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Daf Yomi Questions and Answers
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Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 07 Aug 2012 19:48 #143108

  • ur-a-jew
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Teshuva wrote on 07 Aug 2012 17:39:

daf ה
the gemara brings the passuk of רגזו ואל תחטאו
and learns from it that one should fight his yetzer and if that doesnt help he should be osek batorah and if that doesnt help he should think about yom hamisa.
how does this work out with the gemarah kiddushin borosi yetzer harah borosi torah tavlin
how is there a step after learning if learning is the tavlin for the yetzer harah why should something else work and why didnt learning help?

The following is from (www.shemayisrael.com/parsha/kindertorah/archives/achrei68.htm):

"Avi please let me share with you another insight that Abba once heard from an Odom Godol (Torah Giant). The Gemora (Kiddushin 30b) states, 'I created the yetzer hora and I created the Torah as its tavlin.' The word tavlin normally means spice; however, it is translated in this context as antidote. The yetzer hora is like a disease and the Torah is like its antidote. This explanation begs a question. If the Gemora meant antidote, why did it not write the word trufah (medicine)? It used an inappropriate word - tavlin."

"What an insightful question!"

"Yes. The Odom Gadol gave an electrifying answer. The yetzer hora makes the lowly pleasures of olam haze (this world) look so tantalizing. He shows us riches, luxuries, and technologies that are beyond belief. He says, 'You can have it all. Just put your time and energy into acquiring possessions here, and forget about olam habo.' He has strong arguments. 'You have a lot of time until you get to olam habo. Who knows what it will really be like over there? Maybe it does not exist at all. I am offering you pleasure here and now. Take it!' How can the yetzer hatov answer these claims? They are so strong. The yetzer hora's 'reward' is tangible, here and now. Therefore, the yetzer hatov needs a special weapon - Torah. The Torah is pure emmes. Only it can stand up to the lies of the yetzer hora. However, even the Torah alone is not enough. It must have a sweet taste to it. Learning Torah will fend off the yetzer hora, however, what if learning is not pleasurable? How can it match the yetzer hora's delights? Therefore, Hashem made the Torah tavlin. He made it delicious. He made Torah learning the sweetest thing in the world. One who learns Torah properly has no appetite for the puny pleasures of the yetzer hora. They are worthless in comparison to the sweetness of understanding a Tosafos. Answering a difficult question on the Rambam is more exhilarating than skiing down the Swiss Alps. What does the yetzer hora have to offer? Nothing!!! That is the tavlin of the Torah. That is the spice of life."

Ad kan divrei kindertorah.

BUT, people can and do abuse things all of the time. At that point even the delicacies of the Torah will not help him. Says the gemara, if you so cultivate for yourself an appetite for the forbidden, it's going to be very hard to truly be osek in torah. In that case remember the Yom Hamissah. Remember that everything the yetzer hora is offering you is not limitless. There is going to be a judgment day.
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Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 08 Aug 2012 15:15 #143160

  • ur-a-jew
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ברכות דף ו

1. The gemara says that one of the parshiyos contained in Hashem's tefillin is the possuk:
או הנסה אלקים, לבוא לקחת לו גוי מקרב גוי, במסת באתת ובמופתים ובמלחמה וביד חזקה ובזרוע נטויה, ובמוראים גדלים: ככל אשר-עשה לכם ה' אלקיכם, במצרים--לעיניך.
From the gemara's questioning earlier it seems that the possukim that are in Hashem's tefilling where chosen because they reflect the praise of klal yisroel.
It would seem that this possuk describes not klal yisroel's greatness but Hashem's greatness. Why then was it chosen for Hashem's tefillin?

2. Another possuk that the gemara says were in Hashem's tefilling is the possuk ולתתך עליון, על כל-הגוים אשר עשה, לתהלה, ולשם ולתפארת; ולהיתך עם-קדש לה' אלקיך, כאשר דבר. It would seem that the possuk previous to this should have been included as well. First, the possuk ולתתך seems to start in middle of a thought hence the "ו" at the beginning of the possuk. Moreover, the possuk immediately prior is the possuk וה' האמירך היום, להיות לו לעם סגלה, כאשר, דבר-לך; ולשמר, כל-מצותיו which is the very possuk from which the gemara proved that משתבח קוב"ה בשבחייהו דישראל?
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Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 08 Aug 2012 16:57 #143172

  • ZemirosShabbos
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ברכות דף ז

this is an obvious question, how can/does the RBSO daven?
i remember seeing a shmooze about this from Reb Mottel Zilber but i don't remember where now
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.

Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 09 Aug 2012 13:16 #143238

  • chaimyakov
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When Rebbeinu HaKodesh told his sons to finish Shnayim Mikra V'chad Targum before they eat bread on Shabbos, as brought down in Tosfos, did he mean Friday night or Shabbos day?

Hatzlacha in all things GOOD!

Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 09 Aug 2012 16:42 #143279

  • ur-a-jew
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1. ההוא צדוקי דהוה בשבבותיה דר' יהושע בן לוי הוה קא מצער ליה טובא בקראי יומא חד שקל תרנגולא ואוקמיה בין כרעי' דערסא ועיין ביה סבר כי מטא ההיא שעתא אלטייה. What was Reb Yehoshua ben Levi thinking the gemara already says that ואין כל בריה יכולה לכוין אותה שעה חוץ מבלעם הרשע?

2. וא"ר יוחנן משום ר' יוסי כל דבור ודבור שיצא מפי הקב"ה לטובה אפי' על תנאי לא חזר בו in light of Reb Yochanan's statement how do we understand the Gemara's earlier statement כדתניא עד יעבור עמך ה' עד יעבור עם זו קנית עד יעבור עמך ה' זו ביאה ראשונה עד יעבור עם זו קנית זו ביאה שנייה מכאן אמרו חכמים ראוים היו ישראל ליעשות להם נס בימי עזרא כדרך שנעשה להם בימי יהושע בן נון אלא שגרם החטא?
See Tzlach for one answer

3. ראובן א"ר אלעזר אמרה לאה. Why does Reb Elazar expound on Reuvain's name when the Torah already says the reason?

4. וא"ר יוחנן משום רבי שמעון בן יוחי קשה תרבות רעה בתוך ביתו של אדם יותר ממלחמת גוג ומגוג שנאמר מזמור לדוד בברחו מפני אבשלום בנו וכתיב בתריה ה' מה רבו צרי רבים קמים עלי ואילו גבי מלחמת גוג ומגוג כתיב למה רגשו גוים ולאומים יהגו ריק ואילו מה רבו צרי לא כתיב. What is the gemara's proof מלחמת גוג ומגוג is something in the future, how then can Dovid Hamelech say on it מה רבו צרי?
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Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 13 Aug 2012 13:46 #143543

  • Teshuva Mahavah
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chaimyakov wrote on 09 Aug 2012 13:16:

When Rebbeinu HaKodesh told his sons to finish Shnayim Mikra V'chad Targum before they eat bread on Shabbos, as brought down in Tosfos, did he mean Friday night or Shabbos day?

Hatzlacha in all things GOOD!

i remember it being Shabbos day but i am not sure
במקום שבעלי תשובה עומדים אפילו צדיקים גמורים אינם עומדים

Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 13 Aug 2012 19:17 #143598

  • ur-a-jew
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ברכות דף ט

1. ור"ג מי קאמר עד חצות דקתני ולא זו בלבד אמרו. The gemara's question seems difficult to understand because it seems quite clear that Rabbi Gamliel was giving over the view of the chochomim. The Bach attempts to solve this problem by deleting the word אמרו. The question is how come the Bach doesn't make a similar deletion in the text of the mishna on דף ב?
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Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 13 Aug 2012 19:26 #143604

  • ur-a-jew
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ברכות דף י

1. The Gemara states that כל התולה בזכות עצמו תולין לו בזכות אחרים וכל התולה בזכות אחרים תולין לו בזכות עצמו as proof to כל התולה בזכות עצמו תולין לו בזכות אחרים the Gemara brings the tefillah of חזקיהו. The question is that חזקיהו as described earlier in the gemara was not simply תולה בזכות עצמו but also תולה בזכות אחרים since the gemara just earlier states that he was first תולה in the zechus of Shlomo ר' לוי אמר על עסקי הקיר אמר לפניו רבונו של עולם ומה שונמית שלא עשתה אלא קיר אחת קטנה החיית את בנה אבי אבא שחפה את ההיכל כולו בכסף ובזהב על אחת כמה וכמה?
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Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 13 Aug 2012 19:31 #143605

  • ur-a-jew
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ברכות דף י"א

1. אמר רב הונא למקרא צריך לברך ולמדרש א"צ לברך ור' אלעזר אמר למקרא ולמדרש צריך לברך למשנה א"צ לברך ור' יוחנן אמר אף למשנה נמי צריך לברך [אבל לתלמוד א"צ לברך] ורבא אמר אף לתלמוד צריך א] (לחזור ו)לברך דאמר רב חייא בר אשי זימנין סגיאין הוה קאימנא קמיה דרב לתנויי פרקין בספרא דבי רב הוה מקדים וקא משי ידיה ובריך ומתני לן פרקין. According to Rashi who says that Medrash consists of מכילתא וספרא וספרי, what is Ravva's proof from Reb Chiya?
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Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 14 Aug 2012 18:15 #143684

  • ur-a-jew
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ברכות דף י"ב

1. The gemara says that if the "brocha achas" made by the Kohanim is אהבה רבה there is no proof that ברכות אין מעכבות זו את זו since maybe the reason that יוצר אור was not yet said is because it was not time yet for יוצר אור. Rashi says it is no question how the Kohanim were able to say Krias Shema already since they say it before the zman as it says in Yoma הקורא את שמע עם אנשי משמר לא יצא שאנשי משמר מקדימין. The problem is that the brocha achas and the krias shema where both said after the Korban Tomid which was itself brought after Amud Hashachar, if that is the case, why then are you not yotze Krias Shema didn't the gemara earlier says תניא ר"ש בן יוחי אומר פעמים שאדם קורא ק"ש שתי פעמים בלילה אחת קודם שיעלה עמוד השחר ואחת לאחר שיעלה עמוד השחר ויוצא בהן ידי חובתו אחת של יום ואחת של לילה. and the Gemara in Megillah says with respect to mitzvas to be performed during the day וכולן שעשו משעלה עמוד השחר כשר?

2. As proof that Yetzias Mitzrayim will no longer be remembered the gemara brings down a possuk in Yirmiyahu Perek 23:
הנה ימים באים נאם ה' ולא יאמרו עוד חי ה' אשר העלה את בני ישראל מארץ מצרים כי אם חי ה' אשר העלה ואשר הביא את זרע בית ישראל מארץ צפונה ומכל הארצות אשר הדחתים שם וישבו, על אדמתם
How come in the beginning of the possuk the possuk refers to בני ישראל and in the end it refers to זרע בית ישראל. The question is even stronger considering that these same two possukim are found earlier in Yirmiyahu Perek 16
לכן הנה-ימים באים, נאם ה' ולא יאמר עוד חי ה' אשר העלה את בני ישראל מארץ מצרים. טו כי אם-חי ה' אשר העלה את בני ישראל מארץ צפון ומכל הארצות, אשר הדיחם שמה והשבתים על אדמתם אשר נתתי לאבותם. In those possukim klal yisroel is referred to both times as בני ישראל?
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Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 15 Aug 2012 19:02 #143747

  • ur-a-jew
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ברכות דף י"ג

1. Rashi and Tosfas argue regarding the gemara's statement of עד כאן צריכה כוונה. Rashi learns it is referring to על לבבך whereas Tosafos learns that it is until בכל מאדך. How does tosafos understand the gemara's statement on amud bais of עד על לבבך בעמידה which Tosfos learns that one must stop walking until על לבבך so that he could have כוונה. According to tosfos he should only be required to stand still until בכל מאדך?
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Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 15 Aug 2012 20:42 #143754

  • chaimyakov
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According to the interpretation that if you don't have a dream in seven days(each week?) you are a Rasha, does that include "bad dreams"? i have looked at "bad" dreams as just that "bad", but maybe according to this pshat "bad" is good and certainly better than none.


Hatzlacha in all things GOOD!

Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 16 Aug 2012 19:20 #143821

  • ur-a-jew
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ברכות דף י"ד

The gemara asks whether someone who is fasting can taste אכילה ושתיה קביל עליה והא ליכא או דילמא הנאה קביל עליה והא איכא. From the gemara's question it seems that tasting is not considered eating but it would be considered הנאה. The gemara answers טועם ואין בכך כלום which suggests that the gemara concludes that tasting is not considered eating but that is all that is prohibited. Tosafos seems to have a different understanding however since Tosafos says that the reason that you can taste is שחוזר ופולט דלא חשיב הנאה מן הטעימה אבל בולע לא. In other words, according to Tosafos הנאה is what is forbidden but this is not הנאה.

1. Where does Tosafos see this in the gemara?

2. How does Tosafos understand the follow-up question of the gemara עד כמה טעמי, since in any event, one is not swallowing it, what difference does it make how much you put in your mouth?
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Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 16 Aug 2012 19:32 #143822

  • ur-a-jew
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chaimyakov wrote on 15 Aug 2012 20:42:

According to the interpretation that if you don't have a dream in seven days(each week?) you are a Rasha, does that include "bad dreams"? i have looked at "bad" dreams as just that "bad", but maybe according to this pshat "bad" is good and certainly better than none.


This same gemara appears later on on daf נ"ה. There the gemara also says that אמר רב הונא לאדם טוב אין מראין לו חלום טוב ולאדם רע אין מראין לו חלום רע. So isn't the question when the gemara says that a person who has no dream for 7 days is a rasha does that include good dreams as well?
If you look in Rashi on that sugya "ז' לילות ילין ולא יפקד בשום חלום הרי הוא רע" it seems clear that the gemara's reference to someone who had no dreams, is someone who had no dreams at all whether good or bad.
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Re: Daf Yomi Questions and Answers 17 Aug 2012 16:32 #143886

  • ur-a-jew
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ברכות דף ט"ו

1. The Gemara brings down a possuk in Mishlei which it learns alludes to techiyas hameisim and concludes מכאן תשובה לאומרים אין תחיית המתים מן התורה. Why does the gemara state that the proof is from the "Torah" when it brings down a possuk from Kesuvim. While Torah can presumably refer to תנ"ך, the gemara in Sanhedrim (:צ) when it discusses this same topic seems careful to differentiate between the three שאלו מינין את רבן גמליאל מניין שהקדוש ברוך הוא מחיה מתים אמר להם מן התורה ומן הנביאים ומן הכתובים; moreover it would seem there is reason to differentiate between the Torah on the one hand and נ"ך on the other hand, since there are those that accept that Torah is from shomayim so they would acknowledge Techiyas Hameisim were it written in the Torah but they wrongly don't accept the words of Chazal so it would seem they would reject Kesuvim and possibly Nevim as well?
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