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Up down up down- when does it end??
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TOPIC: Up down up down- when does it end?? 508 Views

Up down up down- when does it end?? 13 Jul 2010 00:37 #73821

  • pinchaseliyahu
So I was doing better- one of my longer recent sucesses (17 days- not so impressive, I know) and then I had a rough week, and I FELL. And when I fall, I fall. I am staying somewhere with unprotected internet, and I am home alone, and DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. Help me out here, this is my downfall. I am starting again, hoping that when I post, it will help me. But I need advice- what do you do when you are in such a situation for a few days running? I don't think I am strong enough to protect myself from unprotected internet. At home, I'm protected. I still have issues with M, but at least I usually am protected from P. What do I do now? And also, I can't stand this. The good for two weeks, bad, then good, then bad. It gets worse; I want to stop. I know I have to chill out a little about it, but it's driving me crazy. All advice is appreciated!!
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Re: Up down up down- when does it end?? 13 Jul 2010 00:54 #73823

i'mcho anochi b' za'ar! just fell myself. but now we can start fresh b'ezras Hashem. Chazak V'amatz!!!
your loving brother Y.A.
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Re: Up down up down- when does it end?? 13 Jul 2010 00:55 #73824

Theres not much you can do, in my opinion. You did what you could, you reached out. It shows that on in the inside your dying not to sin. You love Hashem deep within and don't want to be far from him. You hate acting out. Admit to him you have no control, tell him you love him and if he loves you to take it away from you. Let him fight, you just cant, you just cant. There is nothing you can do put give it up, and let Hashem fight for you.. Theres no answer, not with me, not with probably anyone here.. Hakodesh Boruch Hu is the solution, turn to him -- go through step 1-3.. and be a man.  I love you. Its all worth it in the end.
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Re: Up down up down- when does it end?? 13 Jul 2010 01:12 #73829

  • jooboy
  • Gold Boarder
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Stick around these boards and by all means read the Whitebook  http://www.guardureyes.com/GUE/PDFs/eBooks/White%20Book.pdf

you may not identify with the personal story in the beginning but read at least the part up until the 12 steps.  There is lots of great material in there.  See what you identify with.

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