Firstly, remember, it will pass.
Secondly, Don't be embarrassed to tell people youv'e stopped watching you tube. They will only admire you.
Thirdly, Just some ideas from the GYE idea list:
▪ Chores: Shop, clean, cook, wash dishes, iron, garden, laundry
▪ Exercise: Brisk walk, run, swim, pilates, weights, bike, push ups, outdoor activities,
▪ Games: Get games on your computer/phone that will fully engage your mind (and your
hands...). Figure out a Rubik's Cube, play a strategy game, tetris, chess, sudoku,
crossword puzzle.
▪ Drive or walk somewhere: Write down three places you can go that might help the
craving or urge subside.
▪ Art: Draw, paint, write, photography, play music
▪ Read or listen: Favorite music, Read an engross book (non fiction, fiction), kosher
news, Whatsapp groups and updates, GYE forum, handbook, articles or videos.
▪ Social activities: Call a supportive friend. talk to a family member (parents, siblings,
spouse, children), hang out with a friend, write an email or text/whatsapp message to a
friend. Call a GYE partner or mentor. Write names or initials of two people that you can
talk to whenever you begin to have a craving or urge.
▪ Team sports: table tennis, hockey, soccer, softball, kickball
▪ Academics: Arts, history, language, math, science, humanities
▪ Trades and crafts: Paint, build, work on car, tinker in your garage
▪ Vent feelings: Talk, start a journal, draw, throw eggs (just kidding.)
▪ Volunteer: start or join a chessed project. (Doing something for someone else is a great
way to get out of our own problems and be constructive. Not only does helping others
distract us from our distressing thoughts, but it also makes us feel like we are
contributing and are playing a valuable role in another's life)
▪ Food: Eat or drink something, make popcorn, eat a healthy snack (nuts, cheese, fruit).
drink a glass of water, make a good coffee.
▪ Organize: email inbox, wallet, room, desk, pictures, plan on redecorating your home or
▪ Refresh yourself: Drive somewhere, take a shower, hold an ice cube until the urge
passes, splash cold water on your face to “reset”, Deep breathing, belly breathing,
gratitude breathing. Tighten the muscles in your body in a particular sequence, over and
over (tighten your feet, then your calves, then your thighs, then your pelvis, then your
stomach, then your chest, then your shoulders, then your neck, then your face, over and
over again). Plan your next vacation.
▪ Reduce sexual tension: Take a cold shower.
▪ Hobbies: Work on your favorite hobby (e.g. look into your genealogy on the Internet).
All the best.
ps - remember "one time is too much, a thousand times is never enough"