In Koheles, Chapter 11:9
Rejoice, Young man in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart, and in THE SIGHT OF YOUR EYES, but know that for all these things Hashem will bring you to judgment.
Part of me says "if I only can do it one more time" that will save me. Look one more time. go to that place one more time. I can't stand it anymore, I have to act out." That is my addiction talking. How do I overcome this? I ask myself, "Do I really want to go back to secretly sneaking around, lying to my family, covering myself up so no one will see me. ? Do I really want to go through this pain of withdrawal all over again." NOOOOOO!!!!!!
But somehow in the past 9 years I have hit bottom 3 times. Once I let my guard down, stop talking to my friends, stop going to meetings, stop reading, it's easy to rationalize and say, "I can do this on my own."
(hitting bottom means, you do something so awful that you, yourself, could not fathom every THINKING of doing such a thing, and now you've done it)
What's the answer? Koheles gives it to us in THE VERY NEXT POSUK. Listen carefully.
10: Therefore, remove anger (resentment, fear) from your heart, and put away eveil from your flesh, for childhood and youth are vanity. HEVEL!
This is the answer guys. Remove resentment, fear and anger from your heart. Resentment is our #1 cause of falling. Think about it. Did you ever do this when you felt on top of the world, that the world was yours and everything was going great. You had no worries? I doubt it. If you have, I'd like to hear your story.
Cheshbon Hanefesh for us means writing down 10 people, things, institutions, political parties, ideas, beliefs, values THAT YOU RESENT. Next, for each one, write down what is causing that resentment?
(they did xyz to me, they talk too much, they're arrogant, obnoxious, SOBs, etc.).
There is the next step which makes it all go away:
3. This affects my? ambition, self esteem, personal relationships, emotional well being. Write down.
4. THE KEY: forget about everyone and everything involved and write down What Part YOU did to help cause the situation or make it worse. Were you:
a. Selfish
b. dishonest
c. fearful
d. inconsiderate
We're not talking about emotional, physical, or sexual abuse here. those need PROFESSIONAL HELP.
We're talking about everyday annoyances that we blow up way out of proportion and it affects us.
I invite you to share because the more we see similarities the sooner we'll heal. This exercise is key to your recovery. Need a Jewish resource? Cheshbon Hanefesh.