I can definitely get more irritable with others after falling because of what I did. It's like if you broke shabbat (accidently) then you get more irritable with other people. Or at least that's how it is for me. It's not too good of a mida so I just stay in my room after doing it to prevent that from happening.
I do have another problem with another bad mida of mine after falling, and that is arrogance. For whatever reason I start to think delusional thoughts and it's rooted in arrogant thinking. It gets my mind off from doing teshuvah by thinking about my future in a different way other than to do teshuvah, and in a much more goyish way. An example: I'll get a certain job or have conversations with certain people, usually women, and thinhs spiral from there. They don't get inappropriate in the sense of P and M but it is just arrogant stuff. I can't really describe it in much detail but i can say that it takes my mind off from doing teshuvah. If there are any palces where I can study how not to be arrogant let me know.
By the way going back to anger again, I heard that a disciple of the Arizal once said that when you get angry you allow for impure spirits to enter you and so you more or less put yourself under control of the yetzer hara. (source below at 1:50) Now this may be different from irritability, but that is just a less severe form of anger. Getting angry can therefore actually lead you to do the sin again or sin in other regards. Solving this is easier said than done though as i myself get irritable after doing the act or just watching, I just stay in my room so it doesn't manifest as it manifests when I interact with other people generally.
Sources: (Title: Spiritual damage) (time stamp: 1:50) (it's a good shiur just watch only 5 min total)
Anger Management Course to Curb Negative Character Traits (torahlive.com)