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yechida's reflections
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Re: yechida's reflections 21 Aug 2009 13:30 #13651

  • yechidah
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My dear friends,

I will relate 3 true stories recorded in Victor Frankl’s “The Doctor and the Soul “

Same point in all 3,and it pertains to all of us, transforming darkness into light, squeezing out the true meaning of our lapses and falls that made it become retroactively something of great precious value.

Though the challenges in these stories are different than our own, there is a common nekudah that can help us too.

1) Several years ago, a garbage collector received the order of merit from his government. This man did his job to everyone’s satisfaction, but the special effort that gained him the award was this: He looks in the garbage cans for discarded toys, spends his evening hours repairing them, and gives them to poor children as presents. Talented as a fix-it man he adds magnificent meaning to his clean-up job.

2) A few years after World War Two, a doctor examined a Jewish woman who wore a  bracelet of  baby teeth mounted in gold.” A beautiful bracelet” the doctor remarked. ”Yes , the woman answered, ”this tooth here belonged to Miriam, this one to Esther ,this one to Samuel…”She mentioned the names of her sons and daughters according to age. ”Nine children” she added,” and all of them were taken to the gas chambers”.  Shocked, the doctor asked: ”How can you live with such a bracelet?” Quietly, the Jewish woman replied: ”I am now in charge of an orphanage in Israel” 

3) I have a twenty two year old female client who was injured at age eighteen by a gunshot as she walked to the grocery store. She can only accomplish tasks by the use of a mouthstick. She feels the purpose of her life is quite clear. She watches the newspapers and television for stories of people in trouble and writes to them(typing with her mouthstick) to give words of comfort and encouragement

Consider this a prelude to the powerful Tomar Devorah that I will elaborate on shortly,with Hashem's help,and in your zechus.I couldn't do a thing here if it wasn't your zechus and your great efforts in trying to be close to Hashem,and mostly because of your Ahavas Yisroel.Don't see Ahavas Yisroel like this too often.

I will be traveling most of next week with the family.I have a labtop but no internet connection.However,if I pick up a wireless conection,or if the place I'm staying has access,then I will be able to post a little.mrs yechida doesn't mind as long as I don't overdo it. see Efsher Lesakens posts in the goodbye mom section.it's very important to read and understand.

Have a wonderful Shabbos to all my friends here.I bring you along where ever I go. but I try to stay "balanced balanced balanced" as Efsher Lesaken says.
Last Edit: by jeffreal.

Re: yechida's reflections 24 Aug 2009 19:51 #13959

  • yechidah
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Dear Friends

I posted this in Pintele's section called Bilvavi,and here I would like to add an additional point at the end,an additional lesson I learned

This is the post

Hi Pintele,

posting from my vacation place.one of the most important things you are pointing out is that you just don't talk to Hashem about major events in your life.You talk to Him and ask Him about even the smallest nitty-gritty detail,please help me not trip as I go down these stairs,I feel a cold coming,please help me feel better,I'm starting Maariv now,please help me with my Shemonah Esrei,etc etc.

as you brought your rain story.not the end of the world if you got a little wet but why not ask Hashem for help?He could do that and much more!!and even if He decided that Pintele could use a nice summer shower,and allowed it to pour on you,you still developed a stronger kesher with Hashem.You would have heard Him say "Reb Pintele,thank you for asking,but you can use a shower"

all these things aren't earth shattering events.No reason to wait for one,even a great one,to communicate to Hashem and be close to Him.

went on a family hike today.we were crazy enough to take the hardest trail half the way.steep cliffs,very high.we had to turn back.All the while we were davening hard to get back safely,and when we did we said the perek tehillim that says "Kol Haneshama T'hallel Kah"

Those state parks are amazing.trails,trees,brooks "Ma Rabu Maasecha Hashem"

keep it up here Reb Pintele


I want to add this.We actually went much further on this difficult hiker's trail then we should have.we had my seven year old with us,walking steep inclines very high up on a mountain.and one of my ankles isn't the strongest.My wife and I realized our mistake and told the kids we had to turn back.Even my oldest,who would have loved to continue realized that we couldn't and didn't complain at all.After we got back down safely(they had to concentrate hard not to slip and fall-in a weird way going down was much more difficult than going up-it was very steep) I told my kids that they should always remember that when they become parents,if they are ever in such a situation,they would have to turn back even if you personally would want to continue.

I told my wife that although it is true that it would have been better never to have gone on this crazy experienced hikers trail,and if we would have really known how hard it was we never would have tried it,but now I'm happy that we did.They learned that you have to assess a potentialy dangerous situation and make a correct decision.We only a half-a-mile left to a 739 foot elevation but with a very windy steep and crazy path.we were already at  about 630 feet.and we had to go all the way back down hill and that wasn't easy either.It's hard turning back when you were so close to our destination which would have been a look out tower that we would have seen a miles of a beautiful nature scene.we did not end up seeing it.we were too exhausted to go back via an easier path.

I personally saw another lesson.Even if your deep deep deep into going in the wrong path,you always have the ability to turn back.it may feel extremely discouraging,and it may be very difficult,even scary,but Hashem helps you every step of the way.He will not let you fall,He will not let you stumble,He will give you courage and you wont need to look back.And after it is all said and done,when you already on the most beautiful scenic and peaceful path,you will not only not feel bad,you will be happy and exteremely grateful that you experienced that wrong scary path because you have learned invaluable lessons from it,And that beautiful path you are on now is of such an extreme and exotic beauty precisely because of that crazy path you turned back from and rejected.

You will thank Hashem from the depths of your heart for that crazy twisted path that you are no longer on --and will never be

the nightmare,my friends, is over,or will be over very soon    

Last Edit: 24 Aug 2009 19:55 by GYEStuff.

Re: yechida's reflections 24 Aug 2009 21:36 #13975

  • Pintele Yid

Thak you for sharing your experience and most of all your interpretation of it. Even if never reach our ultimate goal, the experience of trying to get there and the correct decisions and (sometimes incorrect ones) will be there for us in the future.

Pintele Yid
Last Edit: by TomatoJew.

Re: yechida's reflections 25 Aug 2009 04:30 #14002

  • Efshar Letaken
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Its amazing how you manage to think so deeply & learn from everything you do.

Not to touch any raw nerves, but I totaly understand the pain you displayed on lekutei battleworns page.

I personaly feel the pain like you do.

My blood preasure goes up evrytime this topic comes up.

If not for having pitty on my parents, I probibly would be a bum on the street today due to what some Rah Beim (intentionally spelled that way) did to me.

Its a long & hurtful story to talk about but I just wanted to let you know that I shear your pain.

The good thing that came out from it thou is that I'm on top of my sons rabeim like a hawk.

I talk to them at least once a mounth & if there's any issues my son has with the Rebbe or kids in class I'm there the next day & make sure alls fine.

I will do everything I can so that my son doesn't suffer like I did.

Last Edit: by 11needfixed11.

Re: yechida's reflections 25 Aug 2009 14:08 #14028

  • yechidah
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Thank you E.L. for sharing your experience

and Boruch Hashem things are much better now than it was when we were younger.

and you are being a very good parent in that you are making sure your children are protected from this.

Hatzlacha & Bracha
Last Edit: by ken.hen.

Re: yechida's reflections 25 Aug 2009 22:04 #14200

  • yechidah
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my dear friends,

today's family trip was less dramatic than yesterday,mall shopping,bowling(in an empty bowling alley-we had it all to ourselves),and playing in a nice park,and eating in the only kosher pizza shop in town.

Anyhow,a few points

1- I met an older Yid in the mall whose name was Yisroel.we had a 2 minute conversation at the end he tells me this "our problem as a nation is    that we forget that the word "Ahava" and the word "Echad" has the same numerical value (13).If we would would remember this fact we would be in a better state today" (by the way,later I remembered that Ahava+Echad=the Name of Hashem(13+13=26)

2-I got my wish today.Most of my family branched off to other stores in the mall,so I had 25 extra minutes in the book store.I bought 1 book.If I would buy every book I like,I would have a very empty bank account and a very cluttered house so I usually am very careful about what I purchase and the frequency that I do so.

3-Here is a short little episode that left an impression on me,written by the wife of Nolan Ryan

"Inevitably,sometime during a game Nolan would pop up out of the dugout and scan the stands behind home plate,looking for me.He would find my face and grin at me,maybe snapping his head up in a quick nod as if to say,There you are;I'm glad. 

It was a simple moment,never noted in record books or career summaries"

4-For those baseball fans,incidentally Nolan Ryan is against this concept of "pitch counts",presumably because this underworking and babying of  the pitcher can cause more damage than the overworking of them.I'm not such a baseball guru but probably in the old ways they overworked the pitching arm too much,and in the present day they go to far to the other extreme.He already pitched 93 pitches.chas V'shalom to add any more even if the pitcher feels well enough and is striking everyone out.


5-I didn't have a chance to analyze these books carefully so this is not an haskomoh on them,but for those who read anyway,here are some of the titles

1-Self Esteem-Third Edition-Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning-this was has my 100% haskomoh-pure CBT-cognative based therapy.

2-Quite Mind by David Kundtz

3-Broken up by Elizabeth Lesser

4-the happiness of hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt

5-Building the best in you by Caroline Harper

This last one is very interesting.it's a two-year discovery journal that you yourself write into to bring clear perspective into your life.

Bnai Torah,continue with all the heilega sedorim,and don't be mevatel torah or tefillah,but when your in the bathroom anyway,hey,that's a different story.

And even while your busy with your learning,you can spend 20 seconds and do what Mr Ryan did(#3)-pop out of your dugout( sefer,bais midrash,the mets disaster) and smile at your wife and tell her you are happy she is there.You do this in Ellul,every opportunity you can,on Yom Kippur Hashem will be pretty happy with you,and then feel free do ignore those 5 books and learn and daven instead.

But you have to pop out of that dugout to do this. 

I need to spend some time on that very special Tomer Devorah.

Last Edit: by allusernamesarealreadytaken.

Re: yechida's reflections 26 Aug 2009 02:04 #14218

  • habib613
hi yechida!
i'm almost ashamed to write this, but i never really got around to reading your thread. until today.

every post you write is so inspiring.
thank you for reminding me again why i'm here
Last Edit: by hakimolenko.

Re: yechida's reflections 26 Aug 2009 03:15 #14228

  • yechidah
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thank you for your kind words.and I am ashamed to say that I have to get to more of your thread as well.

your'e being here means that there are good things I can learn from you.

wishing you lots of Hatzlocha on your journey

Last Edit: by Moalusi.

Re: yechida's reflections 26 Aug 2009 03:22 #14229

Yechida, the more you post, the more impressed I get.
I don't know ANYONE like you.
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by samsam143.

Re: yechida's reflections 26 Aug 2009 23:45 #14424

  • yechidah
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Dear friends

just a comment on CBT

CBT(cognitive based therapy)-this basically corrects errors in thinking that lead to depression and anxiety and many serious emotional problems.It's truely amazing that most people,even if suffering from extreme emotional lows can be helped by doing the simple excercises spelled out in Dr David Burn's book.Most of it is pure common sense.

There are 10 possible cognitive distortions that can cause this emotional turmoil.Nine of them clearly are according to the Torah completely,and if I had the time to research I would write a small book proving from chazal that these 9 are in accordance to Torah on every possible level.so there is only good coming from working on fighting against these 9 errors in thinking that causes a person to fall into inner chaos.

There is one however that needs to be modified somewhat.

It's called the "Should Statement"-you criticize yourself or other people with "shoulds" "shouldn'ts" "musts" "oughts" or "have dos"

The idea behind this distortion is a good one.people place unrealistic expectations on themselves or others causing them to feel resentful or unworthy.I should have been nicer.I must learn 14 hours a say.my wife should always be nice.ect ect.

But the truth is that we cannot throw the shoulds and shouldn'ts away.we have 248 shoulds and 365 shouldn'ts in the Torah.

So we cannot use this cognitive distortion in the way it is described in the books on CBT.

But what we can do is throw away the partial unrealistic expectation which the Torah itself allows us to do.

You did something wrong,you should not have done it.you cannot just say ok that "shouldn't" was not realistic so forget about it.

But what you can do is say,Ok I should't have,but I did,and Hashem is so kind and pateint that He allowes me time to correct the problem,even erase it.

Once modified,this CBT is amazing,even people with average range emotion can benefit from this and can lead very productive and happy lives once freed from these negative thoughts that pull them down.

Last Edit: by Yochanan.

Re: yechida's reflections 27 Aug 2009 12:52 #14485

yechida wrote on 26 Aug 2009 23:45:

Dear friends

just a comment on CBT

CBT(cognitive based therapy)-this basically corrects errors in thinking that lead to depression and anxiety and many serious emotional problems.It's truely amazing that most people,even if suffering from extreme emotional lows can be helped by doing the simple excercises spelled out in Dr David Burn's book.Most of it is pure common sense.

There are 10 possible cognitive distortions that can cause this emotional turmoil.Nine of them clearly are according to the Torah completely,and if I had the time to research I would write a small book proving from chazal that these 9 are in accordance to Torah on every possible level.so there is only good coming from working on fighting against these 9 errors in thinking that causes a person to fall into inner chaos.

There is one however that needs to be modified somewhat.

It's called the "Should Statement"-you criticize yourself or other people with "shoulds" "shouldn'ts" "musts" "oughts" or "have dos"

The idea behind this distortion is a good one.people place unrealistic expectations on themselves or others causing them to feel resentful or unworthy.I should have been nicer.I must learn 14 hours a say.my wife should always be nice.ect ect.

But the truth is that we cannot throw the shoulds and shouldn'ts away.we have 248 shoulds and 365 shouldn'ts in the Torah.

So we cannot use this cognitive distortion in the way it is described in the books on CBT.

But what we can do is throw away the partial unrealistic expectation which the Torah itself allows us to do.

You did something wrong,you should not have done it.you cannot just say ok that "shouldn't" was not realistic so forget about it.

But what you can do is say,Ok I should't have,but I did,and Hashem is so kind and pateint that He allowes me time to correct the problem,even erase it.

Once modified,this CBT is amazing,even people with average range emotion can benefit from this and can lead very productive and happy lives once freed from these negative thoughts that pull them down.

One thing though. I think CBT is only appreciated by those that need it. In other words, its not like a run of the mill  'self help' book that everyone can relate to. People that are optimistic etc will find the book very boring.
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by gpshelper613 .

Re: yechida's reflections 27 Aug 2009 21:58 #14582

  • yechidah
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Dear brothers and sisters,

Hashem has a beautiful master plan for all of us.

He just didn’t tell us in an open way what the Plan is.

Seems to us that it has a lot of meaningless stuff, even a boatload of shameful things, so tell me, how does that fit exactly in that Master Plan that You have for me?

Where we are told is Plan & Purpose, we sometimes see chaos

But He tells us “ look deep into yourself, the holy spark that is within you, that I put in you ,that will never be erased or forgotten, that soul, YOU,  that is loved by Me. because it is part of Me. And when Moshiach come ,I will let you see it all in it’s full splendor and glory. You will finally get to see who you really are.

(the word shuttle means a spool like instrument for threading the weft into the warp, the widthwise threads into the lengthwise threads-see perek haoreg on Shabbos or listen and watch when you get a tour at Bethpage or Plymouth )

The Loom of Time by Unknown

Man’s Life is laid in the loom of time
  To a pattern he does not see,
While the weavers work and the shuttles fly
  Till the dawn of eternity,

Some shuttles are filled with silver threads
  And some with threads of gold,
While often but the darker hues
  Are all that they may hold.

But the weaver watches with skillful eye
  Each shuttle fly to and fro
And sees the pattern so deftly wrought
  As the  loom moves slow and sure.

God surely planned the pattern:
  Each thread, the dark and fair,
Is chosen by His master skill
  And placed in a web with care.

He only knows its beauty,
  And guides the shuttles which hold
The threads so unattractive,
  As well as the threads of gold.

Not till each loom is silent,
  And the shuttle cease to fly,
Shall God reveal the pattern
  And explain the reason why

The dark threads were as needful
  In the weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
  For the pattern which he planned.

Last Edit: by Adlerbro.

Re: yechida's reflections 27 Aug 2009 23:19 #14586

  • Noorah BAmram
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And even while your busy with your learning,you can spend 20 seconds and do what Mr Ryan did(#3)-pop out of your dugout( sefer,bais midrash,the mets disaster) and smile at your wife and tell her you are happy she is there.You do this in Ellul,every opportunity you can

How noble, how beautiful are these words fitting for a true prince of a man, our holy brother Yechida.
mrs Yechida is truly a fortunate lady to have such a prince for a husband!!
[b]כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם[/b] 
A Tzadik is he who continues to  bounce back after he hits bottom, even a hundred times !!!!!Rav Don Segal Shlita
Last Edit: 28 Aug 2009 13:10 by georgesmoe2016.

Re: yechida's reflections 28 Aug 2009 12:45 #14633

  • yechidah
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Thank you for your very kind words.

It's a goal I aspire to but I am yet far from reaching.

sometimes I have to literally drag myself out of that dugout.

But hopefully,over time,I will get better at it
Last Edit: by me_again.

Re: yechida's reflections 28 Aug 2009 17:35 #14676

  • yechidah
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My dear friends,

I will start this but it will not be finished with this post.

This post will just touch the surface of this great gift, this piece of Tomer Devorah called “Yoshuv Yerachameinu” which means “He will AGAIN be merciful to us”

The day that Rav Moshe Cordovero zatzal wrote this beautiful Torah in his Tomer Devorah, was the day Mr YH was pulling his hair out in frustration. Mr YH for hundreds of years wanted this piece of Tomar Devorah deleted ,or forgotten ,or not internalized,  and that the GYE chevra ,(who now giving Mr YH a big severe migraine headache, and toothache, and especially an eyeache,) never knows about this Tomar Devorah ,or Mr YH will start having heart palpitations and will be blowing heavily in a brown paper bag, hyperventilating, red faced, trying to catch his breath in the midst of a great panick attack.

This Torah is not new. It’s been around since the Torah was given. But the Tomar Devorah explains it wonderfully here, in the first perek, explaining the middah of “Yoshuv Yerachameinu”

He starts off as follows. Hashem deals with us in a different manner than the way human beings deal with each other. Someone angers his friend and he is appeased, he will only be partially appeased. He will not love his friend the same way as before. However, if a man sinned against Hashem and did teshuva then “Ma’Aloso Yoser Gedolah  Im Hakodosh Boruch Hu”-his level is exceedingly great with Hashem, that is what is meant that ”In a place that a Baal Teshuva stands even a Tzaddik Gommur cannot stand”

Let’s stop here for a second. We must remember that Chazal is the truth of truths. It’s not man-made feel- good liberal phoniness that is just trying to make a baal teshuva feel better about himself, the good-hearted liberal that pats you on the back and tells you “Oh, you poor screwed up, messed up poor thing, don’t feel so bad, to tshuva and everything’s cool with you” while in this liberal’s mind this very baal teshuva that he is talking so “kindly” to, is to him like a glob of mold on his bathroom wall. And the tragedy that strikes many Jewish homes is this small minded ignorant stupidity. The Chazal looks at a baal teshuva very differently…”Ma’Aloso Yoser Gedolah Im Hakodosh Boruch Hu”-he is raised to an extremely high level-for real. He has a greatness that the greatest tzaddik does not have-for real. Chazal often say harsh things when they are true. So if Chazal says this about a baal tshuva, it’s not being nice, it’s for real and they mean business.

He continues. This world is made with the letter “Hai”, which is open completely at the bottom. It has NO FLOOR. Hashem created this world open to the side of evil. sin is in abundance. and because our world which is the Hai has NO FLOOR, unless you are holding on to the leg for dear life it is very easy to fall into that floorless bottom.

Then he makes this profound and redeeming statement that on the surface sounds downright depressing, but in reality should give us a great surge of hope into our inherent goodness and would cast off a heavy burden that we should not have to bear.

“Ain Tzad She’Ain Chomer V’Yetzer Horah V’Pgam”-which means that “there is no side (to this world) that does not have physicality, evil inclination, and defects)”

You realize what this means? All this time you may have been thinking, true,the world has challenges, has its evil, but the main problem is ME, as a person, as a human being.

But we are told here, no  ,the problem is “Olam Hazeh”. Built into this world, is the idea that you will be dealing with physicality, evil, and “P’gam”-defects.-serious ones, from all sides!!!

You were meant to have these challenges!! Yes, it’s true, you have to watch where you go,so no one is telling you to go to Las Vegas to gamble and to be exposed to very sick stuff,but if Hashem set up a situation for you to be there, your employer told you that you must go ,and you accidently come across filth ,it’s not you, that 1st  image wasn’t you, it was this world with no floor ,and if you fight, fight, fight, and do your best to be clean and loyal to Hashem, then you have achieved a great and high level.

No one is telling you not to be responsible. But being irresponsible means that you should  have been responsible and you were not. But that first devastating image that you saw was not your responsibility .It’s what you do right after that is when you begin to choose. .not before that.,

In a nutshell, what the Tomar Devorah is saying is that Hashem intentionally and purposefully placed us in this world, the HAI, that has NO FLOOR, a world with millions and billions and trillions of opportunities to sin and fall into terrible places and situations.



To explain this point:

You must take that bus, you don’t have a car, and those idiots posted up a billboard of a filthy disgusting image. You didn’t ask to be there, you would have preferred to stay home, but you can’t because Hashem told you nothing doing, you have to go to work, you have to visit this sick person that is on this bus route, your mother sent you to go shopping for her because she is not feeling well.. and yes, you have to be near this sick demented image on that billboard,that image that literally “smashes” into your eyes. But now I am giving  you this precious and wonderful OPPORTUNITY & GIFT of not looking a second time, this great mitzvah of “lo sossuru” ,a truly great mitzvah.

Which means to say that the first time, that first second that you saw that filthy image, it  did not blemish your soul, it did not create a defect, it’s there to tell you, you saw this garbage, fine, now run away, don’t look at it again, and you become great because of that filthy billboard that you refuse to look at a second time, that filthy billboard that you refuse to acknowledge ever again, like a first class snob you ignore it completely ,it doesn’t exist, and you just got a great mitzvah.

A great mitzvah you have performed by not looking this second time, like succah, shofar ,mezuzah, matzah.

Its just that for matzah you needed the flour and water, for succah you needed the boards and nails and windows ,and for the mitzvah of “lo sosuru” you needed that 1st sick demented sick image on that bus billboard that came to you entirely unexpected, and your mitzvah is to run away from it like a plague or if you can’t then at least act like that first class snob-it’s beneath your dignity to place any importance on this low-class image.

Yosef HaTzadik has a great mitzvah the one that made him the tzaddik, the mitzvah that in his zchus  all the men in Mitzrayim had a special shemira against immorality.

Who was the one who caused him to have this great wonderful mitzvah? This immoral “Leshaim Shomaim” wife of Potifar.

You expected Yosef to become great by learning in Yeshiva 20 hours a day, delving into the intricacies of a beautiful “k’tzos ha’choshen”. But no, he has to deal with this screw ball, this “leshaim shomaim” cruel yet beautiful woman who was ready to torture him into sleeping with her.

I wonder sometimes, when he ran out of his house, what was he thinking? True, he passed the test. but did it ever cross his mind to ask “WHY ME?”WHY DO I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS FILTH? ”Why couldn’t I sit in the Bais Midrash or in the holy house of my father all day long, but no, I need to be in the worse place of the world with the worst people with screwed up morals, and now I’m going to be thrown into a dungeon  even after I passed this test. Something is rotton in the land of Mitzrayim. And guess who is here? me, Yosef who was barely saved from a terrible tragedy and shame .and he needed his fathers help too. He couldn’t fight this thing alone.

It is strange to have a great mitzvah that starts out with such filth. but think about it. In English it is “don’t stray after your eyes” which means that Hashem is telling you from the start, from the get go, that your eyes will be challenged and exposed to straying.
I didn’t make you a tzaddik gomur for a reason. I didn’t make you a tzaddik gomur for a reason. You are not the Chazon Ish. too bad. you want to cry about it then cry about it. Boo hoo, Boo hoo, I’m not the Chazon Ish, sniffle, sniffle sniffle, Boo hoo, I’m not Reb Moishe. TOO BAD!! Wake up and smell the coffee!! Accept the reality you are in. This is not Loshan Horah, this is life. You think Rabbeim and Rabonim don’t have such tests? Dream on!! Living in the land of Oz? with Rebbetzin Alice in Wonderland? (great book by the way, much much deeper than people think)

I’ll never forget this. My 8th grade Rebbi was also my head counselor in camp, this walking talking  mussar sefer, admitting in front of hundreds and hundreds of campers, how fortunate are you to be protected from the outside environment for 2 whole months(except for the 2 visiting days that were tests in different ways),because I had to go into the city to 13th Avenue in Boro Park to several banks, and he told us how he was affected by the peritzus on the streets. I’m telling you the man is a tzaddik. but an honest tzaddik who told us the way it is with courage and great openness.

How many Rabonim would tell 13 year olds how he is affected by what he sees or may see on the streets?.

And I don’t think any less of him because of this admission. To the contrary, he was probably the greatest Rebbi I ever had.

I digressed but I will return to the Tomar Devorah exactly where we lest off.

Till then remember

“Ain Tzad She’Ain Chomer V’yetzer Horah V’Pgam”

And a Baal Teshuva is “Maaloso Yoser Gedolah im Hakodosh Boruch Hu.

Good Shabbos dear brothers and sisters, who light up the world and they don’t even know it.

Last Edit: by Boriselgelev.
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