayigash:

Vayomer Elokim l'Yisroel b'mar'os halailah, vayomer "Yaakov Yaakov", vayomer "hineini".... Al tirah mirda Mitzraimah ki l'goy gadol asimcha sham. Anochi eireid imcha Mitzraimah v'anochi aalcha gam allo, v'Yosef yashis yado ak einechah. (46:2-4)

Yaakov heard Elokim - the Midas Hadin speaking to him in the 'dark night', but all he heard was "Yaakov Yaakov". He heard a lashon chibah - He fully believed that this too is a product of Hashem's boundless love!

With this recognition, he immediately responded with "Hineini!" = Acceptance!!!  Yaakov humbly accepts whatever Hashem bestows on him, whether it looks to us as 'good' or 'bad'.

Armed with this attitude of acceptance Yaakov has nothing to fear. He need not be afraid even of going to a place like Mitzraim - Ervas Ha'aretz, the symbol of immorality. In fact, Hashem informed him that THERE is where he will become a great nation, THERE is where he will attain his destiny!

Hashem told Yaakov, "I will go down there with you [....if you take me with you] & it is I who will raise you up OVER THERE!!

But there is a condition: v'Yosef yashis yado ak einechah = To attain the level of Yosef - the symbol of sexual sobriety, you MUST keep your hand on your eyes. You MUST do the physical effort of avoiding triggers whenever possible!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 02 Jan 2012 08:26 #129744

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Vayigash:

Ubnei Yosef asher yulad lo b'Mitzraim... kol hanefesh l'beis Yaakov haba'ah Mitzraimah shiv'im. (46:27)

Arriving in Mitzraim, Yaakov met up with Yosef Hatzadik & Company. With the inclusion of Yosef, Yaakov's family reached it's 'complete' ranks of 70 souls.

The Mitaso shleima - the completeness of Yaakov's destiny was only realized when he descended to Mitzraim - Ervas Ha'aretz, the symbol of immorality & achieved kedushas Yosef Hatzadik. It is now that he fulfilled his purpose in this world!

So too for me, my goal in this world, the purpose of MY existence, is to learn how to remain pure in this generation in which I was placed!

An alternative p'shat counts the 70th addition to be Yocheved, hanoldah bein hachomos.

This can be loosely translated: who was born among the boundaries.

The only way I can survive in such a place is through setting boundaries for myself. Through these boundaries I can hope to achieve my sexual purity.
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 20 Jan 2012 03:38 #131222

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Vayechi:

Anna sa na pesha achecha v'chatasam ki ra'a g'malicha, v'atta sa na l'pesha avdei Elokei avicha. (50:17)

GuardYourEyes Chizuk E-Mail (No. 792)

Getting stronger every day!

Friday  ~ 29 Sivan, 5770  ~  June 11, 2010

Testimonial of the Day

GYE = Loving All Yidden

By "Yosef Hatzadik"

A while ago I noticed that GYE is helping my Ahavas Yisroel. How? Well, I know that the vast majority of GYE'ers don't come from the same background as I do. They aren't part of the same segment of Klal Yisroel as I am. Since my only connection with them is through striving toward a shared goal, there is only love in my heart toward them. Then, upon meeting Yidden from other segments, like the Modern-Orthodox community, etc. I found myself thinking, "Who knows if this guy isn't one of my friends from GYE?" This thought expanded into liking those Yidden too!

Recently I started thinking, why should this love only extend towards people who are more modern than me? Why not also in the other direction? With this thought, I started thinking that I ought to love those ultra chasidishe people who I disliked for their closed mindedness, etc.. (Most people tend to think of themselves as well balanced. Anyone who does more than me is overdoing it; whoever does less than me in avodas Hashem is slacking off, C"V :-))

Thank you for this added benefit of Ahavas Yisrael that I received through your holy work!

Firstly I came to 'forgive' the blemishes of those whom I looked to as 'normal brothers'; only afterwards did I come to release resentments towards those who are more preoccupied with serving Hashem...
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 20 Jan 2012 03:44 #131223

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Shemos:

Vayasteir Moshe ess panav ki yarei meihabit el Elokim. (3:6)

When Moshe Rabbeinu reached the end of his long & productive life he is referred to with the title 'Ish Elokim'  (v'zos habracha asher beirach Moshe Ish Elokim)

But it is important to realize that it wasn't always that way!

In the beginning of his close relationship with God he 'couldn't get himself to look God in the face'!!!!!!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 20 Jan 2012 04:09 #131228

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Va'eira:

V'lakachti es'chem li l'am V'hayisi lachem leilokim viy'datem ki ani Hashem hamotzi es'chem mitachas sivlos Mitzraim. (6:7)

V'lakachti es'chem li l'am - We must abandon ourselves unto Him - to be His Nation,

V'hayisi lachem leilokim - He will be our Higher Power!

viy'datem ki ani Hashem hamotzi es'chem mitachas sivlos Mitzraim - & we will come to believe will know that Hashem is the one who is releasing us from the bondage of Mitzraim/immorality!!!!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 27 Jan 2012 06:28 #131879

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Bo:

V'haya ki yish'alcha bincha machar v'amarta eilav b'chozek tad hotzi'anu Hashem m'Mitzraim mibeis avadim.

For some of us, the development of the addiction was 'helped' by our lack of having a close relationship with our parents.

Since we do NOT want our own kids should end up in our predicament; we must make sure to 'be there for them'. We ought to let them feel that we care. We should not brush aside their questions....

V'haya ki yish'alcha bincha machar = if your son asks you something,
v'amarta eilav = answer him!

b'chozek tad hotzi'anu Hashem m'Mitzraim mibeis avadim = We see that we needed to have Hashem's great power remove us from the addictive Lust (Symbolized by Mitzraim) & the bondage we were in!!!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 06 Feb 2012 05:04 #132433

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parsha Beshalach:

Erev v'yadatem ki hotzi Hashem me'eretz Mitzraim. Boker ure'isem ass k'vod Hashem, v'nancnu mah.

When we encounter a dark period, all we need to know is that Hashem takes out of the State of Mitzraim - the symbol of sexual misbehavior.

THEN, we will come to brighter points! We will recognize the greatness of Hashem's deeds.

There is one prerequisite, though. V'nachnu Mah. We must humble our EGO!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 06 Feb 2012 05:20 #132434

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Beshalach:

Vayosha Hashem bayom hahu ess yisroel miyad Mitzraim, vayar Yisroel ess Mitzraim meis

This one day we can get Hashem to help us in our struggle with Mitzraim/Ervas Haaretz,
on the condition that we Guard Our Eyes! Within the sights of Klal Yisroel all immorality must be dead/non-existent.
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 06 Feb 2012 05:31 #132435

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Beshalach:

Haym ra'ah vayanos.
Mah ra'ah? Arono shel Yosef ra'ah. (Midrash)

Is that what the sea was afraid of? A few old bones in a box??

The see was afraid of Atzmas Yosef - that atzmius of Yosef - the essence of yosef!! The sexual purity of Yosef Hatzadik that Klal Yisroel had within themselves!!!

A baal keri needs to immerse himself in the waters of a mikvah. The Yidden were soooo far removed from that, that not only did they not need to immerse themselves in the water. The water actually FLED when the Yidden entered the seabed!!!!

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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 14 Feb 2012 05:26 #132920

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Yisro:

Hishamar lecha m'alos bahar u'negoa b'katzeihu kol hanogei'a bahar mos yumas.

Tzadikim nidma lahem k'har. = In the middah of tzaddik/sexual sobriety the challenges seem insurmountable!

Hishamar lecha = BEWARE!

m'alos bahar = Do not attempt to to scale this 'mountain'!

It is beyond us!

We are powerless over Lust!!!

u'negoa b'katzeihu = do not allow yourself to 'half-measure'. Keep away from those 'Slips'!!

kol hanogei'a bahar mos yumas = Once I take 'the first drink' I am doomed. I will die a spiritual death!

Last Edit: 01 Feb 2015 12:20 by Yosef Hatzadik.

Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 21 Feb 2012 06:50 #133425

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Mishpatim:

Me'at me'at agarshenu mipanecha ad asher tifreh v'nachalta ess ha'aretz. (23:30)

The word me'at can be a reference to humility.  Rashi on the possuk: "Ki attem hame'at mikol ha'amim" explains "because you hold yourselves smallest among the nations"

Although humility is an important character trait; EGO is often the basis of addiction, a person in Recovery does need to have some sense of self-worth. If someone does not love himself AT ALL he will not the drive for self-preservation. Some self-esteem is essential to Recovery!

Me'at me'at = excessive humility
Agarshenu min Ha'aretz = Hashem will help us get rid of it!

Then, & only then, will we be able to grow!

Ad asher tifreh = then you can be fruitful & blossom!!!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 21 Feb 2012 06:59 #133426

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Terumah:

Vayikchu li terumah mei'eis kol ish asher yidvenu libo. (23:2)

Yosef Hatzadik wrote on 21 Feb 2012 06:50:

Although humility is an important character trait; EGO is often the basis of addiction, a person in Recovery does need to have some sense of self-worth. If someone does not love himself AT ALL he will not the drive for self-preservation. Some self-esteem is essential to Recovery!

Knowing how to graciously accept a gift is an integral part of learning to love. To love oneself & to accept 'love' from others!

Hashem teaches us to learn from Him and 'follow in His footsteps'.
Vayikchu li terumah = accept a gift
Mei'eis kol ish asher yidvenu libo = if the Giver wants to give, we should accept.

[We shouldn't be 'showing off' & acting [b]as if[/b] we are on the level of Sonei matanos yichye!!!]
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