Ti'era TrYiNg,
Just was hoping to add my 2 cents to the thread.
The Rabbeinu Yonah and others who wrote seforim of the same genre, definitely were not speaking to our generation. A generation where you can't walk in the street without passing women with everything exposed. Signs, billboards, people talking nivul peh, cars blaring nivul peh, and music composed by the Y"H himself.
A yid can't go to shule by car or foot without getting bombarded. Let's not discuss public transportation. Co-workers who are
trying to pull you down, all the new electronic toys of the Y"H....the list goes on. The air we breath is permeated with lust as well as the water we drink.
The Torah refered to Mitzrayim as Ervas Haaretz. I think that our generation is a million times worse. I don't know if what I am about to say is true but I was thinking that a proof to this is that Moshe Rabbeinu ventured out of the safe confines of the palace to
see his "brothers" problems.
If the streets of Mizrayim were nearly as bad as ours, he never would have left the palace! Someone who as a baby wouldn't nurse from a Mitzris because of Kedushas Hapeh, wouldn't risk being Metamai the eyes that will soon be speaking "directly" with Hakodosh Baruch Hu. We have to internalize the plain fact that this is the Nisayon of our generation. But let's define the Nisayon. I don't think that the Nisayon is if we will or will not ever fall. The Nisayon is how much effort we put in to
trying not to fall, and when we fall, how are we going to react. If we are going to be B'atzvus and kill ourselves for falling, then we are letting the Y"H win the battle. We have to identify this self effacement as the Y"H and not our Yetzer Tov.
Hakodosh Boruch Hu asks us to do whatever we can to fight. When we lose, he asks us to:
1. Dust ourselves off
2. Ask him for forgiveness and to clean off our Nashama
3. Tell him we will try our hardest to hold on in the future
4. Plead to him for S'yata Dishmaya in fighting the future battles. If Moshe couldn't fight Og, then of course we can't fight against a fiery malach without Hashem.
I am writing to you somewhat selfishly because as a result of several several hits over the last 2 weeks, I was a basket case on Monday afternoon. It was as if all my learning and previous efforts went out the window. Yesterday, B'syata Dishmaya, I refocused with ideas of what I am writing now, which resulting in renewed determination to win more battles. With the many chances to be Oiver on Shmiras Eiynayim on a daily basis, I already have several victories under my belt. Even if I fall again, noone will be able to take these victories away from me and I am stronger then I was before my falls.
I believe that after 120, all those that were TrYiNg to fight will be awarded the purple heart
I humbly suggest you learn the seforim of Rav Shalom Arush. My Rebbi, Rav Moshe Wolfson Shlita said that his seforim is written for our genaration. Over the past 6 months, I have been focusing learning his seforim, and it has really really really really helped me in many aspects of my life.
Chazak V'amatz :D
Pintele Yid