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yechida's reflections
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TOPIC: yechida's reflections 149362 Views

Re: yechida's reflections 19 Oct 2012 17:14 #146405

  • yechidah
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1-Awakening-The End of your day & the Beginning of a new one

We will see how this will work. I pray to Hashem that what is written in this thread should help the members here in a practical & tangible way

I read recently a book called “Awakenings” by S. Gawain. What surprised me is how a lot of her material aligns with the Torah view & when it does , I will bring some of the practical concepts here

“Each morning as we awaken, we have the opportunity to begin our lives, with a fresh perspective gained from what we learned the day before & the refreshment from our night’s rest.
The beginning of each day is a special opportunity to awaken to a new level of awareness, with all the wisdom we have gained from the previous day’s experiences. Day by Day and year by year, we proceed on our journey of awakening into consciousness
Becoming conscious means becoming increasingly aware of what’s going on inside us & around us. We’ve all lived in a certain level of denial,& we are in process of awakening from that unconsciousness. Consciousness & Self Awareness is a life long journey,& its about coming to know ourselves in all our many aspects & thereby living life more fully.

This is the gist of what she writes & a lot of us it within the concept of the “Mode Ani” we say each morning. It brings us to an awareness of being grateful for the life that has been given back to us.It gives us an awareness of the living soul that is within us

This new morning awareness begins from the night before. The night before, right before you go to sleep, you can in your own words thank Hashem for the day you had. Apologize for the mistakes you made & get that off your chest. You don’t need the burden of the day you just had to carry over to the next day. You fell, you ask forgiveness for the fall sincerely & deeply & you ask Hashem to help you not fall tomorrow. You do this every night. It only takes 60 seconds to review your day before you go to sleep.60 seconds of sincere heartfelt prayer.60 seconds of unburdening your heavy soul to your Creator.& that load is off your shoulders & you get get up the next day & begin anew. The asking forgiveness & the reviewing of the day right before you go to sleep is therapeutic. You don’t need a therapist or Rav for this. You are fully capable of doing it yourself!!!

There are times you need to have amnesia. But you may ask, if you don’t face your problems, how will you resolve them? The answer is that everything has its place & time. Of course, you must accept responsibility for your mental health & for your actions. Of course ,you don’t bury things under the rug. What you need to fix,you fix. But at the end of the day those 60 seconds are the time for it. you can even plan a practical course on how things can be better tomorrow. But at the same time you are being responsible, you need to throw off that excess burden that is weighing you down. Dont let it carry to the next day


1)Each day I awake to a greater consciousness

2)My goal is to become more self-aware & make healthy choices

3)I will accept responsibility -60 second (or more) before I go to sleep & will review the day & ask mechilah from God (& my spouse when applicable) & decide to take practical action to improve tomorrow

4) though I commit to be more responsible, I must be careful not to be weighed down by my mistakes & falls of the day. I will not let it carry from one day to the next. My pouring my heart out to God before I go to sleep will help me do this

5)I awake with fresh energy. I don’t let yesterday’s faults haunt me today. I will begin anew

Re: yechida's reflections 22 Oct 2012 12:54 #146452

  • yechidah
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It’s brought down
That tzaddikim often
Receive the portion of reward
That the wicked has lost

It’s true

But a real true tzaddik
Doesn’t want to keep this
For himself

He wants to “return” it
To its owner
To aid the wicked to repent
So that he earns his portion back
Allowing the tzaddik to return it to him

This is the essence of the mitzvah of
“Hashovas Aveidah”
Bringing everything back to its source
Where everything truly belongs
That returning what is truly
For the “wicked” repentant
That is the true gift
Of the tzaddik
To give of himself
To bring to others
What is truly theirs

Re: yechida's reflections 22 Oct 2012 20:40 #146499

  • yechidah
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2-Sexual Responsibility

This is a very large & important subject & we will just barely touch the surface here but it’s a start.

Before we start, it’s important that you discard the childish notion of the word “responsibility”. People fear it, assuming it to be a looming adult/authority figure wagging an angry finger at you. Restricting you. Not letting you enjoy life. Always Judgemental. Always frowning. Always raining on your party.

Not so.

In the context, I’m talking about, “Responsibility” brings freedom & joy. And when I talk about Sexual Responsibility it’s in the context of expressing it correctly & thus joyfully & healthily. For single boys & girls, it’s the safeguarding it & directing it healthily until the time comes when they will get married, and at that time will be able to express that deep part of themselves freely, without guilt & with true joy. And when they do get married to their true soulmates , they need to know that they have every expectation of enjoying the sexual aspects of their marriage relationship in a very powerful way. For married men & women (& singles once they do marry), need to know that the sexual relationship is meant to be enjoyed immensely by the wife & for the husband. Not just physical pleasure. But mental, emotional & spiritual pleasure as well. Those aspects are neglected by the modern world. What a shame.

Another thing before we start. The discussion here is about the sexual component of marriage. This is one very crucial & important part of any marriage. However , it’s only one of the many components of the many aspects that a healthy marriage must obtain. Loyalty, friendship , communication, sacrifice, working together on budgets ,on children, on work, on household matters, on dealing with conflict, working out difference. So by no means am I hyperfocusing the sexual aspect of marriage. But that is what the current post is about. And within the healthy framework of marriage , it’s a very important & integral part that cannot be avoided & cannot be neglected.

The concept of a healthy active sexual life is a very important one. A Yid is meant to have this. A Yid is suppose to have this. May all Yiddin be healthy & well. May Hashem grant every Yid the gift of physical & emotional health. But this is clear. Barring any serious physical or emotional challenge,( &we must daven for every Yid that has these challenges & pray for him or her)it clear Hashem wants a Yid to express himself-& yes-even sexually-within marriage-as an expression of Hakoras Hatov-of Simchah-of a way to infuse real love & real Oneness into our physical lives in the most profound way

Many people are hesitant to express the concept in last paragraph I just wrote. Either because they disagree (that’s perfectly OK) or because even if they agree, people are afraid to acknowledge to themselves & to their spouses the importance of this aspect in life & in marriage. “Frum” men & women sometimes mistake tznius with unhealthy shame. Even happily married couples sometimes view the physical desire of each other & expressing themselves sexually towards each other as some type of character flaw ,a weakness, a n unavoidable “bdi ved” and not really as a powerful means of expressing the neshamah & getting closer to Hashem. We have seen so much how sexual desire distances a person from Hashem. But that it can get people closer to Hashem is a very inconceivable thought to most Torah Jews. Which is a major error. Because it is integral to the path of connecting with Hashem in the most deepest way. But what unfortunately occurred over time is that because of thes abuse & misuse of sexual energy, people have forgotton how to utilize it in the right way. Thus even healthy people will sometimes be uneasy about expressing the sexual aspect of marriage in positive glowing terms.

The addict too needs to know that sex & it’s expression is meant to be a very positive & very healthy experience. He can, with recovery , reach that point of actualizing that experience in his or her real life within the framework of a healthy & thriving marriage . However, while in the throes of his active addiction, the addict has no choice but to separate himself or herself from escaping into the sexual realm-& sometimes, needs to remove the sexual aspect even within the legal confines of marriage. Because he or she needs to STOP seeing everything with sexual lenses . For the addict , sex has become poison because they are actually abusing & hurting their own sexuality by its overuse & by its misuse & it is inhibiting them from using it properly.& its ruining their lives. Singles will confront problems on the onset of marriage & married people will have trouble developing a satisfying healthy sexual connection with their spouses. And it affects the ENTIRE personality & spreads to ALL aspects of life, hurting it & tainting it. But that doesn’t mean that sex is bad. IT doesn’t mean he or she can’t rebuild their lives with their spouses. But it will take serious recovery tools delineated on the GYE website as well as a very serious strong commitment to stay with the program. But there has to be a detoxification process from sex prior to it reentering his life in a healthy way.

It’s like an obese person who eats a pound of cake as a meal. For him, cake is poison. For regular people, cake is good. Nothing wrong with having it for desert here & there. But the obese person has to avoid cake like the plague. Until he recovers & loses the weight. Becomes fit & healthy. THEN only THEN can he start eating cake again. He needs to be careful. But if he is trained well, he can enjoy his cake again. It is no longer poison. It can actually be a good thing. A reward . Oneg Shabbos. Enjoy!!

You can look at Sexual Responsibility this way. There is a beautiful garden when young children play. The garden is surrounded by very high & tall fences. Security Guards ( credentials checked thoroughly) at the entrances patrolling at the gates & around the perimeter. The children inside are full of joy. It’s beautiful in there. The children play with a full freedom of expression, feeling free & open & alive. But how could they really? What about the fences? The guards? The answer is simple. That huge fence & guards protects them from child killers, rapists, sexual molesters & psychopaths that would not hesitate to infiltrate the garden & wreak havoc on the lives of these children. Some of these predators have beautiful radiant smiles. (pornstars) Loving voices. (boyfriends/girlfriends who really “CARE” about me)They can sing beautiful melodies. (attractive) They can give the children the time of their life. (feels good for the moment) But when they are done with that, they kill them.& hence the need for those fences. Those seemingly restrictive “terrible” fences.” Terrible” fences that prevent terrible crimes. These fences are actually the children’s greatest protector & friend

Same is true with the fences that are places to protect your sexuality. They are not there to hurt you. They are not there to make you a monk or nun. They are not there to ruin your life. They are not there to prevent you from having physical sensual pleasure in this world. They are not there to kill your sexual instincts or to make you feel rigid or imprisoned. They are there to protect you. They are there to allow you to enjoy the sexual realm fully within the safety of those fences. They protect single men & women so that they can be allowed to express it deeply when they find their soul mate & get married. They protect married men & women so that they can express it deeply the way to was meant to be.


Single men & women

For the men to know that zera (semen) within you is one of the greatest gifts Hashem has given you. You are given the gift of becoming a future father in Kllal Yisroel. Your soulmate will be with you in a short while,& that zera,& all the sexual expression within you is meant for her. Save it for her. It’s well worth it.
For the women to know the same thing. Hashem will provide you your zivvugim ,& its your husband whom you will share the rest of your life with & together you will grow & thrive. You are a sexual being & you will be able to express it with true love with your true soulmate. It’s worth waiting for.

2-Until that time comes , your marriage in the not so far future, that energy is to be harnessed & preserved. You can channel your youthful energy in so many positive directions. You can enjoy life in so many healthy ways. You are not giving up sex. You are protecting & preserving it within you for the right person & the right time. You will have it. But now is the time for walking, for singing, for excercising , for drawing. for painting, for writing, for praying ,for visiting the sick, for giving encouragement to the depressed, for praying, for dancing, for learning, for the healthy dreaming of a bright future!!!

Married Men & Women

1-Your kesher with your spouse is that fenced garden. Your home is that fenced garden. Your bedroom is that fenced garden. Just you & your spouse. No one else. Nothing else. No matter what the past was, this is your goal. With health ,with your recovery, your marriages will improve. Way more than you ever expected or imagined. Because all that wasted energy & focus will be off the garbage & channeled towards the improvement of your marriage relationship. To provide a safe haven in your heart & mind ,a deep rooted conviction & desire to channel all your sexual energy & interest on your husband, your wife-no one else. Sadly, many don’t even have this as a goal. Even with the natural slips & falls, you always need this goal deeply rooted in your soul. That alone should motivate you to recover. Why pornography ? (not just Torah but professional secularists have emphasized the negative aspects of porn on the lives of those trapped in it)Why false substitutes when you can have the real thing & live the real life? Be your real self? Actualize your real potential? Freeing up that wasted energy so that you can focus on your life, your marriage, your wife, your husband? Fight for your health,fight for your best selves,& fight for your marriage & work hard sticking to all the programs that GYE has to offer & to all the programs that can help you. You owe it to yourself. Once you taste what a real healthy connection is, you will see clearly how false & how empty the escapes you escaped into were.

As I said , I just touched the surface. But I will go to other aspects & then come back to this over time.

Re: yechida's reflections 22 Oct 2012 21:00 #146502

yechida wrote on 22 Oct 2012 12:54:

It’s brought down
That tzaddikim often
Receive the portion of reward
That the wicked has lost

It’s true

But a real true tzaddik
Doesn’t want to keep this
For himself

He wants to “return” it
To its owner
To aid the wicked to repent
So that he earns his portion back
Allowing the tzaddik to return it to him

This is the essence of the mitzvah of
“Hashovas Aveidah”
Bringing everything back to its source
Where everything truly belongs
That returning what is truly
For the “wicked” repentant
That is the true gift
Of the tzaddik
To give of himself
To bring to others
What is truly theirs

Please excuse my elderly slowness at following your beautiful threads.
This one above reminded me of what I heard from an ehrliche yid zt"l that the sforim hakdoshim explain that this is the meaning of the tefilla "Al hatzadikim ... vesim chelkeinu imohem" - that if we lose our portion of reward due to our sins, we ask Hashem to give our portion to those great tzaddikim who will eventually return it to us.



Re: yechida's reflections 23 Oct 2012 12:34 #146512

  • yechidah
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Thank you my friend

Re: yechida's reflections 23 Oct 2012 12:45 #146513

  • yechidah
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The “new” concept
Called “emotional intelligence”
Has been around
For thousands of years
& all within
“Pirkei Avos”

All gems discovered
Within psychology & self-help
That actually works
Can be found in the Torah
If you look hard enough

Re: yechida's reflections 23 Oct 2012 19:11 #146541

  • yechidah
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Reflection of Self

by Myrna D Badgerow

Reflection of Self

I have taken pen in hand
in hopes of a letter to command,
to forge in some degree
a testament to my reality

Dear Self... I begin...
not sure of name, of where or when
I realized the truth of you and me...
so I'll toss this pen of formality.

I have talked to you before
never introduced were we
as there was no need
we knew all secrets, kept them
within hidden places, whispering
of them only when solitude marked
our meeting. I have not always been
kind to you, dismissing your strength.
your dignity, your ability to guide me
when I would not be guided, your choice
to keep me honest when the simpler path
would have led me to deceit and shame.
Always you were my champion, though
your praise often fell upon a heart not
comfortable with accolades and triumphs,
content to believe in every imperfection
bleeding into my soul. You gained wisdom
through the life I lived, reminding me when
needed of these things I knew but sometimes
forgot... conveniently.
You were my friend and still are
though I sometimes thought
of you as an enemy...
but you never gave up on me, never allowed
me to give up on you.

And I wonder why it has taken me
so long to say...
you are my being and inward reflection,
my heart and soul,
my yesterday and my tomorrow...
you are my SELF
and I thank you for molding
me into who I am.

With utmost respect,

Re: yechida's reflections 24 Oct 2012 12:38 #146571

  • yechidah
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Doesn’t just taste
The same
On Sundays
Or even
Thursday nights

It’s Shabbos itself
That gives its food
With special quality
That only a Yid knows

Re: yechida's reflections 25 Oct 2012 01:16 #146612

  • TehillimZugger
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Today in middle of Mincha an intense longing for Shabbos hit me, just out of the blue. Thanks Yechida.
?דער באשעפער לאווט מיך אייביג. וויפיל לאוו איך עהם
My Creator loves me at all times. How great is my love for him?

Re: yechida's reflections 25 Oct 2012 12:36 #146634

  • yechidah
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The is nothing in the world like Shabbos Koidesh!!!

Re: yechida's reflections 25 Oct 2012 12:39 #146636

  • yechidah
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Rays of sunshine
Deep with the soul;
Inner wisdom to learn
To access this dormant light
Bringing light & warmth outward
To give the world
A brilliant sunny day

Re: yechida's reflections 25 Oct 2012 14:02 #146641

See Gemara/Rashi Taanis 8b - Sunshine on Shabbos is extra special.


Re: yechida's reflections 25 Oct 2012 16:49 #146668

  • Dov
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Machshovo wrote on 25 Oct 2012 14:02:

See Gemara/Rashi Taanis 8b - Sunshine on Shabbos is extra special.

"...yom sh'tzadikim yoshvin v'atroseihen b'rosheinhen, v'nehenin miziv haShechinah"

vihee chelkeinu imohem!!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."

Re: yechida's reflections 26 Oct 2012 12:54 #146760

  • yechidah
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“Remembering” God

Really it’s not possible to forget
But our world is dark
So as to give us free will
To create great light in the world

So we “remember” God
Every moment that we can
Bringing Him into our daily lives
Connecting with Him even as we
Eat & drink & walk & talk
For by “remembering”
We bring God into all our mundane acts
Transforming them
Into something
Of great significance

Re: yechida's reflections 26 Oct 2012 13:47 #146765

  • yechidah
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pain is as much a part of life as pleasure is

& sometimes even more

pain often puts pleasure in its healthy perspective & framework

we dont like pain when it comes-but that doesn't mean that is can be a very deep & wise teacher to you especially in how you handle pleasure from this moment forward
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