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my periodic whine.... sorry in advance!
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TOPIC: my periodic whine.... sorry in advance! 549 Views

my periodic whine.... sorry in advance! 11 Aug 2010 01:59 #76358

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I try and resist some of my favourite lashn hara,
I listen to my wife’s complaints everyday
I listen to my wife cursing me with the F- word in front of our 6 year old
I try and be happy with the fact that she refuses to have another child
I keep a mediocre standard of kashrut
I put up with my child’s bad behavior because if I intervene my wife curses me out
I try (and fail) to keep my mouth shut when she's screwing up our child
I accept the fact that we have not had relations in at least 3.5 years
I remember teffilin and tzitsis most every day (she doesn;t see the point)
I put up mezuzas around the place
I cut out the porn
I cut out the masturbation,
I cut out the lusting after women on the street

Is it unreasonable of me to look for SOMETHING from Hashem,  clue, a hint,a sign, just to let me know that there’s a POINT to any of this because I can think of a bunch of stuff I'd much rather be doing right now???
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Re: my periodic whine.... sorry in advance! 11 Aug 2010 03:04 #76363

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Sorry for being so simplistic but have you tried going to a marriage counselor or rebbi? I'm not so sure that putting up with all that is necessarily the right thing. Your intentions are obviously good and a huge shkoyach for that.

Best of luck and chodesh tov!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: my periodic whine.... sorry in advance! 11 Aug 2010 06:30 #76372

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I hear you,

Hashem sends us many clues and hints, but often we miss them because we're looking for huge signs. Sometimes we miss the solutions because we're too busy looking at the problems.

I would highly recommend talking to someone about this, face-to-face can achieve so much more than a forum.

If you do need an online ear, we're here.

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Re: my periodic whine.... sorry in advance! 11 Aug 2010 21:32 #76424

  • jooboy
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I hear the pain coming through in your post loud and clear.  I have felt something like that myself many times though you seem to have some challenges that surpass my own.

Through the program of SA and the honesty I have learned there, I have come to see that my suffering was self-induced.  Of course I had some real pain.  Everyone who is living has it, but the suffering was/is due to my attitude.  In the moment self-pity feels justified, right, relief of having to take responsibility for my part...

At the end of the day however, I'm the one who has to live with the results of the reality I create.  Realizing this has helped me want to really get onto the good attitude track, someplace I don't naturally go.  And it WORKS! 

A good attitude devoid of self-pity will always get me through what is going on at the moment.

Hatzlacha! It can get better!!!
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Re: my periodic whine.... sorry in advance! 12 Aug 2010 21:46 #76480

Sorry to hear that u have such difficult life circumstances! My heart goes out to u.  Hashem is waiting for u to cry out to him!  I do not to minimize for one second the magnitude of your pain! Maybe this will ease some or your pain.
I have heard directly from an internationally  famous Talmid Chacham,one of the outstanding Torah teachers of our generation,the following advice for dealing with such overwhelming distress. His instructions are as follows:
after Shacharis say the following short Prakim of Tehilim (13 and 142) then say the following prayer to Hashem (not on Shabbos or Yom Tov). If the Hebrew is too difficult, they could be said in English.
"Ribono Shel Olom,ayn ani mevakesh elah rachamim"
translation Master of the Universe,I am only asking for Divine Mercy".

btw (my own comment) What  a better time to cry our for Divine mercy than  this month of Elul,when Hashem wants us to come close to him.
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