I hope everyone out there is having an awesome day!
Backstory time (cause who doesn't love a good backstory
For those of you that don't know me from my previous posts....
I'm a 21 year old bocher, currently learning in yeshiva in ey. I was first introduced to the world of erotica when I was about 9. When I was twelve and a half, my parents caught me (not for the last time), and thus started my nearly ten year journey towards recovery.
Along the way, I confided in 4 rebbeim of mine in three different schools (elementary/high school/bais medrash). Everytime I admitted my difficulties with them, I got only love and support. Everytime I spoke with them about it, they would say how much they admired me for coming forward. How much they appreciated me trusting them and opening up to them.
Each one had advice for me (one of which included GYE), and was there to support me.
Having someone who knew me, who I could speak to about these things and get support against it, who admired me for fighting, was an incredible relief from having to constantly be afraid of what I say, lest someone find out and look down upon me.
Fast-forward to the present day:
Throughout my nearly ten year journey, I have had the pleasure of being in contact with dozens (not exaggerating) of people from nearly every background you can think of, who are/where struggling in regards to internet/porn/masterbation. And through our conversations, I have found that most people fall into one of the following two categories.
1)those who opened up to a Rebbe/mentor.
2) those who where uncertain/unwilling to open up to a Rebbe/mentor.
What I am looking for in this thread, is for people's opinions.
I want to hear people's stories of them confiding in rebbeim/mentors, and how it went.
I want to hear what people think about it, are they pro or against it and why.
I want to hear from rebbeim/mentors on GYE as to how they feel regarding this.
I want to hear why people are hesitate to open up to a Rebbe.
I want everyone who has an opinion on this, whether good or bad, to speak up.
I want everything. No holds barred.
I'm hoping that through this thread, we can hopefully clear the air for people who are on the fence about opening up.
It's not necessarily the right thing for everyone, but hopefully this thread can clarify it at least a little for each individual who reads it.
Looking forward to hearing back from everyone
Have an awesome 24, and may you all be able to feel the love and brachos that Hashem is sending your way.
Wishing you all the best,
With lots of (brotherly) love,
Ezra W
Warning: Spoiler! IMPORTANT REMINDER!!!!
Warning: Spoiler! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!
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