Dear Yosef,
Thanks for the compliment about my tenacity, which really it isn't. I'm just trying to use what I am learning to help others and share some insights. Nothing you said has or will offend me

You are right about how our challenge(s) can possibly extend beyond the computer. I've read some personal stories here on the forum and one on Lazer Brody's blog about some people who had there issues extend beyond viewing illicit images and acting on them in compulsory ways. My issue has never extended further than my own computer. I am not willing to seek out prostitutes or partners. Anyways, I do agree that we have difficulties in trusting our own thinking, because the yetzer is too strong and manipulates us. Also, esoterically speaking, the flaw of knowledge/covenant i.e being pogem, clogs the person's connection to Hashem and lessen his ability to understand what he did wrong. It's because the person has created a kilpa (shell) around himself, and others say that one's spiritual foreskin that needs to be excised to return to Hashem.
Regarding your comment about me and your SA sponsor's knowledge on psychological theories. I am not saying that I know more about psychological theory and statistics of human behavior than your SA sponsor (psychiatrist); I can assure you that I do not. As I mentioned previously, I am pursuing a degree (my master's) in the helping profession. I am currently taking classes about psychotherapies and applying them to my life as an addict. I'm even thinking where addictions should be my specialization, but I'm not that sure.
RE: Your comment about you SA Sponsor seeking help from othe
rs. "But despite his superior knowledge and intellect he still attends SA meetings, and does what his sponsors tell him to do." Of course, he's human too. Counselors, therapist, and the like seek help too when issues in their lives develop. Helping people is their profession, but sometime they too need help.
RE: "I must continually surrender to someone or something greater than myself in order to not fall again." Yes. I agree. It is good that you are modeling the behaviors and learning from the wisdom of your SA sponsor.
RE: "Why not go for the real thing this time. Surrender and join us for a meeting or at least give in and call me for a few minutes. We have alot in common."
I'm sure we got alot in common. I don't think I have the courage to join a meeting or call. It took me a "giant leap" to admit that I have a problem, let alone another giant leap to begin to write on the forums, after viewing them for some time. Thank you for your offer.
Giant Leap