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yechida's reflections
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TOPIC: yechida's reflections 148976 Views

Re: yechida's reflections 29 Jul 2009 12:45 #10095

  • yechidah
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What kutan and chl is saying is correct.harsh tshuva is not meant for our generation,and you ask true gedolim that understand, that harsh teshuva is not the path Hashem wants us to take.because we are already broken.what is the point of further breaking what is already broken?

this that the seforim say that the sin after tshuva wipes out the tshuva is only true in one instance only.this is only if at the time of your tshuva you are simultaneously planning this very sin you are doing tshuva for.

But Trying,this is not the case with you or with anyone here.Mr YH may tell you it is,but I've already said that Mr YH is full of baloney.

when you are doing tshuva you are telling Hashem that I wish I would never do this again.and you mean it with your full heart.You don't believe me then Ask Reb Guard.Ask Rebbetzin 7UP.Ask anyone here that you trust.They will all tell you the same thing.You are a sincere good person with great potential that is struggling with something vicious and you will realize later that this struggle that you have is not your fault at all.so when you do tshuva,you mean it with your whole heart and no subsequent fall can ever take this teshuva away.never ever.Hashem holds this tshuva very dear and precious,even if you fall later.and it may take some time but I promise you that later in your life you will see that all the teshuva that you did was never forgotten and never lost and it was all along treasured by Hashem.      

Last Edit: 29 Jul 2009 17:51 by Kaveh El Hashem.

Re: yechida's reflections 29 Jul 2009 15:57 #10110

  • Pintele Yid
Ti'era TrYiNg,

Just was hoping to add my 2 cents to the thread.

The Rabbeinu Yonah and others who wrote seforim of the same genre, definitely were not speaking to our generation. A generation where you can't walk in the street without passing women with everything exposed. Signs, billboards, people talking nivul peh, cars blaring nivul peh, and music composed by the Y"H himself.

A yid can't go to shule by car or foot without getting bombarded. Let's not discuss public transportation. Co-workers who are trying to pull you down, all the new electronic toys of the Y"H....the list goes on. The air we breath is permeated with lust as well as the water we drink.

The Torah refered to Mitzrayim as Ervas Haaretz. I think that our generation is a million times worse. I don't know if what I am about to say is true but I was thinking that a proof to this is that Moshe Rabbeinu ventured out of the safe confines of the palace to see his "brothers" problems. If the streets of Mizrayim were nearly as bad as ours, he never would have left the palace! Someone who as a baby wouldn't nurse from a Mitzris because of Kedushas Hapeh, wouldn't risk being Metamai the eyes that will soon be speaking "directly" with Hakodosh Baruch Hu.

We have to internalize the plain fact that this is the Nisayon of our generation. But let's define the Nisayon. I don't think that the Nisayon is if we will or will not ever fall. The Nisayon is how much effort we put in to trying not to fall, and when we fall, how are we going to react. If we are going to be B'atzvus and kill ourselves for falling, then we are letting the Y"H win the battle. We have to identify this self effacement as the Y"H and not our Yetzer Tov.

Hakodosh Boruch Hu asks us to do whatever we can to fight. When we lose, he asks us to:

1. Dust ourselves off
2. Ask him for forgiveness and to clean off our Nashama
3. Tell him we will try our hardest to hold on in the future
4. Plead to him for S'yata Dishmaya in fighting the future battles. If Moshe couldn't fight Og, then of course we can't fight against a fiery malach without Hashem.

I am writing to you somewhat selfishly because as a result of several several hits over the last 2 weeks, I was a basket case on Monday afternoon. It was as if all my learning and previous efforts went out the window. Yesterday, B'syata Dishmaya, I refocused with ideas of what I am writing now, which  resulting in renewed determination to win more battles. With the many chances to be Oiver on Shmiras Eiynayim on a daily basis, I already have several victories under my belt. Even if I fall again, noone will be able to take these victories away from me and I am stronger then I was before my falls.

I believe that after 120, all those that were TrYiNg to fight will be awarded the purple heart

I humbly suggest you learn the seforim of Rav Shalom Arush. My Rebbi, Rav Moshe Wolfson Shlita said that his seforim is written for our genaration. Over the past 6 months, I have been focusing learning his seforim, and it has really really really really helped me in many aspects of my life.

Chazak V'amatz :D
Pintele Yid
Last Edit: by michael.

Re: yechida's reflections 29 Jul 2009 16:13 #10111

  • bardichev
Last Edit: by jubfree.

Re: yechida's reflections 29 Jul 2009 16:54 #10117


Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: 29 Jul 2009 16:56 by .

Re: yechida's reflections 30 Jul 2009 05:48 #10157

  • TrYiNg
Thank you so much for replying. It makes sense.
Pintele, it's jst the chizuk I needed. What seforim did R' Shalom Arush write?

Just a small question; if anyone out here ever listens to R' Amnon Yitzchak speaking, they'll know that he always encourages ppl (especially women) to learn the Sharei Teshuva. He also understands that our generation is different, yet he recommends this sefer...
Last Edit: by wannabeabetterman.

Re: yechida's reflections 30 Jul 2009 06:50 #10160

  • chl

you have to find the right "guide", "friend", "mentor", however you want to call it... took me years to find someone like that. Someone who can help you find the right path for you... even if it is different from his own. It takes a great and humble person to do that.

It could be that if you were to talk to R'Amnon Yitzchak, and he were to know you really well, your background, your struggles etc... he might not recommend you to follow the hanhagos of the sefer (he might still recommend to learn it).

There are many stories about chassidim who traveled to different courts of Tzadikkim, staying, listening, traveling on until they finally met the "right" one.

One thing that the person who helps me told me to do is to pray every day that HaShem leads me on the "derech hemes'n emes". I pray for that every day.

I hope not to insult anyone's beliefs but sometimes one has to go against the stream, find a "path on the side" (always within halacha obviously). I bet that if most ppl here on this forum would follow the "main stream" they would not find solutions to their problems, but hide out in silence, shame and guilt. With no one to understand them. Peer pressure and social norms and conventions especially if justified/disguised as "religious" can be harmful...

Another example is chinuch. There is a rav here in Jerusalem who works with troubled youth. The stories he has to tell about certain Rosh Yeshivas and their lack of sense of chinuch and empathy is frightening.

may we be zoche from now to walk the paths that HaShem wants us to walk on, under the guidance of the righteous Mashiah.
Last Edit: 30 Jul 2009 12:00 by Yesod.

Re: yechida's reflections 30 Jul 2009 08:08 #10164

  • Pintele Yid
TrYiNg wrote on 30 Jul 2009 05:48:

Pintele, it's jst the chizuk I needed. What seforim did R' Shalom Arush write?

His main sefer is called B'Gan Emunah. It has been translated into english and is called The Garden of Emunah. (although it is smaller than his Hebrew Sefer)

Another Sefer is called Bsdei Yuar. It is a sefer on Tefilo and Hisboididus. His definition of Hisboididus is personal conversation with Hakodosh Boruch Hu. This daily hourly conversation will bring you much closer to Hashem because you will build a real connection to him. For the last few years, I have had trouble davening with kavanah on a consistent basis and this sefer has helped me be more consistent.

A third sefer is B'gan Hachochma. I am almost finished with this sefer and it is like detergent for the brain. It is an explanation of one of Rav Nachman's Stories - the one about the Chacham and the Tam.

A 4th sefer is on Shalom Bayis called B'gan Hasholom. This sefer is for men only. In my very humble opinion, it is the most practicle sefer on Shalom Bayis that I have ever read. This has also been translated into English. I don't know the exact title. One of his Tamidim wrote a sefer based on his Sholom Bayis Shiurim called B'gan Eden Mikedem that has a small section for women.

He also has a small sefer called B'an Hagaguim on the 1st story of Reb Nachman.

I will I"Y"H be starting another sefer called B'Gan Haoisher. I have learned all the others.

He is a Breslover Chasid and the seforim are permeated with Breslover Chasidic teachings. I never had any connection to Breslov but I now understand why Reb Nachman said that before Moshiach, he will have more Chasidim than any other Chasiddus.

I remmember that there were others on this forum that commented on his seforim.

Pintele Yid

Last Edit: by בתשובה.

Re: yechida's reflections 30 Jul 2009 17:20 #10177

TrYiNg wrote on 30 Jul 2009 05:48:

Thank you so much for replying. It makes sense.
Pintele, it's jst the chizuk I needed. What seforim did R' Shalom Arush write?

Just a small question; if anyone out here ever listens to R' Amnon Yitzchak speaking, they'll know that he always encourages ppl (especially women) to learn the Sharei Teshuva. He also understands that our generation is different, yet he recommends this sefer...

Your question is good, and someone who knows R' Amnon Yitzchak will need to answer that for us!
Perhaps sefardim are stronger....

But chl's point is very valid too... I've been in the seviva of several gedolim bH, and continue to be surprised at their answers to me when I ask them a shaila for myself... the answers are often of a different tune than those given in public messages... as those are for the audience in general, and they here they are speaking to a specific person.

..., the Yesod Hatshuva was written by R' Yona himself! yet it has a completely different tone.


Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by Radio.

Re: yechida's reflections 31 Jul 2009 04:26 #10216

  • TrYiNg
Thanks pintele. I will check it out.


Perhaps sefardim are stronger...

I'm sefardi.
Last Edit: by augustowiscott.

Re: yechida's reflections 31 Jul 2009 08:20 #10238

  • me
Everyone must read the sefer B'gan Emunah.

I take full responsibilty.
Last Edit: by harelb203.

Re: yechida's reflections 31 Jul 2009 12:37 #10265

  • yechidah
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I cannot be here for long so I just want to say that I was thinking of all of you the entire Tisha Baav

Tisha Baav is a day of mixed emotion.Churban and Hope.Brokeness & Greatness.

We are broken now but we are promised that Moshiach will come and we will be healed,and our greatness that we had all along will be revealed.

Thats what I see when I look at my friends here.There is a brokenness,a humbleness,and the pain of a very difficult struggle.

But I also see your greatness,even now,clear as day.

So I thank all of you for making my Tisha Baav very very special,and for allowing me to learn from you very important things.

I suspect that many of you are unaware of your own greatness,and I daven every day with the hope that you will soon see your own specialness,very soon,and in a very revealed way
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Re: yechida's reflections 31 Jul 2009 16:17 #10301

  • Efshar Letaken
  • Current streak: 194 days
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That's why you are so strong.

I guess Pintele is on to something.
Last Edit: by .

Re: yechida's reflections 31 Jul 2009 17:57 #10307

  • Pintele Yid
Heiliga E.L.

A slight tikun - it was Kutan's idea.

Thinking about it, since everyone on this site is "one", it doesn't matter who gets the credit, because the credit ends up in the same place anyway:D

BTW, - Kutan you must replace "Kutan" with "Ari"

Pintele Yid
Last Edit: by Stam-Yid.

Re: yechida's reflections 31 Jul 2009 18:10 #10308

  • Efshar Letaken
  • Current streak: 194 days
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Sorry Kuta oops! I mean "Ari" for the mistake.

Wow! piteleh that's a perfect name for Kutan

"Ari Shebachaburah"

Git Shabbos
Last Edit: by mayer613.

Re: yechida's reflections 31 Jul 2009 18:53 #10311

  • Pintele Yid

If you agree with my idea, can you change yours from "Efshar" to "Vadai"?  ;D

Gut Shabbos my brother,

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