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TOPIC: Music? 1094 Views

Music? 10 May 2010 02:53 #64447

I find that music has helped me in the past i am curious what other people think. here is what i wrote on one of my posts.
i know that some people advise against this but this really helps me, plain old listening to music whether a woman is singing a man is a jew a non jew it stirs something inside of me like no other! today i listened to an incredibly moving song and i am not going to say otherwise but i cried  :'( this was soon after my fall and this song has made me cry maybe once or twice before but it really makes me think and feel emotionally in ways i cannot explain! i think something i should try on my agenda is listening to more music everyday. i think it will help a lot as a pick me up a stress reliever as inspiration it is indescribable how much music makes me feel. i am not going to explain it anymore because i can be quite sure some of the guys on this very forum have felt it before and it is something i feel almost every time i listen to music. i stopped for sphira but right now i need to focus on the task at hand.i need to feel emotionally pleased which is something music accomplishes. i know i stressed music a lot here but that is only because for me it was a huge revelation. what do ya'll think? agree disagree
Last Edit: 10 May 2010 02:56 by .

Re: Music? 10 May 2010 03:50 #64460

I agree. Music is a language all its own. Its magic is in how it creates and releases tension through aural tones. It is very emotional and it is amazing how this dynamic of creating and releasing tension can so wonderfully correspond to, inspire and induce so much of what we feel. I am a musician. I have played for years, but not much recently. I think I'll dust the old instrument off and make it a part of my everyday again. 

By the way, being that you are so moved by music, have you considered learning to play an instrument? Singing, even? It will not only occupy your mind and imagination, it can also be purely directed into Avodas Hashem.

I read in a book by R' Aryeh Kaplan how music and meditation was a discipline used by the Navi'im in order to connect to upper worlds. I believe this is found in, Meditation and the Bible. If it helped in the disciplines of those who received prophecy, can you imagine what it can do for a simple Yid, just wanting to reconnect to Hashem in love?
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Re: Music? 10 May 2010 09:45 #64495

I definitely music help a LOT. This may sound really weird to you guys, but sometimes when I'm confronted with lust, I just mentally BLAST some of my favourite music as loudly as I can in my head. This helps to drown out the honeyed voice of the YH. Also, when I'm tired and stressed, music helps me to relax; both listening to it and playing the piano.

The ancient chinese also recognised the therapeutic qualities of music. They identified 5 principal sounds, which corresponded to the 5 organs systems in the body (I think?). In the olden times, music was also used to educate the young; it was believed that the spiritual qualities of music would cultivate a person and improve his virtue.

Victor Hugo also said something like, "Music says that which words cannot." I think we'd all agree that he's right.

Anyway TC,

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Re: Music? 10 May 2010 13:33 #64524

teshuvahilaah wrote on 10 May 2010 03:50:

By the way, being that you are so moved by music, have you considered learning to play an instrument? Singing, even? It will not only occupy your mind and imagination, it can also be purely directed into Avodas Hashem.

i play the drums, they are not very calming or stress relieving!
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Re: Music? 10 May 2010 13:34 #64525

I am also talking about listening to a woman sing, does that help or hurt? so far the pole is showing that it helps to listen to music i would love to hear more opinions!
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Re: Music? 10 May 2010 13:46 #64530

  • briut
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Chazak Amenu wrote on 10 May 2010 13:34:

I am also talking about listening to a woman sing, does that help or hurt?

Oh, come on now, CA! Chazal have ruled that listening to a woman's voice is a problem. You know that.

You can argue about whether recordings count, whether nonJews count, whether faceless singers count... but the bottom line is there's a problem there.

If this is a website full of guys with challenges greater than your av-er-age bear, then what answer were you thinking you'd find here?? Sorry, kid, you're smart enough to know this answer without even asking it. 

What you choose to DO with that answer is a different question.  [And as to myself, yes I sometimes still listen to women singers. And men singers, for that matter . So I ain't claimin' the high ground here. ] And how you tell your parents that you want them to change the station, is another story-- perhaps related to how you ask them for a filter ....
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Re: Music? 10 May 2010 13:53 #64536

Maybe it is not correct bu listening to music in general helps and as long as i am not watching a lot of music videos or looking things up about there personal lives i find it to inspire me more than bring me down. i have never been triggered by a female voice before only empowered! and by the way non of the females are jewish or live just recordings. i buy the songs for my ipod and it reallly helps! for now i am going to continue listening to female voices but i will stop if it triggers me though. 
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Re: Music? 10 May 2010 21:52 #64608

  • an honest mouse
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I totally agree. Music uplifts me and gets me slightly closer to that higher connection I so badly desire - when all the ingredients are right. It can be a tremendous relaxer and source of chizuk. In fact I just had tremendous chizuk from a song as I was driving to night seder tonight and I wanted to share it with u guys.

The song I was listening to is on tzlil vezemer volume 5 and the words are from hallel (1st paragraph) "mi K'Hshm Elokeinu hamagbihi lashoves, hamashpili lirois bashomayim uvo'aretz, mikimi meophor dol, meiashpois yorim evyoin" - "who is like Hashem our G-d, who is enthroned on high, yet brings Himself down to look at the heavens and the earth. He raises the poor from the dirt and the destitute from the trash".

How lucky are we that the King and Ruler of the world who sits in Heaven and runs everything is also our tatty who loves us so much and comes down to our lowly place in the spiritual garbage to carry us out. He comes all the way down to our level to raise us up if we only ask Him to. Just 'cause we're His special nation!! How lucky are we!!!
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Re: Music? 10 May 2010 23:33 #64615

Chazak - Drums should be a great way to relieve stress - let out all the frustration and pent up stress, just pound away to your favorite songs, or make up your own stuff!
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Re: Music? 11 May 2010 00:27 #64622

that is true and i do that, i thought we wete talking about relaxing! hahaha!
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Re: Music? 11 May 2010 04:10 #64646

You can also drum with your fingers, a light percussion. Couple it with a steady breathing technique as a slow backbeat. Let the light percussion of your fingers weave in and out of melodies that you create; drumming/ percussion are tones just as much as the higher pitched ones. This can focus you and totally involve you, distracting you from things that do not need your attention. Be creative in your meditation, remembering it is an Avodas Hashem. 
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Re: Music? 11 May 2010 13:16 #64679

  • WeWillWalk
I also play drums Chazak,it's quite relaxing,even though I don't have my own drums,I always go around,playing some nice beat. About the music,I must say that I listen almost constantly. It's my number one source for inspiration and comfort. Just to let you know,there are some great Jewish artists out there with great music. Let me know if you'd want to hear some of them.
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Re: Music? 11 May 2010 14:13 #64684

Chazak Amenu wrote on 10 May 2010 13:33:

teshuvahilaah wrote on 10 May 2010 03:50:

By the way, being that you are so moved by music, have you considered learning to play an instrument? Singing, even? It will not only occupy your mind and imagination, it can also be purely directed into Avodas Hashem.

i play the drums, they are not very calming or stress relieving!

i am still not sure if i would call them relaxing, they are fun that is for sure but they are kind of loud  : i have used to listen to jewish music more often and i really liked it but now i don't really have a taste for it. i listened to the Chevra, Yehuda!, Shel Sheles, and that type of idea. i don't really like it now i listen to it every once in a while, but now they have guys like shwecky and i don't like it at all! but if you could recomend good stuff i would try it.
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Re: Music? 11 May 2010 16:35 #64706

  • shlomo
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i'd definitely say that music is a must in my life. i can honestly say that i think i would go crazy without it. whether its modern music like matisyahu or a soul-stirring niggun, if its good music, i'll listen to it. (except country. cant stand country).

and as for drums, i wanted to play when i was younger but my parents wouldn't let me because they were too loud so a couple years back i started beatboxing (aka vocal percussion). i beatbox literally everywhere i go. (matisyahu beatboxes just fyi). so its not drums, but in a way, its percussion. and it keeps me focused and occupied. i'd definitely recommend it to others.
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Re: Music? 11 May 2010 17:23 #64720

  • 5770
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Chazak Amenu wrote on 10 May 2010 13:53:

i have never been triggered by a female voice before only empowered! and by the way non of the females are jewish or live just recordings. i

i KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but I have spent most of my teen/adult life retreating into the warm womb of female singing - but (and I repeat - I know NOTHING) i can confirm that this did NOT help my marriage because I really should be fixing my my cr@@ppy life head-on. 

(bear with me please) 

When you listen to a woman sing her heart out, either about love, lost love, self-pity, sadness or something.... it gets under your skin. You are ingesting her voice.... you want to be with her, you may not want to admit it, but you do - it affects you ... ever single tune which has a beautiful female voice .... it's is NOT YOURS ....you are intruding .... it is like taking in the image of a beautiful woman .... she does not belong to you and cannot ever make you happy.

(I still know nothing)

You mentioned being EMPOWERED...... let's say (for example) you get all "empowered" listening to Dido, the words stick in your mind, you feel strong!  her VOICE is like a delicious SWEET liquid which you drink ... you can ALMOST FEEL HER!  But you are leaving your wife, your family.  And Hashem.

Anyway, I am messsed up so this is my 2 cents worth. 
If you are normal and balanced, this is all junk so ignore please.
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