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AN IMPORTANT LETTER FOR EVERY JEW 15 Sep 2010 02:34 #78361

To my star pupil,

  I am writing this letter to let you know what I think of you. Up here in heaven things are not like they are down on Earth. Over there, people only know what they can see. If they see a person is "successful", they think that he is the greatest guy. When they see somebody struggling, they think he might be one of the weaker elements.

  Let me tell you something. Hashem gives every person certain abilities that nobody knows about down where you live. Some people are capable of tremendous things, while others were put there for much smaller purposes. Only Hashem in His infinite wisdom is able to give every person exactly what he needs, to reach his potential.

  I am very misunderstood. Most people hate me, and I don't really blame them. Most people think that my job is to make sure that they fail in all aspects of Mitzvos, and that I rejoice every time they sin. This is the furthest thing from the truth. Did you ever watch a boxing coach train his student? It is really a funny sight. The coach will put on gloves, and fight against his student. At first, he won't hit him so hard, or throw his best punches. But, as the student gets better and better, the coach will start to fight him harder and harder. He does this so that the student will improve his skills, and become the best boxer he can be. This is where it gets strange. Every time the coach knocks down the student, the student gets yelled at!! But finally, when the coach threw everything he has at his student, and not only does he withstand the beating, but he knocks the coach down, there is nobody in the world happier then the coach himself!

  This is exactly how I feel. If you fail right away, and don't even try to fight back, I see that there is not much talent to work with, and so I take it easy on you. But if you get back up swinging, I realize that I may have a real winner here, and so I start to intensify the beating. With every level that you go up, I increase the intensity of the fight. If you finally deal me a blow that knocks me out, I will get up and embrace you and rejoice with your success.

  Sometimes my job is very disappointing I see a person with a lot of potential and I start right in on him. He fights back for a while, but when the fight gets too tough, he quits and just remains on whatever level he was on. (And he usually ends up going down!) I feel like yelling at him, "Get up you fool! Do you have any idea how much more you could be accomplishing?!" But I am not allowed to do so. I just leave him alone, and go try to find another promising candidate.

  If I have chosen you to be the target of my more fierce battles, it was not for no reason! You have tremendous ability! You were born into a very special family, you have Rabbeim who really care about you, and parents who would help you grow in Torah and Mitzvos. You are a very respectful and kind person.

    I am writing to you now, because I have a very serious request to ask of you. Please don't step fighting! Don't give up! I have been beating too many people lately, and I am losing patience, Believe in yourself, because I would not be involved with you as much as I am if I didn't think you could beat me. Know what your strengths are! A great Rabbi once said: "Woe is to he who doesn't know his weaknesses. But, 'Oy Vavoy' to him who doesn't know his strengths - for he will not have anything with which to fight."

    Always remember one thing: you have a secret weapon at your disposal. I shouldn't really be telling you - but I will anyway. Hashem himself is watching our "training" sessions very closely. I'm pleased to inform you that He's rooting for you! If things should ever get tough, almost too tough to bear, just callout to Him with a prayer, and He will immediately come to your aid. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope that after 120 years when your time is up in that world of falsehood, you will come up here to the world of truth, where I will be waiting for you with open arms, to congratulate you on your victory, and personally escort you to your place next to the Kisey HaKavod.

Sincerely, and with great admiration I remain,

Your Yetzer Hara
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Re: AN IMPORTANT LETTER FOR EVERY JEW 15 Sep 2010 02:41 #78365

Thank you for posting this. Yasher koach!
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Re: AN IMPORTANT LETTER FOR EVERY JEW 15 Sep 2010 02:51 #78368

my rav emailed this to me. how awesome is this!!! not only is all of clal yisrael rooting for us. not only is hashem himself rooting for us, but the enemy himself is rooting for us!!!
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Re: AN IMPORTANT LETTER FOR EVERY JEW 15 Sep 2010 13:38 #78389

  • frumfiend
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Re: AN IMPORTANT LETTER FOR EVERY JEW 15 Sep 2010 15:42 #78408

  • Yosef Hatzadik
  • Gold Boarder
  • A GYE'er since 2010
  • Posts: 2986
  • Karma: 10
Thank you for posting that beautiful letter!

A few months ago I posted similar thoughts in my thread.

I am copying that over here, along with the responses I received.

Yosef Hatzadik wrote on 15 Apr 2010 17:18:

Last night, a friend & I were discussing the Yetzer Horah, (isn't that an interesting topic?) We came to the conclusion that he LOVES this forum!!!!

Think for a moment he was created by Hashem too. What is the purpose in his creation? To entice us to sin, & that we should withstand his temptation, thereby giving Hashem lots of nachas from us. Did you hear? I will repeat: The purpose of his creation is to entice us to sin, & that we should withstand his temptation, thereby giving Hashem lots of nachas from us. If Hashem doesn't get the nachas of us ignoring his overtures, HE DID NOT FULFILL HIS GOAL!!!! He wants us to NOT listen to him. He wishes we were to notice the stumbling blocks that he places in our path.

When a person stumbles, there is noone more dissapointed than the Yetzer Horah! He is rooting for us!!!!

Do any of us want to disappoint our old friend, the Yetzer Horah?

For those that like the Torah approach:

The above has been used to explain why Eisav's Malach after fighting with Yaakov Avinu all night had to go that morning to sing Shira before Hashem. From all days, this had to be the one? The answer is a resounding YES!!! The malach was created so that he should LOSE a fight. Eisav ALWAYS succumbed to his Yetzer Horah. The malach had a daily disappointment with Eisav. Now, for the very first time since his creation, the Malach was bested. He lost a fight. He fulfilled his goal! He is now ready to return to Hashem. He can now proudly proclaim: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

I WON BY LOSING!!!!!!!!!

silentbattle wrote on 15 Apr 2010 17:34:


I once heard that the yetzer hora is like someone who hides a diamond under a rock in the road,, and he's just waiting for his friend to move the rock out of the way and find the diamond.

So when we're faced with an urge, maybe it would help if we reminded ourselves that right then, even the yetzer hora doesn't want us to fall!

hoping4change wrote on 15 Apr 2010 17:36:

I saw something similar on YWN (Yeshiva World News) posted in their coffee room, "A Letter from the YH" - same idea.  It is a helpful way to think of the yetzer hora, at least for me.
jewinpain wrote on 19 Apr 2010 00:21:

Reb Yosef, a very nice torah, never heard of that! I heard somtin similar to that! On a pusik in tehilim (can't recall now which one) that we must shove him off by saying to him, why are u telling me to sin? Only cuz u wana do your job that hashem created u for, right? So guess what I also have a tafkid on this world that's why I do not wana do what u say and bug off
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Re: AN IMPORTANT LETTER FOR EVERY JEW 15 Sep 2010 15:52 #78412

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4266
  • Karma: 91
exceptionally beautiful letter !!!
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Re: AN IMPORTANT LETTER FOR EVERY JEW 16 Sep 2010 03:04 #78460

well the idea behind it is in seforim, but lately a lot of people are taking the idea and bringing it out in so many ways
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