Thank you, Stuart. I certainly don't want what I said to be the final word.
There's nothing magical about 90 days, of course. My, point, though, is that we need some degree of recovery to propery make major decisions like this.
Personally, I was able to stop acting out shortly before I started dating my wife, and I stayed clean throughout our dating and engagement, totaling over 3 1/2 months. To my great sorrow, I fell three times in one week, around 5 weeks before we got married.
Had I not stayed clean while we were dating, I can assure you that the engagement never would have happened. My guilt would have showed, and it would have almost certainly caused my (now) wife to end the relationship. Other people may be better at covering up their inner guilt. However, there is still the serious concern that the flames of unbridled lust will have an adverse effect on the prospective husband's decision making capability. Hamavin Yavin.