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I fell again
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TOPIC: I fell again 589 Views

I fell again 22 Apr 2010 22:28 #62541

I fell again i am so mad at myself i have been building up for this the whole day. i don't know what to do! :'( i am so stupid! stupid! stupid! stupid! right now i think i know what caused the fall.
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Re: I fell again 22 Apr 2010 22:29 #62543

  • DovInIsrael
ok - we are listening... what happened?
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Re: I fell again 22 Apr 2010 22:33 #62544

I think this happened as a result of a long period of time. i have not exercised or moved around for 3 weeks from what i have heard exercising helps release sexual tension and i have not been able to release it. that may be the cause of both falls. also befor i came to GYE i would always fall on a friday every week besides for my regular days which varied but Friday was always the longest period of time away from when i exercised. i also feel more isolated than usual because 1 i really have not gotten together with friends for a while 2 we went to a yom haatsmaut program at my old school and i was completely ignored and not spoken to i have not even been able to chat with Shlomo! by the way the reason i have not been able to exercise is because i am injured.
Last Edit: 22 Apr 2010 22:57 by .

Re: I fell again 22 Apr 2010 23:18 #62556

  • DovInIsrael
keep digging - there is gold in them dar hills.

questions -

how would you describe someone who sits around all day..and does nothing. no exercise, nothing!
( a paid employee is not a valid answer to this question)

if you saw/heard of someone who had no friends, and stayed home all day and did nothing - how would you describe this person

how would the person who is always ignored by everyone...not even picked to play on the team.

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Re: I fell again 23 Apr 2010 00:51 #62572

me? btw if i was playing basketball i would generally be chosen. i replied to your PM in more detail.
Last Edit: 23 Apr 2010 00:58 by .

Re: I fell again 23 Apr 2010 02:52 #62594

  • nederman
It's normal to "binge" after being good for a long time. It happens with food. You are not stupid. The yetzer ha-ra is well-prepared and you were dropped behind enemy lines without training ...

Try to track when you have any lude thoughts. I know it happens a thousand times a day (that's why a neder is necessary for some.) When you have a lude thought say "I am sorry I had a lude thought, I am sorry I waited to do teshuva." If you keep this up you should catch most of them. It's all in the mind. If you win the battle of the mind you win the war.

And remember, the more you do it, the more you train yourself to see women as your chattel. You wife is going to know this! It will affect your entire life!
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Re: I fell again 23 Apr 2010 02:54 #62595

I always shake my head or try and change what i am thinking about to something else but i will try what you are saying.
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Re: I fell again 23 Apr 2010 03:46 #62632

  • nederman
Be careful that the regretting part is as important as saying the words. It's hilchos teshuva. You need both. Don't get racked with guilt. Just think "I wish I hadn't taken a second look at that woman." It applies to anything that arouses you.
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Re: I fell again 23 Apr 2010 06:24 #62640

  • WeWillWalk
Hi Chazak,

First of all,don't get depressed,because it's easier then to fall again. Instead,try to see what you can learn from this fall. I remember reading somewhere (perhaps someone knows the source) that when we feel on the edge of falling,we should fight against it with all our powers,but if we fall,we should see it as if Hashem wanted us to fall. By knowing this,we can get up more easily and also,since everything Hashem does has a purpose,there is something in there for us to learn,right?
My most recent fall was caused by being way too confident that I've got everything under control,which frankly,was just a big illusion...and also it determined me to get signed up here and get support.
Don't worry buddy,where with you. And remember,even after you have had a fall,you haven't lost those days you where being clean. They are you merit. So get up and keep on going. Take one day at a time. That's the only thing you should focus on. Today.

All the best.
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Re: I fell again 23 Apr 2010 12:55 #62701

Thank you guys i wil keep what you said in mind.
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