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"Shattered Glass"
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TOPIC: "Shattered Glass" 2654 Views

"Shattered Glass" 24 Jul 2009 03:27 #9615

  • kedusha
  • Current streak: 717 days
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Is anyone reading the serial in Mishpacha's Family First Magazine, entitled "Shattered Glass?"

This week is chapter 3.  So far, not all that much has happened, so I won't be giving too much away.  However, I will suggest where I think the story is headed, and how it may relate to all of us.

The story is about a Kollel Yungerman named Betzalel, married to a happy-go-lucky woman named Huvi.  However, Betzalel is being plagued by some emotional distress, and the reader has not yet been told why.

This week's chapter ends with Betzalel's brother-in-law offering him a cup of coffee at the end of a family party, and Huvi saying emphatically that Betzalel never drinks coffee.  Betzalel is afraid that his brother-in-law will say something and, sure enough, he asks Betzalel why, if he doesn't drink coffee, does he spend so much time in Starbucks?

Does Starbucks provide Internet access?  I suspect that our protagonist suffers from an Internet/pornography addiction.  Any takers?
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
Last Edit: 27 Jul 2009 03:21 by יושב בסתר.

Re: "Shattered Glass" 24 Jul 2009 03:35 #9616

  • bardichev
ok I will be the hedyot kofetz birosh

mishpacaha magazine plays on "yennems tzooris"

thats all folks

btw family first?? kedusha tzaddik you might be oiver lo silbash for reading it  ;D

my 2 cents

Last Edit: by lledlled.

Re: "Shattered Glass" 24 Jul 2009 13:48 #9651

  • kedusha
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Cute, Bardichev.  

Mishpacha does anticipate that men will read Family First Magazine, which is why they don't allow pictures of women.

I think that, if my hunch is correct (that the story is about Internet/pornography addiction), that it will prove educational for those ignorant about this problem.
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
Last Edit: 24 Jul 2009 16:16 by 4030.

Re: "Shattered Glass" 26 Jul 2009 09:34 #9716

  • TrYiNg
I was reading it, but couldn't figure out where it was headed. I think it may be that. There were some other stories/scripts on it lately, but it didn't portray the struggle good enough, hope this one 'ill be different.
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Re: "Shattered Glass" 27 Jul 2009 16:58 #9828

We subscribed once to Mishpacha, and when it would come on Thursday the whole family would be like zoned out, each member scuttling off to the side with their favorite column. It got to the point where I could not imagine not following the serials.
But it wasn't healthy, and to boot we had to pay for it to (money is time...) so we decided to drop it and see if we could survive.
Guess what, we are happier for it!
One less 'addiction'.
Must say though that I miss the Jr. It was my favorite! But they say that they won't sell it alone. I loved the science and geography articles and the comic on the back

Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by wantolive.

Re: "Shattered Glass" 27 Jul 2009 17:08 #9829

  • kedusha
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Your point is well-taken, Kutan.  But following a serial has a big advantage over reading a novel.  You spend 5-10 minutes, and you're done for the week. 

Rabbi Yisroel Reisman relates that, as a Bochur, he once wasted a Thursday night reading a (non-Jewish, but Kosher) novel that someone in the Yeshiva had left lying around.  He felt very guilty, and resolved never to read novels again.  He will read short stories and (possibly) non-fiction books, but not novels.  It saves a great deal of time!  Rabbi Reisman feels that, whoever left the novel lying around did him a big favor in the long term.

Serials also, do not take much time and would, arguably, fall within the Gedarim that Rabbi Reisman has set up for himself.

Anyway, my point here is that this particular serial may be addressing our issue.  If I'm correct, I think that's big news!
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
Last Edit: by .

Re: "Shattered Glass" 27 Jul 2009 19:59 #9866

Kedusha wrote on 27 Jul 2009 17:08:

Your point is well-taken, Kutan.  But following a serial has a big advantage over reading a novel.  You spend 5-10 minutes, and you're done for the week. 

Rabbi Yisroel Reisman relates that, as a Bochur, he once wasted a Thursday night reading a (non-Jewish, but Kosher) novel that someone in the Yeshiva had left lying around.  He felt very guilty, and resolved never to read novels again.  He will read short stories and (possibly) non-fiction books, but not novels.  It saves a great deal of time!  Rabbi Reisman feels that, whoever left the novel lying around did him a big favor in the long term.

Serials also, do not take much time and would, arguably, fall within the Gedarim that Rabbi Reisman has set up for himself.

Anyway, my point here is that this particular serial may be addressing our issue.  If I'm correct, I think that's big news!

I've wasted time on MORE than one novel, unfortunately.  Very embarrassing, but its a weakness. Especially science fiction. But bH lately I'm out of it (except for the 7 harry potter books. Ohh... was i a sitting duck for those.)
bH the series is over on those.

In the serials and frum novels you can actually learn a great deal of human interaction and middos in a sugar coated way, and I'm for them... I was just relating what worked for me.

Sorry for taking your thread off track!

Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by ThePositiveMan .

Re: "Shattered Glass" 03 Aug 2009 03:19 #10457

  • kedusha
  • Current streak: 717 days
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As I wrote last week, I'm convinced that I know where this story is headed.  This week (chapter 4), our protagonist was in such emotional turmoil, that when his wife needed reassurance that everything was fine, he was not capable of giving it to her in even a slightly convincing manner.

I don't mean to make a big deal about this, but reading about Betzalel's turmoil makes me think twice before, c"v, heading back on that tumultuous path.  If so, then spending 5-10 minutes per week reading this serial is time well spent.
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
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Re: "Shattered Glass" 03 Aug 2009 03:22 #10459

  • bardichev


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Re: "Shattered Glass" 04 Aug 2009 07:22 #10616

  • TrYiNg
E.L? Were waiting...
Last Edit: by nrlgme.

Re: "Shattered Glass" 04 Aug 2009 14:27 #10666

  • bardichev
its a tad off color

you need to know yiddish and NY hock

b :-[
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Re: "Shattered Glass" 04 Aug 2009 15:30 #10677

  • kedusha
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bardichev wrote on 04 Aug 2009 14:27:

its a tad off color

I think, then, that we should pass!
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
Last Edit: by thegingerbreadman747.

Re: "Shattered Glass" 04 Aug 2009 15:49 #10680

  • bardichev
thats why i didn't post

e.l. wont either
Last Edit: by ישבח מעשיך.

Re: "Shattered Glass" 04 Aug 2009 18:26 #10699

Here's the punch line!

B"H Di Gantseh Mishpoche Iz Gezint! lol

If this is the one you are referring to then I think its not bad at all.

Last Edit: by lastfighter.

Re: "Shattered Glass" 04 Aug 2009 18:30 #10700

  • bardichev
amool hut men gennimen der YID

nuchdem de MISHPACHA

hanynt nemt men rayn KOL HA-OLAM KILO!!!
Last Edit: by yeka.
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