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yechida's reflections
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Re: yechida's reflections 20 Oct 2009 13:12 #24604

  • yechidah
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This is another song from 3 years later

Describing the greatness of Shaul Hamelech in his final hours of life

We were held responsible for not eulogizing Shaul properly.

Niggun of “Achas Shoalti” (friends, you have to figure out which one-the right niggun sounds beautiful with these words, especially the high part 1)

Low 1

High Above, on his throne,
Shaul hears Shmuel Hanavi
Trembling inside ,he listens to
Hakodosh Boruch Hu’s decree

Low 2

Punishment ,will strike you
Purify sins of your past,
Your fate is sealed, the upcoming war,
Will be your very last

High 1

Eybishter, An Almighty King,
Greatness Blazing Through,
VeHaya Lashem Ha-Melucha
Our Mission to serve only You,

High 2

Glorious Melech, Glowing with Torah,
Enemies Bravely He’ll crush,
Leading into Yerushalayim
And rebuilt the Bais Hamikdash

Low 3

Bitter tears, rolled down his face,
Rallied all of his men,
Realized, he’ll no longer see,
Friends or family again,

Low 4

Courageously,he swung his sword,
Till he finally fell,
Fighting for
Am Hakodosh,
A true- Melech Yisroel

Yes, it is true that the eternal lineage of kings come from Dovid Hamelech,
But the greatness of Shaul must not be forgotten,
Despite the tragic mistakes and errors,
He was a great king,
Since he fell,
He has been with Shmuel Hanavi
As the Chazal say,
That was what Shmuel told Shaul.
Yes , tomorrow you will die
But you will be with me,
Shaul and Shmuel together in Olam Habah.
Dovid Hamelech being hounded bitterly all his life,
The one and only opponent that he loved and respected
Was Shaul Hamelech,
Cried bitterly when he died,
Loved his son,
Loved his daughter,
Loved his grandson,
We love him
Because Modechai and Esther saved us all from destruction
Descendants of Shaul ben Kish
He gave us Purim
Remember this when you learn Tanach.
Look carefully.
Hashem was upset because Shaul did not destroy Amalek entirely, not waiting for Shmuel early on, seeking the Baalas Ov ,and although not clear, the killing of the city of Nov which is a great mystery. It’s hard to fathom that story at all.
But Shaul was never castigated or punished or rebuked for chasing Dovid all over the place trying to kill him.
Because this was a spirit of insanity,a ruach ,not in his control,
When that bad spirit departed Dovid and Shaul embraced,
Like it will be when Moshiach comes.
Yosef and Yehuda will be as One.
Klall Yisroel will be as One
Because the Heart of Klall Yisroel is One

As I saw what Rav Wolfson shlita said

On Shabbos Veyechi 2004,

The words “Es Ruach Hatumah Aavir Min Haaratz”(the spirit of tumah will depart from the land)

And the words “Ahavas Dovid V’ Yehonoson”(the love of dovid and yehonoson, the son of Shaul)

Has the same numerical value(949=949)

Because Yonoson was happy with Dovid, and with his kingdom that would take place after Shaul.

And  when Moshiach comes,and when the Ruach Tumah will depart from the land ,there will be no more hatred-only love and respect,--the day Shaul and Dovid will embrace

Last Edit: by jj022020.

Re: yechida's reflections 20 Oct 2009 14:22 #24619

I must'a been on the other team.
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by jgreen.

Re: yechida's reflections 20 Oct 2009 19:34 #24692

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
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Dear brothers and sisters

when you need to cry- don't hold it in

let it out

it will heal you

The Power of a Tear  by howard simon
  Pounds of pain punctured my progress
Tons of trouble terminated my tranquility
Swarms of stress subtracted my substance
My heart exploded like a thousand thunders
My mind melted and my spirit splintered
Hanging by a thread destined to burst

I tried to wash away the wounds with words
But the stains were deeply dyed in concrete colors
Verbal detergents were badly and sadly defeated
Verbosity crumbled, fell at my feet and retreated
Internal torment was the architect of my demise
Terrorizing my thoughts and hijacking my hope

Music tried to massage me out of my misery
But though the words were so wonderful
And the melody so moving and majestic
Misfortune only mushroomed and multiplied

I sought solution in the fraternity of friends
But their fantastic fellowship fell flat on its face
As the vanity of my vicissitudes vented and vomited
Causing emotional dehydration and mental suffocation

Pounds of pain to be pushed out
Stupendous swarms of stress to secrete
But nothing happened until a tear fell from my eye
It impacted me so powerfully that I began to cry
I felt so happy that I jumped for joy
I was like a kid with a brand new toy
From that day I celebrated the power of a tear
And with anyone who would listen, share:

Hand picked from the clouds of my heart
Providing me with an excellent new start
A tear
Carrying the DNA of pain
Washing away hurtful stains
A tear
Expressing unspeakable feelings
Creating new channels of healing
A tear
Traveling through tunnels of tragedy
Transporting tremendous tons of therapy
A tear
Rushing into a river of reformation
Creating a deluge of consolation
A tear
Tearing down walls of internal imprisonment
Building beautiful bridges of betterment
A tear
Providing homeostasis
Averting my crisis
A tear
Seasoned with the salt of reality
Rescued me from the claws of insanity
A tear
Flowing directly from the tear in my soul
Anchoring my feet and making me whole
A tear
Much thanks to you my dear tear
You are the reason I’m still here

Last Edit: by Nesanel.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Oct 2009 03:51 #24732

  • habib613
has letakain seen this?
Last Edit: by NoName8.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Oct 2009 04:23 #24736

  • letakain
  • Platinum Boarder
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not crying yet.
still numb and and angry.
but made a list of everything i need to do so won't be as overwhelmed.
I am proud of myself today because of who I am becoming with progress, not perfection
one day at a time
I am a pickle, and I'll never be a cucumber again. and pickles are YUM!

my thread: guardyoureyes.com/forum/6-Women-on-the-way-to-90-Days/248941-Letakains-internet-addiction-journal
Last Edit: by growingyid92.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Oct 2009 14:39 #24806

  • yechidah
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Dear friends,

In this week’s Parsha, the Torah uses the phrase the animal ”that is not pure”(Ainenah Tahor) instead of that animal that is  impure( Tomay),and extra 8 letters (in Lashon Kodesh),to teach us that we should strive to speak in a refined cleaner way.

In the week of Parshas Noach in 1990, Rav Pam related how he heard a mother yelling at her 3 year old child (who obviously did something wrong) “You are a bad child”. The kid was crying so hard, couldn’t stop, couldn’t get to himself. In Rav Pam’s view this is because the child was labeled a “bad child”.

instead of saying “you did something wrong”-that, the child could handle

He also said it’s bad enough to say to another person “you lied”

But to call him a “liar” is the most terrible thing because you are labeling the person.

He didn’t just do something bad-he is “bad”

He didn’t just lie-he is a “liar”

He felt that most of the problems that people have with Sholom Bais starts with “harsh words” that often end in divorce.

Now when I heard this at the time, and even for a while afterwards I had this question in my mind,- that I understand that harsh insensitive words can aggravate a problem terribly, but how could you say that harsh words is the root and the main cause for many of the divorces that take place. Surely, there are many deeper underlying causes?

But the truth is there is always cause for something .there will be always something “not quite right” that you can zoom in on.

Wife cannot keep the house clean, yes, cheerful and optimistic and kind , but 25 pounds overweight ,or slim but a has an hysterical nature, shops beyond what they can afford, dresses very immodestly, or dresses like a slob, husband not a bad guy but only makes a mediocre living, boring ,listening to him is like watching paint dry, but faithful and respectful and loves his wife. but gets distracted when I’m trying to have a serious conversation with him etc etc

First thing one has to drill into the head-that thick stubborn skull

Harsh biting words will in no way or shape or form help the woman lose her weight, or become more organized-the terrible words that are at the tip of your tongue will kill her ,make her bitter ,or in some cases shatter any self esteem she may have.

And harsh words will certainly not have him make more money or become interesting. or pay more attention to his wife. To the contrary, he will do his utmost to crawl into his shell,to protect himself from those biting words. Why talk to her if she will take what I say and use it as a knife to stab me with?

At least my secretary listens to me when I talk.

There are ways to help your spouse improve.


Do not have a compete answer.

But biting sarcastic sharp words will be the start the crumbling of a marriage, the decay, the slime , the awful sewer smell of the toilet overflowing-that is what is unleashed when those words come out of your mouth.

.even good people, very very good people may have certain character flaws-even serious one.

But if a wife and husband speak to each other properly, knowing not to light a match to a potentially explosive situation, making sure not to use the power of words to wound each other, then there is a trust developed and a respect that will help the both of them work on very real problems in a positive calm constructive way. 

It still seems strange to me but I know Rav Pam ztl is right.

He has seen hundreds and hundreds of cases.

The couple themselves will see that it was a major financial crises, or the pressure of a problem child ,or the stress of day to day living, the craziness of managing myriad of tasks ,or that real real nasty thing that one inflicted on another and then caused a WWIII in the house.

Another words what may be remembered was that last straw that broke the camel’s back.

Or the last 10 straws.

But Rav Pam says that it all started because of the abuse, the non-control of those powerful words that you have within you.

(and if you understand Yiddish, please get the tape and hear it yourself-probably could get it through torah vodaas or torah tapes called ‘HaAdam Nikkar Bedibburo-Zehiros B’dibur- Taf Shin Nun Aleph-with was 1990).

Even when you must communicate a wrong -there are ways to do it.

Rav Pam uses this example,

Instead of saying “You are wrong”

You say “you are mistaken”

Or even “I think you are mistaken”

It sounds silly for one not used to hearing Rav Pam talk this way.

A small voice( but a very wrong one) used to fly up in my head.

“Are you kidding me?”

Are you telling me that those subtle differences in speech are the starting point of a spiral downward towards a bitter angry divorce???

But Rav Pam is not kidding

He is serious as can be.

The root of many (not all, many) divorces are the harsh words said to one another.

That is the cancer.

It is very very clear that Rav Pam zl believed this as absolute truth.

So did Rav Miller zl listening to him.

So did the Chofetz Chaim if you carefully read his seforim.

And what power of good is there within kind words

You can literally save a person’s life.

Not to flatter someone with empty phrases

Because you look at the real goodness that is within a person’s heart

And you let that person know what he or she has inside.

that neshomah that is unique,

nothing like it in this world or in the next,

and you speak to it gently

with love and respect,

those words touch the neshomah,

and allows it to thrive

you say I am glad you are here,

a lot I can learn from you,

a lot of things you tell me that help me 

so thrive, grow, be the best that you can be,

because by doing so ,you help me be the best I can be,

we learn to open our ears

Hashem whispering to us

‘I love you”

And we feel it to.

May we all feel this very soon.

And may that feeling never go away 

And here is a powerful insight that 7UP posted related to this topic, in regards to the Dor Haflagah. 

Thank you for sharing this


Building  blocks
mortar and stone
stretch heavenward.

Further than the ear hears
the eye sees.
Only the mouth
extends beyond
with threats and curses
weapons of war
in a dangerous bid
to outwit G-d.

A tower is built
in Babylon.

G-ds wrath
crashes earthward
as consonants and syllables
rain down chaotically
while sharp
accents and alphabets
pierce the tongues
of Man.

Built on the rubble
of rhetoric and deceipt

A world recreated.

and I read this a second time, this thought came to me,

I think that in a deeper sense the Dor Haflaga had created the chaos of language---- by abusing it

so Hashem was merely showing them what they themselves created.

chaotic deranged speech

while we strive to unify language as a beautiful structure-- for the One Hashem

intrinsically inscribed in the Heart of Klall Yisroel-which is One
Last Edit: by Hilroy2012.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Oct 2009 14:44 #24807

  • habib613
I really liked this one.  ;D
thanks yechida
Last Edit: by 247YID.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Oct 2009 14:46 #24809

  • yechidah
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Hatzlocha Habib

in everything you do-and say
Last Edit: by deskchair200.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Oct 2009 14:50 #24812

  • habib613
you 2!
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Re: yechida's reflections 21 Oct 2009 16:52 #24846

  • 7yipol
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Beautiful post Yechida.

Glad you liked the poem
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by #Anonymous.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Oct 2009 17:34 #24851

  • yechidah
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If you have any more of these deep insightful poems it would be a great honor if you would share it with us.

hijack away.

or if you wish, let the here-go----go-here

will be happy either way
Last Edit: by Ssm.

Re: yechida's reflections 22 Oct 2009 12:27 #24971

  • yechidah
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Several tidbits from a book “Everyday Greatness” taken from Reader’s Digest

1-A quote by George Eliot who incidentally had great respect for Jews (see her book 
    Daniel Deronda)

    “What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for each other?”

2-One kind word can warm 3 winter months (Japanese proverb)

3-kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless (Mother         
  Theresa-the very rare exception to the typical phoniness and ugliness of most of the 
    members of that misguided  faith. the biographies describing her may be overblown
    but it’s clear that this was not your average shiktza)

4-If you have knowledge, let others light a candle at it (Margaret Fuller)

5-we are not held back by love we didn’t receive in the past, but by the love we are not
    extending in the present(Marianne Williamson)

And to end off with this from the Minnesota Literacy Council

This, my friends, is extremely important and relevant

As the old man walked the beach at dawn, he noticed a young man ahead of him picking up starfish and flinging them into the sea.

Finally catching up with the youth, he asked why he was doing this

The answer was that the stranded starfish would die if left until the morning sun.

“But the beach goes on for miles and there are millions of starfish,” countered the other.

”How can your efforts make any difference?”

The young man looked at the starfish in his hand and then threw it to safety in the waves.

“It makes a difference to this one,” he said
Last Edit: by Devora6.

Re: yechida's reflections 22 Oct 2009 13:23 #24977

  • 7yipol
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Beautiful post YECHIDA.
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by LimitlessAshu.

Re: yechida's reflections 22 Oct 2009 15:11 #24994

  • letakain
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 5036
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that starfish story is one of my favorites!
I am proud of myself today because of who I am becoming with progress, not perfection
one day at a time
I am a pickle, and I'll never be a cucumber again. and pickles are YUM!

my thread: guardyoureyes.com/forum/6-Women-on-the-way-to-90-Days/248941-Letakains-internet-addiction-journal
Last Edit: by Yessod.

Re: yechida's reflections 22 Oct 2009 18:33 #25061

  • yechidah
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Dear friends

someone e-mailed me this precious piece

it moved me to tears

Mi K'Amcha Yisroel !!!!!!!

January 28, 2009
How I Survived Gaza
By Joshua Eastman

Eleven days ago today, Israel terminated an operation after having reached a state of cease-fire with a cowardly and murderous foe. We pulled out of Gaza. I pulled out of Gaza.

We were first called up on a Shabbat, right at the end of ten months of regular training and an extra two months of specialized training with the whole brigade in the Golan Heights. We were told that Israel was preparing for a possible conflict with Gaza. We were allowed to stay in phone contact at the beginning, and we listened for news from our families, always better informed than the army. We heard the bombs falling near the Strip, and readied our gear. And we waited. And waited. Every day another rumor came in.

"We're going today"

"We're going today"

We waited a week.

We were sent the following Shabbat.

The first time we came back out, after twenty four hours, our unit was under the impression that all the other units would be coming out as well. A little R & R, and then back in. But only our soldiers arrived at the base. The others were in till the very end.

The next two weeks we were deployed over and over again into neighborhoods whose names are ingrained as if from childhood memory, and we were told to ready ourselves for the final operational steps the army was preparing.

Thank God, for us, those steps never came. After fighting through less densely packed urban neighborhoods and villages, as an army, we never had to enter the tightly packed urban nightmares of the inner cities.

"The world is already trying to fault Israel, telling everyone that civilians died, and Israelis murdered. But I was there. I saw the twelve year olds with missiles and RPGs strapped to their backs. We watched in anger as our bombs, so as not to fall on large civilian centers, fell on our own troops."

A cease-fire was signed, and we pulled out with hatches open on our vehicles, waving flags and flashing the peace symbol even though no one was there to photograph it. After all, we were one of hundreds of squads returning. There was no way to record every tank and APC that came home. But it was cathartic, and made it official.

I saw many things. I heard things. While I was in Gaza.

I saw soldiers who were virulently anti-religious don tzitit under their bullet-proof armor. As one soldier said, "Why do I put it on now, if I never wore it before? When do you ask your father for help? When you need it."

I saw heroes. Boys just out of high-school, young men who should have been playing sports or starting families or going to college, loading weapons and placing armor on their fragile frames, securing helmets, and checking gear. They suppressed the fear that lurked at the edges of their minds, and as a unit swept across the fence and planted unwavering lines of boots in the soil of Gaza. I watched them fight like grown men against evil.

The first night we went in, we were unable to wear bullet-proof armor in my unit, and had to settle for flak vests (we couldn't wear armor when we first went in because, due to the weight we were carrying, it would have hampered our movements, creating a safety hazard). My young commander, who had an easy load to carry that wouldn't interfere with his vest, still left without bulletproof armor. "If my men don't, I don't". I told him the next day, I would have followed him through the entire Arab world if need be, my respect for him was so great. I saw my brave wife, Chana, who came down to volunteer, just to be close to me, braving rockets and missiles, and watched her help soldiers by handing out desperately needed winter gear and food. I watched Chabadniks who came to us every day and inspired the soldiers with song and mitzvot. I saw heroes praying for our safety, and feeding us, and caring for us.

I saw pain. Just today, I ran into yet another friend from another unit, who tells me, when asked how he is, "I am fine from the neck down." Sixteen of his friends were injured in a blast on the first night. He lost many more before the end. He is still sweet, still charming, but his laugh is more weary, and his eyes are sadder. Another friend in a different unit lost two-thirds of his whole platoon when a bomb destroyed their house. He says he walked in, and he saw limbs moving or laying still, and bodies unattached to them, hurting, dead. He still hasn't pulled back completely. A former commander of mine died, and a friend lost his arm and use of his legs, and is still in a coma.

I saw lies. The world is already trying to fault Israel, telling everyone that civilians died, and Israelis murdered. But I was there. My feet were on the ground and I saw the truth. I saw that warnings were given, I saw the enemy that fought us. I saw the twelve year olds with missiles and RPGs strapped to their backs. I saw that it was with sadness and great anger Israeli troops recognized the need to fire on people who crossed the red line, the danger zone which meant they saw us, and knew where we were. Old people mined with bombs, children armed with detonators, tunnels that opened in the ground to swallow our soldiers. I watched my commanders passing out all of our food to the children who were taken prisoner. I received the commands "closed to fire on the right" if our intelligence had reported civilians in the area. I watched us, more often then not, taking cover when supposed civilian positions fired on us from “the right”. Yet the world thinks it can bend the truth. We were not allowed to fire on schools. We were told not to loot. We watched in anger as our bombs, so as not to fall on large civilian centers, fell on our own troops, so that we could tell the world we were attempting to scare the enemy while limiting civilian losses. Yet they won't say that in the press.

You are the reason we returned. You are the reason I am alive.

I saw cowardice. We listened with concern when Hamas threatened to use snipers and bombs on us, to fight us every step of the way with their fifteen thousand man army, and we watched videos of full brigades parading, waving their weapons and threatening Israel. But as we invaded, they fled. They would attack in small groups, hit us with missiles and sniper fire, and then flee. The 'warriors' of Hamas were brave when their rockets fell unanswered on the schools of children and the homes of elderly, but they did not stand when the enemy called them up to answer for their crimes.

I saw miracles. Rockets that blazed past our houses, bullets that scarred the outside of windows we were watching from. A unit near ours that was walking in to Gaza had RPGs pass straight between their ranks without hitting a single soldier. Mines that didn't explode, mortar rounds that landed next to friends that didn't explode. RPGs that blazed into the earthen barrier directly in front of our APC, detonating before penetration. The night walk through a neighborhood that wasn't on the map, that was full of snipers and mines according to reports, that we walked through unawares, by accident, without harm or incident. And that was just what we knew.

I felt fear. Every time I entered, every time I squeezed the trigger, every time a missile landed nearby, I was struck with fear. It is a deep fear, hard to explain. Your body shivers as if you are frozen to the core. You find yourself staring at the ground, trying to adjust to the ringing in your ears. You freeze, and unless someone slaps you, or you manage to shake yourself, your eyes stay downcast, and you lay numb on the earth, waiting without realizing. Eventually, your training pulls you out and forces you to stay alert, your gun snaps up, and adrenaline masks the fear and hurt. You roll on seemingly fearless, with adrenaline telling you that you are invincible.

I have felt weakness. I have felt my supposedly mighty muscles shudder, felt my devastatingly powerful weapon shake in my hands, felt my heart hammer against my armor, felt my soul and mind search for some way to avoid pain and the nightmares that were becoming real.

I felt strength. I would have been lost, but for the words of my Rebbe... "Ein od Milvado". There is no one but Him. The mere utterance strengthened limbs, and a surge of faith and hope carried me through the invasion, through the detonations and whistling of ricocheting rounds and falling bombs. For I knew, for once KNEW and understood absolutely that I was in the hands of the greatest general on earth. A veteran of every war and every conflict, the ultimate warrior and defender of His people. I remember the joy that swept through the lines when they said the head commander was entering the field, because of his experience and strategies, everyone felt safer. It reminded me that an even greater Commander had been there all along. I understood the words of Tehilim 147, "Not in the strength of the horse does He desire, and not in the legs of man does He favor. God favors those who fear Him, those who hope for His kindness." My strength had failed me, yet when I begged God to allow me to be a conduit for His strength, to be His shield and a sword for His people, I was able to stand and fight. Those nights, my body was there, but God fought on that field.

I am not free of sin, and was by no means worthy of the miracles that befell me. That God aided me; that my entire battalion walked out, against all odds, while every other unit suffered losses, without serious casualty or mental scarring, was a miracle beyond any. That I was able to feel His strength replace mine, a gift for which I was undeserving.

My strength lay in the thousands of people who prayed for me, who prayed for the wellbeing of the army, who cried for the return of the fragile and precious Jewish youth who fought like lions where men twice their age would have fled. You are the reason we returned. You are the reason I am alive. You, the people who pray and cry and feel you that are not the front lines, are truly the army of Hashem. The IDF, as people should see, is merely the physical arm of what your prayers accomplish. You are the ones in the battle. We are the holding action, delaying the physical evil while you battle to clear the path for Moshiach. Never again will I feel a yeshiva student who learns all day is not brave for not being with us on this field. Because I watched the words and letters that he learned and prayed march ahead of us, thousands deep, and millions strong, absorbing the bullets and metal meant for me. I thank you, humbly, warriors of my heart and faith. You let me come home to my wife.

During this war, we received a tremendous outpouring of love and support; letters, donations, food, and clothing. In specific, because I know them, although without diminishing the greatness of all the people I don’t know, I want to thank my mother and her tireless blogging efforts, my family for their support and letters, my wife for being brave beyond any woman or man I have ever known.

I want to thank Congregation Tiferes Yisroel for remembering an old neighborhood kid, and multiplying that to help all my brothers in uniform. I want to thank all of the community in Baltimore for the davening and love that we felt even in the heart of darkness.

I want to thank the little six-year old who wrote, "Dear IDF, I am proud of you." I cried over that letter, my tears running through the pain and stress as we recovered from Gaza.

I want to thank the people who donated money for the vests that saved our lives, the people that gave us clothes to warm our bodies, candy to warm our hearts, and letters to warm our souls. You cannot know what one pair of socks, one chocolate bar, or one hastily written sentence can do to save the minds and hearts of your children from despair.

I am not as gifted with words as my mother, nor a hero as great as those who marched beside me or filled the air with prayer around me, but I hope from this letter, from my fumbling thoughts you can draw for yourself the love and hope I am trying to convey.

I have seen this people, my people, at its best and at its worst. I can see why Redemption will come soon. As a nation, we drew together. Disunity, differences in Kippot or sects fell away, and everyone reached out to help as best they could. No one said, "I have no part" or "This isn't my war". May Hashem see the greatness of His holy, beautiful people, and allow me to sing that old song to my child, with absolute truth and great joy: "I promise, my little one, that this is the last war."

Joshua Eastman made aliyah from Baltimore in 2005. He met his wife, Chana, on a trip back to Baltimore; and the two of them live in Givat Ze'ev. Joshua is currently a full-time soldier in the Golani Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces. When he can get near a computer, he blogs about his life in Israel at "Through Josh-Colored Glasses," hashkeofthedevonshire.blogspot.com/.

Last Edit: by Sam Mintz.
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