Your story has a very familiar ring to it on GYE. Although I am no Baal Yeshiva myself, so I have no idea what that is like, (it's seems to me you can only gain from that type of background. Mich easier to have a defense after 120) You are not the only one who Hashem has given extremely difficult nisyonos to, and I have to say, that i've felt that the harder the nisayon the more a few things become clear:
A) Hashem can't "have it in for me". Since Hashem is perfect, so either
1) He is giving me low risk-high reward tests, which, since they are extremely difficult, get weighed on a heavy curve
2) i've kinda set myself up for certain nisyonos
3) a combination (this seems to be obviously the nisayon of our Dor, but that's not to say ”the more you feed the beast the greater it gets” doesn't apply. We still have to fight)
B)still have to fight- the biggest test may be the " vi'Kam" after a fall. But it also may be the one where Hashem will ask us the most: " "so at least why didn't you go daven maariv afterwards? Are you a bigger שופט than I?"
C) if dwelling in the past aveiros one has down is not helpful in his overall avodas Hashem, he should forget about them. Pretend that he gets a "get out of Gehenom free" card, and continue. Cuz the "Satan meiachareinu" is potentially what makes the climb out of a rut the hardest.
Sorry for rambling on your thread. Hope you found a helpful peice of chizuk. I was mostly talking to myself, as I tend to do....