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yechida's reflections
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TOPIC: yechida's reflections 149311 Views

Re: yechida's reflections 16 Sep 2009 17:39 #18448

  • yechidah
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Thank you my dear friends,

Everything is in your zchus, may you all have a wonderful year and many many great years to come, in good health

Here is one more point I saw in Takanas Hashovim Siman Ches (Rav Tzaddok HaKohen) last night

Teshuva can uproot an evil decree

As water spills over parchment and erases the letters

Because  the letters of the bad decree comes from the sin itself.

The sefer in which the verdict is written is OUR OWN HEART!!

And when you break your heart(with sincere teshuva),the sefer in which that terrible verdict is on--- breaks and is shattered---and you are saved.

These are his words

Last Edit: by Mikey39.

Re: yechida's reflections 16 Sep 2009 17:43 #18450

  • letakain
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bardichev wrote on 16 Sep 2009 17:15:


that's ok, most of the time- i like being "little-sistered"
most-not all
I am proud of myself today because of who I am becoming with progress, not perfection
one day at a time
I am a pickle, and I'll never be a cucumber again. and pickles are YUM!

my thread: guardyoureyes.com/forum/6-Women-on-the-way-to-90-Days/248941-Letakains-internet-addiction-journal
Last Edit: by steven496.

Re: yechida's reflections 16 Sep 2009 20:50 #18521

  • yechidah
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On a lighter note,
but it still explains how everything is in it's proper place
We see everywhere Hashem's Plan & Purpose

Be Glad Your Nose is on Your Face by J Prelutsky

Be glad your nose is on your face,
not pasted on some other place,
for if it were where it is not,
you might dislike your nose a lot.

Imagine if your precious nose
were sandwiched in between your toes,
that clearly would not be a treat,
for you'd be forced to smell your feet.

Your nose would be a source of dread
were it attached atop your head,
it soon would drive you to despair,
forever tickled by your hair.

Within your ear, your nose would be
an absolute catastrophe,
for when you were obliged to sneeze,
your brain would rattle from the breeze.

Your nose, instead, through thick and thin,
remains between your eyes and chin,
not pasted on some other place--
be glad your nose is on your face!

Last Edit: by captainpowerhouse.

Re: yechida's reflections 17 Sep 2009 12:54 #18704

  • yechidah
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Dear brothers and sisters,

I am pleading with you to please always remember this nekudah I saw this morning.

It is written in the Sefer Mei Hashiloach,by the Isbitzer,Rav Mordechai Yosef Liener who was one of the Rabbeim of my beloved Rav Tzaddok HaKohen

toward the back of the sefer in Koheleth the piece that starts with "Ra-isi Avodim"


(in hebrewbooks.org you can see it on page 272 in the PDF file)


There are souls that have in them a precious holiness but their yetzer horah is exceedingly large and powerful.and therefore you do not see thier beauty and splendor in this world.but in the next world their preciousness will be seen.

But you see dear friends,our Ishbitzer and our Rav Tzadok did not wait till the next world to see the beauty and splendor of these holy and afflicted souls.

They saw it here.

They see us now.

And on this Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur and Hoshana Rabbah and mostly Shmini Atzeres we have to see this holiness and preciousness within ourselves

The whole world could wait till the next world to see our true selves.

We have to see it now.

This is only way to heal what is hurt and broken.

Last Edit: by bw924.

Re: yechida's reflections 18 Sep 2009 10:17 #18912

  • TrYiNg
High,very very high on the roof of that Great Hai, that TrYing to reach there comes together with pain and grief and bitterness and suffering, always fighting, always fighting, always fighting, you rest a second too long ,too self-assured, and those harsh winds knock you down again, and you must get up again and move forward and upward to a very special sacred place that you can only be after that terrible lowliness that you have suffered from, and after that hard climb that was mixed both with the tears of pain and the tears of joy, all mixed as one, because even at the very top of the Hai, you will never forget what you had to go through to get up there.

crying... I think everything is making me cry today. (thanks for the honorable mention  )

Tried to tell Hashem “Thanks but no Thanks”, please move me to the tzaddik status, I like that nice comfortable opening of the Hai
Exactly. Always . Its painful seeing all my friends up there. I'm gonna Try to remember;

You do not belong by the opening of the Hai with the tzaddikim. That is not you. You do not belong there. That is not your place.

I read the post, am trying to internalize it. Even copied it , so I can always refer back. and yet... I still have that voice in the back of my head saying; right! and you think all these aveiros , bad actions/thoughts, will just go away? There will be a yom hadin a day of judgement, and you will be dead embarrased. You'll come up there and all those bad malachim/scary i don know wats (h.p style) will drag you to the deepest partsof gehinom. The scariest place, even more full of pain & anguish than you've ever known. ( if that’s even possible) With all the reshoim, and you'll scream and yell. 'But I thought I was a warrior'…HA HA HA..'But I believed myself a climber'… HA HA HA… the laughter is echoing all around. Fire, evil, pain all mixed into one. And I hear them all sneering ' an aveiro is an aveiro…an aveiro is an aveiro…an aveiro…an avreiro… …. .…Who the heck told you that anyway?? A gue forum on the triefe internet? Go ask them for  help…

Sorry for being so morbid. I jst expressed some of my fears and this voice is inside of me, always
Last Edit: by KAVANA IN SHEMA.

Re: yechida's reflections 18 Sep 2009 13:00 #18952

  • yechidah
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I can very much relate to what you have written here-especially the last paragraph.

That is very reason I speak with you.

That voice that is in back of your head is why I speak with you.

I know that voice very well.

It haunts you and it has haunted me for many many years.

I will with Hashem's help discuss the nature of this voice.

I'm really afraid to.

I feel like crying thinking about how that voice caused so much damage

But I probably will have to adress it anyhow.

In the meantime know this TrYing

read that last post from the Mei Hashiloach

He is talking about you too.

There is a very strong force that is in this world that wants to derail neshomos like TrYing,as well as many of my dear brothers and sisters here.

That is because these is something very unique there that if it would come out ,the world would be a much better place and Moshiach would be very very close to coming to us.

The violence of that hateful voice proves that you are on the road to something very high and very special.

Otherwise,the voice wouldn't bother with you at all.

You have something very valuable to contribute to Klall Yisroel

This is not an overstatement.

You have no idea what your tefillos can do on Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur

TrYing,even by Neilah that voice may come to derail you.

Don't worry about it.

You are on the right track

Hashem loves TrYing

Hashem loves everyone here- with Rav Guard at the front

All my dear friends here,have the most wonderful year

I have all of you in my heart

because the Heart of Kllall YIsroel is One 
Last Edit: by ohev hashem.

Re: yechida's reflections 18 Sep 2009 13:04 #18954

  • habib613
that was so beautiful!
and trying is one of the most special people i know.
she really is 
you hear that trying?
Last Edit: by twotype_astronaut.

Re: yechida's reflections 18 Sep 2009 13:07 #18957

  • TrYiNg
I hear, but cant believe...
Thx both of you. Yechida, I will TrY to remember...Try & TrY...
Last Edit: by John77.

Re: yechida's reflections 18 Sep 2009 13:13 #18959

  • TrYiNg
wats if its not true? wat if i'm just a sinner? Ever heard of those? there are some
Last Edit: by ballking.

Re: yechida's reflections 18 Sep 2009 13:58 #18967

  • habib613
anyone who works on themselves, who tries, even a little, is not a sinner. and i know that your special cuz i just do. i see, and yechida sees, that you are a good person with a difficult nisayon. and you're trying, despite that.
Last Edit: by Drowning.

Re: yechida's reflections 18 Sep 2009 14:38 #18972

  • yechidah
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listen to your friend-the big diamond
Last Edit: by Doingit4hashem.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Sep 2009 19:26 #19194

  • yechidah
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Dear friends

Some of this post was hard to write because the issue is a very hurtful and unpleasant

But it had to be written

I would like to speak in a general way on this that was written “In ‘real’ life I am not accustomed to compliments and encouragement”

This issue is so widespread and affects almost all of humanity that it is worthwhile spending some time on it.

It is human nature to overlook the good that is near us and to ignore the gifts that we have all the time. So if your water is shut down for a week, and you don’t have water, and you can’t move to another place, you feel that loss in a very deep way.

But if the water is always there, you never think of it at all.

Water, which gives us life, becomes nothing to you.

It’s just there.

But with human nature, it goes one dangerous and deadly step further.

You spit with disgust into that very water that gives you life.

With Yidin there is something beyond what is with the rest of humanity. Because when Hashem tells us that we are a treasure(segulah) ,each one of us is a letter or part of a letter that without it  would be posul, and that each one of us has unique qualities that we were given to use to fulfill our mission in life.

And while each one of us has a dark side that we have to fight, and that we need to work hard to control or rectify or direct in a healthy way, Hashem still gave every Yid special gifts and good qualities that we can appreciate and build upon.

But we have a hard time seeing the good side of another Yid

This applies mostly to the ones closest to you.

Generally speaking, the more you are with a person, the more exposed you are to him or her, the less special they will be to you, the more annoyed you will be at them. the less tolerant you become in the natural weakness in that other person, until in many cases this lack of appreciation can turn into bitterness and hate.

So you are invited to another family’s house for a Shabbos, a house with a lot of little kids and the house is buzzing with activity, the wife is working very hard in that kitchen to make sure the guests and the family have their delicious food, but she is a little behind schedule and is somewhat in a disorganized state. The guest sees this and realizes that she is doing the best she can under the circumstances. He thinks she must be overwhelmed. maybe she had a hard day .maybe some of the food did not come out exactly right and the chicken looked a little burned because it was in the oven ten minutes longer that it should have been because the e 6 year old had tumbled down the steps and it was  those ten minutes the child needed tending to. And she has a mild headache too. and  the two year old was driving her nuts, but she is still smiling and saying “Good Shabbos” and tries to do her best with this seudah.

She prepares a Kiddush cup for the husband but forgot to wash out one for the guest.
The guest understands this because he sees she is overwhelmed but the husband goes nuts. That the 5th time you didn’t prepare the Kiddush cup for the guest. And I may add that this is the 3rd time in 7 Shabbosim that you embarrassed me by burning the damn chicken. and if he is more refined and doesn’t use the word damn, he will say something like you have to be ‘mesakin’ this ‘inyan’ of not being ‘machnis orach’ in the ‘toredike’ way because a husband is “mechuyav” to be ‘madrich’ his “ben bayis’ in a proper “derech” ---- which is equivalent to saying damn chicken.

Onoas Devorim is Onoas Devorim.

It goes both ways.

Wives do these things to their husbands too.

And children to parents, and parents to children, and classmates, employers and employees, Rav with his shul members(the long time members),Rebbe with Talmidim. counselers with campers

And even close friend of many many years

It happens with almost every one who has a continuous relationship with someone else.
Objective outsiders-I mean using pure logic and not even trying to be kind-just seeing things as an outsider-will see many many more good qualities in this human being-much more than one own husband or wife sees.

Even the cold analyst, with no particular warm emotion, will see your spouse and recognize positive traits that you in your blindness will not see.

Because the yetzer horah blinds people from  seeing good qualities in the ones closest to them.

This is why  we make a big deal about Birchas HaChamah-once in 28 years.

No big deal to get excited about that.

Even Shofar-once a year is something felt deeply by many.

But good  old  faithful Krias Shema-neglected because it’s there all the time, twice a day every day.

The wife and husband, dealing with each other, day in, day out, day in, day out, becomes a much more neglected thing than Krias Shema.

Until one of them drops dead

And then, all the friends tells the surviving one what a wonderful neshomah that was ,yes that one, the one who was with you all these years.

You see that wooden box with the body in it and you realize things you should have realized many years ago.

But then is too late.

This is a great tragedy.

And we are all in need to fix this problem.

Because when a person feels the value within them, they thrive.

It is best to see the goodness in ourselves without needing to be reminded.

We should not need to be dependant on the “pat on the back” given by someone else.

We are special.

We have a unique mission by Hashem.

And Hashem values us and needs us.

This should fill us with peace and calmness and inner joy

We should not need to be getting that encouragement and compliment to do the right thing.

Hashem’s telling us how important we are to Him should be enough.

But it is human nature to yearn for that smile, for those kind words, for the chizzuk coming from a pure heart that loves you because of the good that is in you and will not look away in disgust with what is wrong with you.

You want this Yid to smile at you and see the good and you, and even if this Yid finds the dark and the sick and the ugly and the twisted in you, this Yid stills smiles at you with the purest love and tells you I see this and I love you just the same, and we are both going to pick up mops and soap and clean this place up so it can show it’s true beauty.

And after we are done you are coming to my house, in my heart, and you will help me clean up my mess as well.

As crazy as this world is now, with all its difficult tests, it would be much much easier if we felt the value of our neshamah.

And here is an even greater thing.

Put aside the avierah concept for a second

Let’s do what the Chovas Halvovos does all the time-use the Mind for avodas Hashem

Hashem loves the physical body, -the Guf of a Yid.

He is begging us to take care of it and use it the right way.

And if we felt that Ahava that Hashem has for the Guf of a Yid-there would be no need for pornography or any such thing that abuses the Guf of a Yid.

Because if you study the subject, you will see that indulging in these things is self abuse.

You are hurting yourself in a very bad way and Hashem is begging  you to take care of yourself and not do this.

He is also asking of you to appreciate the great gifts that are right there before you.

The  water coming out of that sink.

Don’t wait for your wife to be dying of cancer to thank her for all those burnt chickens.

You would accept 3000 Shabbosim with burnt chickens, half clean cutlery with a messy messy house, with forgotten guest Kiddush cups  just to have her walking around again in good health.

And we do not want any type of destruction or harm or hurt to come upon us because of our stubborn insistence in looking always at the ugly side of another Yid-not for a constructive purpose(such as self protection) but just because that is what we want to do. your lazy, your sloppy, your IQ is in the basement, if I would have married you- no one would have you ugly fat dog, your one dumb husband who can’t figure out how to make some more money, or you tell that friend I never really liked you in the first place. or telling a Yid here that if your head and heart struggles with filth then you must be a toilet.

Word such as these literally kills.

Or even worse, it’s like being tortured alive

Or what a more subtle criticism but no less poisonous “you are not up to par:”

No less deadly.

People have no idea what words can do.

What power words have.

My grandmother told me words that she heard 40 years earlier that affected her in a very powerful way.

And everyone is like this.

I’ve heard Rav Pam say this exactly.

“People are very sensitive”

He was speaking in Yiddish but this he said in English

“People are very sensitive”

And Hashem appreciates every Yid

He wants us to do the same.

In many many ways.

But with Words too.     


Last Edit: by LUK28.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Sep 2009 20:39 #19204

Oy.  :'(
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by baruchg.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Sep 2009 20:44 #19207

  • yechidah
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No "Oy" kutan(Ari)

The power of the positive is greater than the negative.

And alot of broken things can be fixed

even better than they were before.

even better than it ever was
Last Edit: by samduck.

Re: yechida's reflections 21 Sep 2009 20:46 #19209

Yes. Its true.
I can be mai'yid.
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by 0987.
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