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One of the Yetzer Hara's many TRICKS to STAY FAR AWAY FROM
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TOPIC: One of the Yetzer Hara's many TRICKS to STAY FAR AWAY FROM 2171 Views

One of the Yetzer Hara's many TRICKS to STAY FAR AWAY FROM 31 Oct 2008 17:26 #707

  • nomer
When you have an urge to check out a news story that involves anything sexual just to peak your interest or to stay informed of the 'news', AVOID it like the devil!!! I have fallen into this trap quite a few times and although it seemed innocent at first, it resulted in anything but innocence. One thing led to the next very quickly before it was too late. This type of 'news' is somehow accepted as newsworthy for the rest of the world and it plays on the radio and the internet along with the weather or financial news. However, a politician caught having a relationship with a zonah or the media's expressions of attraction to a VP nominee's looks, or details of a sex-crime is definitely not acceptable to any sincere Torah Jew. Let's avoid listening or browsing such stories as we will gain nothing and lose a lot. Let's not let the Yetzer Hara control us but rather let's control this bully from now on. I once heard a stark contrast between Dovid Hamelech who spoke to his heart (El Libo) and was in control of his Yetzer Hara and Naval who spoke in his heart (B'Libo) because he wasn't in control (source anyone).
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Re: One of the Yetzer Hara's many TRICKS to STAY FAR AWAY FROM 31 Oct 2008 20:30 #714

I've learned this lesson myself. Just say no to the gossip and celebrity news!

After i had installed a filter on my computer, this was the first thing that got me...not any more! B"H I have removed that tool/weapon/strategy from the YH's arsenal.

I'm very glad that you have realized this trick! I have failed many times since I've decided to keep shmiras habris and einayim, but each time I've learned myself and became to determined not to fail in the same way again. The YH has fewer and fewer tools at his disposal these days, but I'm still vigilant for when the YH mounts an attack again.

Stay strong! Keep up the great work your doing!

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Re: One of the Yetzer Hara's many TRICKS to STAY FAR AWAY FROM 01 Nov 2008 20:16 #719

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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Thank you both for these inspiring and true words. However, we can't emphasize enough again and again, the importance of a strong filter that should block these things automatically! Not everyone is as strong as you guys. And also, you may have a weak moment one day and click on a link that just looks so interesting...

Get either a "White-list" filter or a "Kosher server" like Jnet. This is vital. Jnet has the most amazing technology today. They let you browse every page, but block all pictures that the Artificial intelligence system picks up as non-tznius. Also, it blocks key words and all types of stuff. PLEASE check it out.

You guys are true heroes, but you are walking on a tightrope and I genuinely fear for your safety. And even if you guys are super-heroes and never fall again, others won't be able to follow this path.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: One of the Yetzer Hara's many TRICKS to STAY FAR AWAY FROM 03 Nov 2008 15:27 #736

  • Mevakesh Hashem
This is so true!

So much of what the non Jewish world has accepted as "matter of fact" and "normal" news is 100% Assur for any Jew to be listening to, looking at or thinking about.

I personally have stopped listening to the radio and I have stopped reading secular newspapers and "news" magazines. Period.

I know not everyone can do that, and each person needs to do it at his/her own pace.

But just know that the Yetzer Hara's major tool against us is the media. No matter how innocent it looks, it is poison for all Jews, especially for us struggling with sexual addictions, masturbation and impure thoughts.

You don't need these media to get the news. There are plenty of frum websites that offer the same news, and leave out the garbage.


Chazak V'Ematz!
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Re: One of the Yetzer Hara's many TRICKS to STAY FAR AWAY FROM 03 Dec 2008 14:47 #1080

  • Binyomin5766
Could someone share some suggested news sites.  I am pretty much a news junkie and like was posted above, most of the secular sites are nearly 100% assur.  I like to follow Israeli, US, international, and economic news.  I already visit Arutz7 frequently, so that's covered.
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Re: One of the Yetzer Hara's many TRICKS to STAY FAR AWAY FROM 03 Dec 2008 17:52 #1081

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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Tzadik, Check out #1 on our Kosher Isle called "Kosher Websites" for a list of 7 Kosher news websites!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: One of the Yetzer Hara's many TRICKS to STAY FAR AWAY FROM 03 Dec 2008 18:29 #1082

  • Shomer
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
I think it is generally a good idea to use Firefox with an ad blocker installed.

AdBlock plus comes with a pre-populated list of add servers so that when you visit most commercial websites, those annoying and often provocative banner ads are blocked from the page.

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