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Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva
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TOPIC: Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva 484 Views

Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva 11 Jun 2010 10:48 #70082

Last Edit: 15 Jul 2010 23:51 by .

Re: Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva 12 Jun 2010 19:46 #70207

  • the.guard
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Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva 12 Jun 2010 19:53 #70208

  • 7yipol
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Honestly one of the most powerful posts Ive ever read here.
So much to think about...

Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: 14 Jun 2010 14:46 by .

Re: Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva 13 Jun 2010 03:23 #70230

  • briut
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I would need to jump a few maderegos higher... just to be able to read, much less appreciate, the beauty of what you've shared. Wow.

Thank you, BR.
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Re: Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva 13 Jun 2010 10:40 #70284

  • DovInIsrael
thanks BR.

welcome aboard.

the scariest thing you will ever do is to face yourself. But we can help.. one step at a time...one day at a time..

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Re: Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva 14 Jun 2010 12:46 #70458

רבי שלמה וולבה כתב ב"בשבילי הרפואה" (סיון תשמ"ב, בית חולים לניאדו, עמ' פב')
האוננות היא איסור חמור. רוב רובם של הצעירים נכשלים בזה ואינם יכולים להתגבר על זה בשום אופן. התוצאה הם רגשי אשמה. כאן הוא המקום להדרכב נכונה מצד רבנים ומחנכים. כידוע, רב אינו מוסמך... להתיר איסורים. אבל הוא יכול להדריך, להרגיע ולהביא את הצעיר לסבלנות עם עצמו. ויחד עם זה: טיפוח חיי חברה אינטנזיבית והכנסת הצעיר לתוך אוצרות התורה האדירים... [ש]מביאה לכך, שבמשך הזמן שוכחים לחטוא. במקום מלחמה תמידית שהיא אך שוא – יגיעה חיובית לתורה ולחברה, ולאט לאט נגמלים מהאוננות. זאת היא דרך החינוך הנהוגה היום אצלנו.
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Re: Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva 14 Jun 2010 12:57 #70459

Bechori Reuven wrote on 11 Jun 2010 10:48:

Keeping them two inches in front of our face, and it hurts, yeahhh, yeahh, maybe next time you won’t do it again. But not to forget......

and feel the pain needed to feel

ספורנו  (בראשית ד:ו) – ולמה נפלו פניך – כי כשיש לקלקול איזה תקנה אין ראוי להצטער על מה שעבר אבל ראוי להשתדל להשיג תיקון לעתיד
Last Edit: 14 Jun 2010 13:02 by .

Re: Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva 18 Jun 2010 00:20 #71270

Bechori Reuven, your post is very, very moving. To not even have the strength to cry? Wow.

I hope you get to that peace you're searching for. I believe it's certainly out there. I'm looking for it, too. Like Aharon haKohen, we get up and serve... again. Thank you.

G-d knows we are going to bring alot of good into this world.
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Re: Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva 14 Jul 2010 00:36 #73916

  • installed
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This is my two cents on this issue.

I have enough challenges on a day to day basis and will have these challenges all my life. I'm currently single and I will have this urge to act out until I get married and once I get married, I'll have other (greater) challenges. Looking back will do me no good. I truly believe that it's important to see ourselves as beinonim all the time (not my idea ) and to work on a day to day basis. Thinking about our sins can bring yiush (and I don't see it as weakness). Refraining form negative behaviours just proves that we are serious about our regrets and our desire to move forward. Every time I stop myself is a proof that I regret my past behaviours. I think that we should look back only during the yomim noroim but not on a day to day basis.

Again, each person is different and I see from the replies that it appeals to many people. I love these forums because there are so many ideas shared and so much to learn. I thank you for sharing this with us!
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Re: Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva 15 Jul 2010 22:13 #74314

There's also another issue - I know for myself that being able to face my mistakes and sins, when other people cannot, might mean that they're not such a big deal to me - but to my friend, who realizes their true ugliness, he needs to hide from them. If I realized how awful they were, maybe I'd hide from them, too.

You've gotta be careful.

First step in teshuva (for aveiros done more than once or twice) is stopping the action. Worry about facing things and regrets later.
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Re: Chizuk From a Rosh Yeshiva 18 Jul 2010 07:41 #74516

  • Holy Yid
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I am missing something here, was the first post deleted?
זכרני נא, זכרני נא, וחזקני נא אך הפעם הזה, הפעם הזה, האלקים, ואנקמה נקם אחת משתי עיני, מפלשתים
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