StrugglingGuy wrote on 07 Apr 2011 21:32:
eye- i dont know. im not gonna act like i know everything about this- im more humble than that. however, i think that i lust for the pleasure of lusting and not to cover any fears or anxieties up.
The question is, what is happening BEFORE acting out.
I very rarely decided, "Life is great, everything's fine, I think I'll just turn on my computer and look at some porn now. Yeah, that's just what I'll do!"
Rather, I'd turn on the computer... have to do some work... but not quite feeling like working... just had an unpleasent discussion with someone.... maybe my wife.... maybe something work related... okay, I'm going to work... but I don't feel like working... I'll just check my E-mail... okay... now there was something interesting I wanted to look up on the internet, something really work-related... and I remembered something else, maybe about home-improvements, maybe about some hobby, or may be some interesting current-events... ... hmmm...
And after about a half hour or hour of this, I'd be checking the room that nobody was around and then start looking at things a bit more questionable, a bit more... and bit more...
That's just my experience, though, and you might not relate to it at all.