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yechida's reflections
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TOPIC: yechida's reflections 149385 Views

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 14:03 #36362

  • yechidah
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my apologies if I was somewhat unclear.I did not mean to be.I just knew that it was important to post what I did.and in time,with Hashem's help,I will be able to say the words more clearly.as certain posts come up, and it relates to what I said,I hope to take that opportunity to verbalize it better.it's not so easy, and I'm not that good at it.
Last Edit: by danielr.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 14:06 #36364

  • imtrying25
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yechida wrote on 21 Dec 2009 14:03:

my apologies if I was somewhat unclear.I did not mean to be.I just knew that it was important to post what I did.and in time,with Hashem's help,I will be able to say the words more clearly.as certain posts come up, and it relates to what I said,I hope to take that opportunity to verbalize it better.it's not so easy, and I'm not that good at it.
No need to apologize. We just want to be able to fully understand our dear Holy Brother.
Last Edit: by tryingtobebetter1.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 14:32 #36373

  • yechidah
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I am Yosef

The brothers of Yosef could not answer him.

They were in shock.

They were chastised and the Chazal exclaim “Woe to us on the day of judgement”, and if they couldn’t withstand it, how could we?

And this point is one of the most important things  that I heard from R Pam ztl, and it is printed in his sefer “Atarah Lamelech”

What was the rebuke?

All he said was “I am Yosef”?

There are various explanations. True, there is no rebuke now but there will be major rebuke forthcoming. or it was “Is Father still alive? ”It’s a miracles that he is alive after what you put him through.

But Rav Pam ztl explains it in a very simple way.

So simple.

And yet ingenious.

“I am Yosef” was the rebuke.

It was revealed to them who Yosef was. That they erred in their perception of the essence of Yosef.

They did not know his value
They did not know Hashem loved him
They did not know that he was a tzaddik-even at 17.
They did not know that he was strong in the house of Potifar
They did  not know that he withstood darkness in a jail
They did not know know that he was the only moral one in a sick immoral world.
They did not know that he had within him to feed the entire world.
They did not know that what Yosef was at 17 was prophecy, not a fantasy dream

They did not know Yosef.

They should have known.

They should have seen Yosef for who he really was

But he they saw nothing at all.

“I am Yosef”

They are in shock.

They just saw Yosef for the first time.

And look what we did to this Yid!!
Look at what we thought of him!!
We thought he was a bigshot,
A handsome and superficial phony Actor,
Combing his beautiful hair like a girl,
Proud of how he looked in that fancy Kesones Pasim.
Avrohom had his rotten apple, Yishmael
Yitchok had his rotten apple, Esav.
And this here is Yaakov’s rotten apple,
My goody goody tattle tale who thinks he is better than everybody.

They saw Yosef as that 17 year old boy,
And as great as they were,
They did not see him at all,
And now,

“I am Yosef”

Here he is.

And this was always him.

Even then, when you threw him into the pit with the snakes.

And you never saw him.

Until now.

Rav Pam extends this concept to not judging another Yid even if it seems that he is doing something wrong. because you do not know who he is. He may be great despite what you see or think you see. Delve into the underlying cause, perhaps something is eating at him. You think he is a nobody. but you may be shocked at who he truly is.

And to extend this yet further

Every Yid has Yosef within them

“I am Yosef”

But you don’t see Yosef.
He was great, I am not.
He passed those tests, I did not.
My brother’s are right about me.
I deserve that pit of snakes because I helped put myself there.
But despite of all this,
“I am Yosef”
Because Yosef is there-but in prison.
It just haven’t been touched yet.
It has not been accessed.
But the nekuda of Yosef is within you.

You have not seen him yet.

But you will soon

And then you will realize

That it was there all along

Waiting patiently until you let him out.
Last Edit: by do34.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 16:14 #36406

  • habib613
guardureyes wrote on 19 Dec 2009 19:52:

Yechidah, I read through your letter and it is very moving, but I'm not sure if I truly grasped what you wanted to convey. Can I bother you to summarize in two or three lines what exactly you wanted to say and/or if you wanted our feedback - or simply wanted to share?

One thing I did understand, is that you will be sharing with us some Tanya that can perhaps help us, which I am looking forward to seeing!  :D

Forgive me if I do not see the obvious.

Thanks for being you - and for inspiring us every day with these deep and meaningful posts!

yechida, i consolidated your post somewhat, so that maybe R' guard will get it this time...
can i post it?
i want your permission first.
Last Edit: by klipafree.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 16:21 #36407

  • yechidah
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yes Diamond,you may
Last Edit: by csaka94.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 16:26 #36408

  • habib613
this is just a summary of what Yechida wrote a couple of days ago. If anything seems off about it, it's me.
it's now 3 pages long. I believe the main point is towards the end.

Even though this is an anonymous forum, I’m still nervous about saying this. I feel this is important to say, even though I tend to be more reserved and private.
This past week, I was told to take a break from the forum. Though that was difficult, it made me realize that I have an obligation to this forum to express certain things that are difficult for me to describe.
Even though we are all coming from different places, with different attitudes about the 90 days, or therapy, I feel that maybe if I tell you about my fight, it may help you. I see myself in many of you.
I am now in my late thirties, but I still remember what it was like to be a child and a teen. I can still relate to every age. Sometimes, when I listen to my seven-year-old talk, I feel like I’m still seven. And when I read some of your posts, I remember what it was like to be a teenager, or in my early twenties. This ability to remember and feel can be both a blessing and a burden. A part of me wants to forget the great intensity of my youth, but I cannot.
Do you also feel like that? Do you also have an inner world which threatens to overcome you? If you do, then I would like to open up more, and share certain aspects of myself that I have kept hidden until now.
First, on the practical side. I do not have internet at home. This has saved me tons of grief, and gives me peace of mind at least at home.  Aside from the spiritual dangers of the internet, it can also be a great distraction that can hinder a good physical life. I am not saying that others should not have filtered internet, but for me and my family this is the right thing. I do have a laptop, but I don’t use the internet at home (? Not so clear about that). That’s why you will only see posts from me on weekdays during work hours. My supervisor allows me to post as long as my work gets done, so I prepare the material at home and post it during the day. During lunch, I usually look for various poems, articles, essays and short stories that inspire me, hoping that they will inspire you too.

If I had the time, I would spend a lot of that time and energy interacting here, especially in the Wall of Honor section. The Chizzuk part of this site is extremely crucial and it has been bugging me for a long time that I have not participated in that vital aspect of the site. I read some of the threads and I wish I could read all of them. If I would be able to retire now, I would dedicate a portion of my time to giving chizzuk. That is how important I know this is. I wish there had been a site like this when I was a teenager, but for now, no internet at home plus the fact that I have to squeeze postings in at work greatly limits the amount of time I can be on the site. I chose to focus on giving chizzuk through what I write, and what I find instead of through daily interactions. Please forgive me for this; I wish I could do more.
Now back to my story. There were periods in my life that I suffered from great inner turmoil, especially when I was 12, in my late teen years, and in my early twenties. Out of the blue, these confusing feelings would resurface again with a great intensity, sometimes triggered by a truly stressful event or a challenging period of time. Now I see that it was what we call depression with a nice dosage of anxiety and a very strong lack of self esteem. At the time, I didn’t understand what it was. I later realized that depression, even to the extent that I felt it, is extrememly common. Thousands upon thousands of boys and girls, especially of that age, go through what I did. But in my stupidity [ed note- bad word :)] youth, I did not know that I was normal. So this depression and low self esteem became a terrible secret burden. Now I see clearly that many of my negative behaviors came from this inner turmoil. It is very possible that the things that haunted me will affect many of you.

I believe that many of you have had problems with lust. Whether it be struggling with lewd thoughts or looking at unhealthy sick images, these problems are a SYMPTOM of the true problem.
How do I know this?
Because it is completely normal to feel these desires within us. But I have noticed that anytime I went through a low period in my life, lust-wise, it was because of an internal issue or problem. For people for whom lust is a direct cause, then they would have more problems in spring and summer and less so in the fall and winter. It is normal to feel a desire when people walk around in less clothing. For married people, it would be normal for the six weeks after a child is born to be much more difficult than during those regular patterned cycles of marital life. It should be much harder to not lust when we are exposed to unsupervised internet than if we only have limited or no access

But with me this was not always the case.

It’s true that sometimes the natural external situation generated the problem.
Which is why though I want to make a chasson happy, I do not stay long by weddings unless I feel that I have to. And yes, in the summer I have to be extra careful. Just like everyone else, I am affected by the external stimuli and the environment around me.
But often there was no pattern or logic why sometimes I had more difficulty than others. Sometimes, my winters were harder than summers. I too had several larger spaces of separation after children were born, and they were all different. There was one time where it was no problem at all, while another time was exceptionally difficult. Finally I realized that when I had inner joy and calmness I had fewer problems with these issues than I did when I was upset, aggravated, depressed, or anxious.

When was I at my worst possible behavior?

When I hated myself.
Hated myself for being human.
Hated myself for even “normal” slips and falls that I did not think were normal.
(which seems like excess humility but in reality it is a subtle but deadly form of arrogance , not willing to “let go”, and let Hashem in)
This self hatred and self castigation and feeling worthless and not taking joy in the fact that I had some good qualities; this was the CAUSE of my inner hell. While there are some valid reasons why I have a tendency to hating myself, I cannot blame anyone.
Hashem wants me to work with what I have.
During the late teenage years I can across various sections of the Tanya, because I had this habit of browsing through a lot of seforim hoping to find some answers to my internal issues that I absolutely refuse to consider talking to anyone about. And I came across pieces of this sefer especially chapter 26 thru 31 that really helped, and later when I heard shiurim on these chapters, it really helped me in a very very practical way. Again it was bashert that I only got the benefit of internalizing these concepts later in life, and not when I needed to hear it the most.
There must have been a reason why this was so.
So one of the things I plan to do, with Hashem’s help, is to explain parts of the chapters 26-31 in a way that it will really hit home. To take what is written there and apply it practically. I will try to do this with the great advice within the words of our gedolim of all generations.
When I write these things, I am talking to myself as well.
I hope it helps.

Please forgive me when I say the wrong thing or if I slip and make mistakes in the way I talk to you. The last thing I would want to do is to abuse the honor and privilege of being here, and that is also a big fear that I have. so I daven to Hashem that I should always help and never hurt.
I can only try
Everything is in Hashem’s hands 
    (I know some of you may feel that it is no big deal, but for me this was very hard to write and a big part of me wants to delete it. the only reason I wrote this here is because I think it may help some of my dear brothers and sisters, because I think some of you know good and well about the things I talked about here)
Last Edit: by motyber1.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 16:30 #36410

  • habib613
anything wrong there?
Last Edit: by 2ym2.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 16:33 #36412

  • yechidah
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thank you habib

couldn't have said it better myself
Last Edit: by homerun20.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 16:53 #36418

  • habib613
lol you did say it yourself!
sometimes when i write from the heart it comes out very incoherent, because my thoughts are being pulled every which way. this was really good, and not incoherent. just maybe it was a bit long 
thank you Yechida
Last Edit: by DeletedUser8567.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 17:11 #36422

  • yechidah
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thank you again chabib

and it's true what you are saying.and generally I do not edit much.even though it would be clearer if I did, but it would be more controlled and less directly from the heart, so I decided to let it be as it comes out, because it is more real to me,and I try to write without thinking about how it comes out.just that it should be real and true to me and to you.and if it is ever happens that the post is unclear,you can do what you just did.and later,I do intend to explain it more.   
Last Edit: by pessyr.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 17:14 #36423

  • yechidah
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A 'Yes' Face 
Charles Swindoll 

During Thomas Jefferson's presidency he and a group of travelers were crossing a river that had overflowed its banks. Each man crossed on horseback fighting for his life. A lone traveler watched the group traverse the treacherous river and then asked President Jefferson to take him across. The president agreed without hesitation, the man climbed on, and the two made it safely to the other side of the river where somebody asked him: "Why did you select the President to ask this favor?" The man was shocked, admitting he had no idea it was the President of the United States who had carried him safely across. "All I know," he said, "is that on some of your faces was written the answer 'No' and on some of them was the answer 'Yes.' His was a 'Yes' face

Last Edit: by gtat.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 17:27 #36425

  • Dov
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These days, perhaps the horse would be sporting the 'yes face'? 
Another precious one. Thanks Yechida.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by shashtill.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 17:27 #36426

  • yechidah
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2 gems from R Kook

especially the second one

Waiting To Enter The Chambers Of My Soul

If my powers are shattered
And my nerves stricken
By accumulated anger,
By black thoughts
And confused effort,
Healing awaits
Behind my wall,
Waiting to enter the chambers of my soul.

My shattered powers have been healed.
My mournful song will again be joyful.
She will enchant me with her eyes
And satiate me with her lover's kisses.

Nafshi Takshiv Shiro

Do Not Set Aside Any Exalted Goal

Do not set aside any exalted goal that you can envision, even if it seems that the obstacles are many, whether from the outside or from your own personality.

As you strive, visualize inner truth. In this way, you will align your present knowledge with your conceptual insight. You will unify your aspiration with the ideal part of what you already know.

Arpelei Tohar, p. 42
Last Edit: by mhm23811.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 18:08 #36434

  • yechidah
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Who Is There? 
Someone knocked at the door of the Beloved and a voice from within inquired: "Who is there?" He answered, "It is I." And the voice said, "This house will not hold me and thee." So the door remained closed.

Then the lover sped away into the wilderness and fasted and prayed. After a year he returned and knocked again at the door and the voice again demanded: "Who is there?" And the lover said, "It is thou."

The door was opened.

Last Edit: by simchab123.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Dec 2009 18:39 #36465

  • imtrying25
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Thanks yechida. All your posts are just so profound. And thanks for taking the time to share.
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