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Another day
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TOPIC: Another day 7761 Views

Another day 24 Aug 2010 09:39 #77069

  • buzi
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Yesterday was the first real clean day, I have had for a long time. I hope that today will be another.
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Re: Another day 24 Aug 2010 11:58 #77073

  • bardichev
Keep on trucking!!

Just do it again and again

Don't worry so much

Just smile

Be happy

Do it again and again

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Re: Another day 24 Aug 2010 12:11 #77074

  • buzi
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Thanks Barditchev.

Who told you I was worrying? You must have Rebbisher Koiches.

I just want to finish today clean. It has just been very difficult lately.
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Re: Another day 24 Aug 2010 15:21 #77084

  • Lechayim
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  • Posts: 169
  • Karma: 2
He doesn't look like a Rebbe at all. With that name he should change his pic.
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Re: Another day 24 Aug 2010 16:33 #77087

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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He is like the amolige Rebbes!

He dresses in plainclothes in order to do his chesed hidden from public view. He drives his truck up and down the Eastern See-board distributing ice cream, chizuk, smiles, while teaching yidden about shemiras einayim!!!!

:-* 8)
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Re: Another day 24 Aug 2010 16:35 #77088

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Ovadia, we are all rooting for you!!!
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Re: Another day 24 Aug 2010 17:08 #77091

  • bardichev
Thanks chevra

We all need to keep on trucking!!!

No matter what

Hashem yilachem lechem

All we need to do is AVOID

Don't worry if you get triggered

Just DON'T act on it

Is it easy? NO

Is it worth it ??

You know the answer

Do it once

Do it again and again

Make believe u are driving a huge truck

You are in control

You can't look around to see what's interesting

Control control control

You have the strength in you to do it

Here is my last thought for today

"Fighting a losing war takes more out of you than fighting a winning war"


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Re: Another day 24 Aug 2010 17:58 #77098

  • 14
Please hold strong!
The more I see someone like you that even one day is a challenge! And nontheless you control youself, I who for me it only becomes a massive deal after 2 or 3 days, should forsure hold strong for however long you stay clean!
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Re: Another day 24 Aug 2010 21:25 #77113

  • 1daat
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Welcome O.  We're all just one day clean.  You can do this.  If you read the beginning of the threads of some of the guys that have been here a long time (thousands of posts), you'll see where we all come from, and what is possible.  I'll be checkin in on you.

One day.  Just one day.

Coiach l'coiach
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Re: Another day 25 Aug 2010 08:33 #77130

  • buzi
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
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Another day. Just today!
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Re: Another day 25 Aug 2010 08:40 #77131

  • buzi
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Lechayim wrote on 24 Aug 2010 15:21:

He doesn't look like a Rebbe at all. With that name he should change his pic.

Rebbe Shmebe! He is Barditchev and he makes the heiliger zeida proud.

I want to share my favorite story of the heiliger Barditchever.

It was the night of Yom Kippur and all were waiting for the Rebbe to give the signal to begin Kol Nidrei. The minutes ticked by and the rebbe still did not signal. Suddenly the rebbe turned to the person next to him and said “Tell me, how much did the poritz pay for his dog?” “400 rubles” was the reply. With that the Rebbe gave the signal to begin Kol nidrei. 

After daavening the Rebbe explained his behavior:

A few weeks ago, a Jew travelling in the forest was  attacked by bandits who stole all his money. As he sat and wept the poritz passed by. Seeing a man distraught he stopped and asked what had happened. After the Jew told him, the poritz asked him how much had been stolen. “400 rubles” he replied. On the spot the poritz took out 400 rubles and gave it to him.

Said R’ Levi Yitzchok “What a kitrug for klal Yisroel, that a goy could be so benevolent! Who can think what that demands from us! How could I begin Kol Nidrei?” and then I remembered that I had heard that the poritz had bought a special dog for a lot of money. I enquired how much this was and I was told 400 rubles. Then I realized that for the poritz the value of 400 rubles is not substantial and not a big sacrifice. Now I was able to begin Kol Nidrei.

What counts is the effort not the result.
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Re: Another day 25 Aug 2010 08:41 #77132

  • buzi
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14 wrote on 24 Aug 2010 17:58:

Please hold strong!
The more I see someone like you that even one day is a challenge! And nontheless you control youself, I who for me it only becomes a massive deal after 2 or 3 days, should forsure hold strong for however long you stay clean!

I find this ironic. I never thought that I could be a source of inspiration at this stage for others.

14, I must tell you this. I have tried for a long time to pick myself up. I think that what pushed me this time more than anything (and halevai I should continue to feel this way) was your thread and the thread of “HaShems Soldier – two people a lot younger than me who are using all of their koiches to overcome their Y”H. I wish you too Chazak Ve’ematz.
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Re: Another day 25 Aug 2010 09:17 #77133


We're rooting for you, one day at a time, one hr. at a time.

I hope you have a sponsor to call when it gets tough...
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Re: Another day 26 Aug 2010 08:24 #77176

  • buzi
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
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Another day. Just one more day! (a bit less enthusiastic.)
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Re: Another day 26 Aug 2010 08:26 #77177

  • buzi
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
  • Karma: 0
Last night I had a near fall. I tried to test the filter. It seems to be part of the fun, to try and get round the filter. Actually sometimes it’s even better for the Y”H because I can justify taking “the first drink”.

I realized something else. I felt as worthless this morning during daavening as I do after a real fall. I am thinking that maybe it works the other way round. Maybe what allows me to act out is because subconsciously I feel inferior in HaShem’s eyes and that is why I don’t care about acting out?

I know that there is no point in trying to understand addictive thinking, but it just bothers me. Why? Why? Why?
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