A letter to my beloved brothers and sisters at GYE(and to those who love them very deeply.for those who don't,do not waste your time.this letter is not for you)
My dearest friends,Hashem's beloved sons & daughters,
Every Yid is a precious diamond,every single one.that includes every Yid here,in this special place.The diamond is pure,cannot be corrupted.Even if tons of stinking garbage is piled upon the diamond,that doesn't change the pure beautiful essence of the diamond.because that diamond,which is you,is pure in essence,pure intrinsically,and will always be so.
The "garbage",the ugliness,the addiction,the terrible impulses,the hateful thoughts,all this is external to you.It is not you.Always remember this.It is not you.It is not you.Though it feels as part of you,and you feel you will never be able to rid yourselves of these negative impulses & drives,it is still not you.You are pure and beloved.
Hashem loves you.Why?because.Because why?Just because.period.Hashem says: "You are the son of Avrohom,Yitzchok,and Yaakov,you are the daughter of Sarah,Rivka,Rochel & Leah.That's why.Period.Nothing can ever remove My Love for you.It may hide for a while,even for a long while,but it's always there.
It always was there,even when you felt trapped by darkness,unable to escape.Even there,even then,I saw you as you really are,the pure wonderful handsom Chosson,the pure beautiful and white Kallah,and you fill Me with Pride."
"I'm proud of you",Hashem tells you.But why,you ask.I'm so screwed up.Don't you see all the darkness in me?all that crazy twisted stuff?Don't you hate me because of all this?You hate evil,evil is in me,so You must hate me!!!!!How can it be otherwise?????
"No",Hashem says to you,His son,His daughter."I can never ever hate you,how can you even think such a horrible thought!!!!I love you,I always have,and I always will.True,I hate the darkness,the bad stuff,but that's not you.That's external to you.You I love,you I cherish,you I will always help,and I'm always concerned and interested in you.How are you,my son?You look tired and worn.I'll help you,I'm with you.You are going to feel much better soon.Just hold on a little longer.My daughter,you can cry on My Shoulder,you can talk to Me,always talk to Me,I'm listening with Love to your every word,I care about you,I care about every second of your life.and I know the pain you feel,even the pain from that little scratch on your left toe.You think I don't know about that?I feel that too."
"And when you were 6 years old,and you fell off your bike,and skinned your knee,I felt that pain too,I saw your tears,I know that hurt you,but I needed to teach you to take that pain with inner courage and to get back on your bike again,and bravely,with tears in your eyes,peddle and peddle,with that skinned knee of yours,which I healed.
look at you knee now.your'e not 6 anymore.it's been healed for a very long time now.
And if I saw the pain of your skinned knee when you were 6 years old,do you not think that I don't see that terrible ache in your heart right now?
I will tell you a great Secret.The Holocaust.In detail,I cannot talk to you about it.You are not made to comprehend because it is beyond your ability to understand.I made your mind in such a way that it cannot wrap around the concept of what I made happen then.
But this secret I will tell you,because you need to know how valuable,how precious you are to me with every second that you fight this darkness you are in.
I hid Myself in Aushwitz,but I was there the same way I was there when I spoke to the Bnei Yisroel and to you personally at Har Sinai.
You have no idea what I saw in that Dark Place,Aushwitz.I saw things that I will never forget,things that will shine in full beauty & splendour when I allow it to-when Moshiach comes.
That little succah,that little succah,that little succah.
A succah like that I have not seen before,not in thousands of years,not even in the Midbar,not even with the Clouds of Glory.
That little succah,that little succah,that little succah.
That little succah,made in fear,in blood,in tears,in screaming,in agony,in death,in mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters being tortured and gassed,and then up in smoke,up to ME,this succah built with the last of strengh,scraps of wood,patches of dirty filthy leaves,and one little Yid huddled in there,tears streaming down his face,his eyes,happy,do you believe this?????!!!!!!happy that he was given the zchus to do this mitzvah,the mitzvah of succah,and he tells ME,I love You Hashem,I thank You Hashem and he is saying this with his full heart,I feel his love for ME,this Yid is to me like Moshe Rabbeinu,like Aharon Hacohen,like Dovid Hamelech!!
This Yid is always with ME.He is with ME now.
I can talk for hours and hours,weeks and weeks,months and months,years and years.but I will just tell you about one more Yid.
This young bochur,whose teeth were all bashed out of his mouth because he was caught stealing potatoes that he was going to feed his parents with.The Nazis beat him to a pulp.smashed his mouth in with viscious brutality.He is crying bitterly.Why?because his body is racked with pain?because his mouth hurts terribly??No!!!!!He is crying because it's right before Pesach,in the Kovno Ghetto,when you can still get some matzah,and he cannot eat matzah because his mouth is shattered and torn.He is crying to ME,he is crying to ME,he is crying to ME,What's going to be with my mitzvah of Matzah,What's going to be with my mitzvah of Matzah,what's going to be with my mitzvah of Matzah?????So I send him to Rav Oshri,a young rav in Kovno,who is with me now,together with my succah Yid.I send this precious bochur to Rav Oshri.I tell Rav Oshri to give him chizzuk.I tell Rav Oshri to tell this bochur,don't worry,be matir neder,you can soak this matzah in water until it's very very soft,and you can eat the matzah that way.
Iv'e been asking all Yidin in all generations to eat my matzah the night of Pesach for over 2,000 years,but I'm telling you,I have never had such nachas,such love,from my matzah, as from this water-soaked matzah,eaten by the broken toothless mouth of this precious bochur of Mine.When Moshiach will come,the light of this matzah will be revealed.Until then he is with ME,and with my succah Yid.
Why am I telling you all this?your neshamah did not come down to this world in that Dark Time.It came down in this Dark Time.physically much much better.and I want you to enjoy the bracha of plenty that I am giving to this generation.I want you to Thank Me for it.But it's a very Dark Time too.Spiritually Void.Terrible twisted evil is right at your doorstep.and it is in you too.
I will not tell you,I cannot tell you,why you need to suffer so much.Why you are in a turmoil.Why you sometimes feel such despair.why you have these ugly urges.Don't you think I could have placed you in a safer place???Don't you think I could have had your neshomah be more calmer,more peaceful,more drawn towards kedushah ???I didn't want that.I didn't need that.and I do not make any mistakes.
True ,there is no Aushwitz now.But before I send My Moshiach to you ,it's going to be pretty dark,contant struggles just to stay faithful to Me.
For every Shabbos,there are 1,000 New Year's Parties.For every mikvah ,there are 1000 terrible nude beaches.For every matzah there are 1000 ham sandwiches.For every shul there are 1000 strip clubs.For every bais midrash there are 1000 sports bars where you can drink your life away and bring home some piece of trash to sleep with.For every Chofetz Chaim Heritage foundation presentation there are 1000 pornography movies.and yes for every precious wife I send to you there are 1000 prostitutes.and for every special gift I give you there are 1000 ways to abuse that gift.
I sent my prophet Yiriyahu to tell you this.Perek 9.You read this in the haftorah every Tisha Baav morning.And I send the Moshe Rabbeinu's of our generation to explain this to you.to explain what I meant.what I mean.
Death comes up in your Windows.During the time of theBais Hamikdash I meant windows of houses.death in those houses with windows.But when I said these words I was looking at your dark generation.I saw death in Windows.Bill Gates's Windows.Windows 95,Windows98,Windows 03,Windows 07,Windows XP,Windows 09.There is death in those Windows.There is death in that which I call the Internet.You saw death in these Windows ,and you are running now away from it,I'm allowing you to escape,escape to GYE,and escape upward.That's your job.
I love you for trying.with every ounce of strengh you are fighting for ME!!!!
that little succah,that little succah that little succah
My precious sons,my beautiful daughters,make that little succah for ME!!!!
Make that little succah for Me in the depths of your heart!!!!!
Do you have any idea how I feel when you deal with your dark struggles,and you still fight for Me and say kiddush Friday night???
I created you.Do you have any idea how much I love you,when amidst this terrible war-zone that is in your neshomah,you open a tehillim,and pour out your heart to ME????
Your neshamah is that little cheder,deep in the basement,in the Warsaw Ghetto.
The light from that dark basement still shines out to ME
Your bracha,your tefillah,your talking to Me is like that light of that dark basement.It shines out to ME.
Do you realize what you are doing??
My little succah,My little succah,My little succah.
You are My precious beloved succcah Yid.
And you are with ME-always.