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Chaim's Oigen
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Re: Chaim's Oigen 07 Jun 2024 14:31 #414857

  • chosemyshem
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chaimoigen wrote on 06 Jun 2024 22:21:

chosemyshem wrote on 06 Jun 2024 14:28:

Stopping the attitude that enables the desperate desirous dance on the edge of the precipice can keep a guy from falling off into the shadow. Not only because if he doesn’t take the first step he’ll therefore avoid the fall of a thousand miles.

But, it’s also because a guy who is growing and no longer feels comfortable assuming the posture we are discussing, might find himself changing.

Props for starting a paragraph with "But also". Bold and flavorful.
Great article, and great explanation of the article. 

I like amavekesh's categorization above, and let's assume this article is talking about anyone short of the true, desperate addict. Someone who's stepping out of shul on Rosh Hashana to masturbate in the bathroom is not suffering from an entertainment mindset. He's suffering from a lust sickness.
[This is pure ploppling since I don't know anything about treating addiction: Now, will even that guy benefit from living life actively? Sure. It's a healthy thing. It'll make the rest of his day better, and it might on occasion help him hold back. But he's gotta be aware of the problem is, and the problem is not an entertainment mindset. That might [i]also[/i] be a problem he has, but it's not why he's doing what he's doing.
But to contradict myself, also see my heroin response above. For all I know, getting involved in living life actively can be a cure for addiction.]

For everyone short of that level:

For sure when setting gedarim, you have to be self aware and honest about where the effective place for the geder is - even if that cuts off things that are pleasurable, muttar, and okay for most of the world. So the dance on the precipice point is well taken. But point 1 in the article, that aimless browsing easily leads to looking at triggering things and sliding into a fall, was not the chiddush of the article.

And the chiddush of the article is also not that staying busy and productive = not falling. That's well known and agreed to already. Nor is the chiddush that developing a deeper relationship with Hashem and actively relating to Him and His torah will help keep you clean. That's also agreed to.

The nekuda of the article that's a chiddush is that enjoying passive entertainment ever is a mindset that is more susceptible to falling into pornography (even at times when the person is not engaging in entertainment). I think that's a great point for people struggling with a certain flavor of the struggle (likely the most common flavor).

Re: Chaim's Oigen 11 Jun 2024 04:30 #415016

  • chaimoigen
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Feeling Rachmanus For "Him"
By: Chaim Oigen

I think that the opposite of self-loathing is Rachmanus. 

Self-loathing, I feel, is one of the most destructive emotions that there is. If I can't live with myself, if I feel that my essence and core is detestable and fouled, broken and unworthy: how then can I ever hope to find the energy and the drive - the COURAGE - to pick myself up?

If, however, I take a compassionate and understanding look at the man who is suffering - if I can give him a hug with Rachmanus, then there is power and healing there.

Why? Because the part of me who looks with Rachmanus is the essential spark at my core that doesn't identify with the struggling, with the falling. Who is still above that. That part of me is the one who regrets, who is looking forward to a future without the errors, who hopes... who dreams. 

Therein is the compassionate adult who wants to pick up the kid who just fell in the mud, bawling. 
אשרי מי שלמעלה מחטאיו

It can be difficult to look at the "me" who has fallen today with Rachmanus. Because he ought to have known better. But it can be far easier to to look back at the struggling Bochur, or Yungerman that I once was and feel Rachmanus for his pain, for his loneliness and agony, for all that he was going through, to feel Rachmanus for the mistakes he was making...
There is healing there... 

Because the kid who fell in the mud is, so often, still bawling with skinned knees, somewhere in there. He still needs a hug. And someone to reach out and pick him up… 
If that someone can be me, I have found part of myself that has never been lost. 

Rachmanus is healing. 

Here is a powerful post I wrote a while ago that illustrates this point.
chaimoigen wrote on 19 Jul 2023 13:55:
Last night I visited a new Beis Medrash for a few minutes to meet with a friend. On the way out, about to get into my car, I looked across the parking lot and froze. Found myself standing, for the first time in years, directly across from a small parking lot behind a public building. 

I was flooded with a sense of sadness as the images rushed over me.

I saw the moon peeking out, through tattered clouds, over a darkened, quiet town, at 3 AM. Saw a conflicted, confused Yungerman, sitting in the backseat of his own car, parked among the shadows, trying to connect to public Wifi, a wan blankness on face. He paused for a moment to think on just going home, about his learning, and then chose to go into just-not-thinking. A mix of self-loathing and desire making a bitter, metallic, taste in his mouth.... 

Standing next to a brand new Beis Medrash, looking across the bridge of many years and tears - I felt so bad for him. I have so much Rachmanus on him. I don't really understand him so well anymore. I have so many things I want to tell him, so much I want to say. [I also want to do whatever I can to help others like him, too]. I want to free him from that self-loathing and pain.. But I felt so sad.... 

I left, called a friend, and went on and I spent the rest of the evening engaged in productivity and learning.

Disquiet persists.
I am happy that that yungerman is doing so much better. I am glad he has found healing. Sad for what was lost. Proud of what has been gained. This I also know: There, but for the grace of Hashem and His undeserved Rachamim and Chessed go I. 
Gotta go make today count now.   
Please feel free to reach out anytime at chaim.oigen@gmail.com
Last Edit: 11 Jun 2024 12:46 by chaimoigen. Reason: עי׳ ספר נאות הדשא לבעל האבנ״ז בעניני ר״ה אשר בכיית השופר היא בכיית נקודה פנימית של הנשמה שלא נתלכלך מעולם בחטא בוכה ומרחם על נפשו שנפל בכל מי

Re: Chaim's Oigen 14 Jun 2024 05:58 #415087

  • amevakesh
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Like any שטיקל ר' חיים, this one too, needs to be pondered, contemplated, dissected and sourced in order to be properly understood. 

On the first night of שבועות, I was learning 'דף ח in מס' ב"ב. The 'גמ there brings the פסוק that says "והמשכילים יזהירו כזוהר הרקיע" And those that are wise, will illuminate like the glow of the sky. The 'גמ interprets this to be referring to a דיין that judges a דין that is אמת לאמיתו. There's a question that 'תוס is bothered by, the double לשון, why does it say אמת לאמיתו? If it’s true, then it’s 100% percent true, what can the word לאמיתו possibly be coming to add? 'תוס explains that it’s coming to exclude a דין מרומה. Meaning that sometimes a case will come before a דיין, and if he were to judge it based on the testimony of the עדים and the dry facts of the case, he would reach a certain conclusion. However, the דיין has a feeling that something is off, it smells fishy, his sixth sense doesn’t allow him to just פסק'ן the דין based on facts alone, that is what the 'גמ means אמת לאמיתו. If he would have gone with the way the case was presented to him, that would only have been אמת. אמת לאמיתו is when he seeks to uncover the truth beyond the “facts” that are being presented.

There is a fascinating מהרש"א that brings out a beautiful point. He explains that according to תוס'’s פשט, there is an added dimension to the פסוק that the 'גמ brought. The sky, when viewed from planet earth, can be seen in an array of colors and hues, based on the weather and the position of the sun. During a cloudy day, it’ll appear as white, during a thunderstorm, an angry grey, at sunset, a mix of purples pink and orange.  Nevertheless, the essence of the sky’s color and glow is an unchanging brilliant sapphire blue. One only needs to break through the facade that is this world to see the sky for what is really is - sapphire blue that reflects the כסא הכבוד. So too, the דיין that is able to see the real truth, beyond the mirage of facts being presented as truth, he will shine like the radiance of the sky without any of the optical illusions that sometimes mar its glow.

The מהרש"א then adds a telling insight into the words of חז"ל in מס' שבת. It says "כל דיין שדן דין אמת לאמיתו נעשה שותף להקב"ה", based on his previous explanation he explains this to mean as follows. When one looks beyond that which seems to be true and arrives at the real truth, he is emulating 'ה who is the ultimate דיין אמת. The מהרש"א then adds "כי הוא יראה ללבב", he sees into the heart beyond the external act. Even an act that from any human vantage point would be perceived as a sin, 'ה in his ultimate kindness, sees the “truth” behind it. How much pain lies behind the act, what were the circumstances that led him to do this, then and only then, after considering all of the unseen factors, does he pass judgement.

'ה created many different types of personalities in this world. Some are rooted in מדת החסד, others in מדת הגבורה, some are a blend of both, there is a spectrum and most people fall somewhere between the two extremes. Generally people from the חסד personalities are more emotional, while people from גבורה are more logical. Each מדה comes with its own challenges. Someone that is closer to "חסד" won’t struggle as much with being judgmental because of his easygoing nature, he lets things slide, doesn’t bear a grudge as much as one who’s rooted in מדת הגבורה. On the flip side, someone who is naturally a גבור, will generally be much more disciplined, punctual, and not as prone to the swinging emotions of someone who’s rooted in מדת החסד.

Being that מדת החסד people are more expansive and less disciplined, they are far more likely to stumble in ares of קדושה than those from מדת הגבורה. Indeed, the תורה describes one of the עריות with "חסד היא". These people are also usually blessed with a gift of an עין טובה. They are more forgiving of other people’s faults and are able to see past the factual deed that was done. They’ll have an easier time uncovering the truth that lies beyond the dry, cold, logical facts than their גבורה counterparts.

הנוגע לענינינו. My assumption is (and I could very well be wrong), that most people that ended up on this site are closer on the spectrum to the חסד side. The YH has a tool at his disposal. Even though we are able to give others the benefit of the doubt, we view them  with compassion, and are very understanding of their shortcomings, when it comes to ourselves, we have a very hard time applying that same generous judgment. My understanding of ר' חיים is, that he’s pleading with us to see the truth in ourselves, the same way we see it in others. Don’t let the con artist convince you that you’re a terrible person. The acts we may have done might be terrible, but let’s remember the words of the holy מהרש"א that , "כי הוא יראה ללבב", he sees into the heart beyond the external act. Our hearts never wanted to rebel against Him, even when be sinned we were filled with remorse. If we can find it in our hearts to forgive ourselves for our past misdeeds, it will infuse us with the confidence we need, to look the YH in the eye and tell him, I’m a terrific person that has made some mistakes and starting now I will do all I can to rectify them. Hope this made sense.
Feel free to email me at amevakesh23@gmail.com

Re: Chaim's Oigen 14 Jun 2024 13:37 #415095

  • Muttel
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Thank you, Reb Chaim, for starting this brilliant thread, and A Mevakesh for your compelling response. This point of being דן לכף זכות even on ourselves is something that hit me a few weeks ago when I first started out on this journey (I'm still new to this journey - but was much newer then!). Self-perception - Read: self-hate is extraordinarily damaging and causes us to fall counterintuitive as it may sound. As soon as I was able to look in the mirror and see a good guy (albeit with challenges and failings) looking back, self-control became interminably easier. מאמרי חז"ל are replete with references to seeing ourselves as an "other" (e.g. Rebbi doing chessed with his body in bathing) and judging favorably is no different. 

It's amazing how good ideas, and support from this היליגער חברה changes everything and makes winning this challenge possible.

Thank you to all for your chelek in helping me get to where I am today (and I thank you all for your future help), and my tefilla to Hashem:
אפרוש כנפי למרומים,
לבקש מאבינו רחמים,
שיגיע כל א' מחבורתנו למעלת קדושים,
!בקרוב ממש

מתוך אהבה עמוקה ולב גדושה,
We're in this struggle together; feel free to reach out! 

Feel free to call/text! (908) 251-9590 (google)

Check out my thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/413043-My-ENTIRE-story#413043
Last Edit: 14 Jun 2024 13:45 by Muttel.

Re: Chaim's Oigen 16 Jun 2024 12:23 #415145

Wow! Lots of amazing thoughts! Love it! What really resounds with me is the fact that its so easy for me in regard to this inyan to see others and be like its not them, they were gripped by the yetzer hara, it doesn't define them, they are being overcome by their lusts. Its the battle of the generation, sometimes we win sometimes (hopefully less often) we lose. But when it comes to myself, forget it, Im a horrible person!!! Why cant I just get a hold of myself!
Thank you for these beautiful thoughts!
Going on Day 17 BH!
We are in this together.
You are a great person with lots of positives, don't let your challenge define you.

Re: Chaim's Oigen 16 Jun 2024 15:17 #415151

  • Muttel
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amevakesh wrote on 14 Jun 2024 05:58:
Like any שטיקל ר' חיים, this one too, needs to be pondered, contemplated, dissected and sourced in order to be properly understood. 

'ה created many different types of personalities in this world. Some are rooted in מדת החסד, others in מדת הגבורה, some are a blend of both, there is a spectrum and most people fall somewhere between the two extremes. Generally people from the חסד personalities are more emotional, while people from גבורה are more logical. Each מדה comes with its own challenges. Someone that is closer to "חסד" won’t struggle as much with being judgmental because of his easygoing nature, he lets things slide, doesn’t bear a grudge as much as one who’s rooted in מדת הגבורה. On the flip side, someone who is naturally a גבור, will generally be much more disciplined, punctual, and not as prone to the swinging emotions of someone who’s rooted in מדת החסד.

Being that מדת החסד people are more expansive and less disciplined, they are far more likely to stumble in ares of קדושה than those from מדת הגבורה. Indeed, the תורה describes one of the עריות with "חסד היא". These people are also usually blessed with a gift of an עין טובה. They are more forgiving of other people’s faults and are able to see past the factual deed that was done. They’ll have an easier time uncovering the truth that lies beyond the dry, cold, logical facts than their גבורה counterparts.

הנוגע לענינינו. My assumption is (and I could very well be wrong), that most people that ended up on this site are closer on the spectrum to the חסד side. 

Amevakesh, this is truly enlightening and very cathartic for me. What's interesting, is that as a Rebbi, the Rosh Yeshiva I work for, regularly tells me "Muttel, you have too much of an עין טובה!" We need to be able to come down hard on the boys sometimes and can't let that get in the way....

Through your שטיקל here, I'm seeing myself more as a חסד leaning נשמה with the benefits and challenges that come with it. 
The more I think about the מלאכים I've come to know on this forum, the more I see your observation is spot on.....

Thank you!

We're in this struggle together; feel free to reach out! 

Feel free to call/text! (908) 251-9590 (google)

Check out my thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/413043-My-ENTIRE-story#413043
Last Edit: 16 Jun 2024 15:17 by Muttel.

Re: Chaim's Oigen 23 Jun 2024 23:09 #415693

  • amevakesh
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Rabbeinu! Your Talmidim eagerly await the next installment of Reb Chaim's wisdom
Feel free to email me at amevakesh23@gmail.com

Re: Chaim's Oigen 01 Aug 2024 00:40 #418228

  • Heeling
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R' Chaim, it has been a while since you shared with us another one of your Oigen...
You can win the fight, but I'll have to live with the loser.

Any excuse you use for yourself, you must be willing to use for your wife.

Not Always can I understand others, but I can always respect their wishes.

You're human, it's okay.

One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.

Re: Chaim's Oigen 15 Nov 2024 03:53 #425149

  • chaimoigen
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I've been overthinking and neglecting this thread. I think I will jump back in.
Please feel free to reach out anytime at chaim.oigen@gmail.com

Re: Chaim's Oigen 15 Nov 2024 04:15 #425150

  • chaimoigen
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Who Are The Heroes
By: Chaim Oigen

A while back, there was a spirited debate on IMG's "Gardener of Grodno" thread about who are the real heroes. Cordnoy, bless his soul, took umbrage at the way many folks here use the word "hero" in describing individuals who are fighting back in this epic and incredibly difficult Milchoma against the Yetzer. He wrote that he believes that the true heroes are the ones who have stayed off the battlefield entirely. There was spirited debate, with many quoting the Gemora about Rabi Elozor Ben Durdaya, במקום שבעלי תשובה עומדים, etc etc.

I wrote this:

chaimoigen wrote on 21 Jul 2023 13:05:

bright wrote on 20 Jul 2023 05:16:
Thats not what was said... He said that people that never had an addiction are heroes but people that are dealing with it even succeeding (such as himself) are not heroes. Not that my opinion means much, but I would definitely pasken like HHM on this. Bmakom shetzaddikim gemurim omdim etc. Also, logically someone who has a bigger test and then passes is a hero. See gemora about r elazar ben durdaya...

I responded:
Ok, here goes. 
I would like to explain what I think is Cordnoy's essential point, by way of the following illustration. And I want to emphasize, in advance that this does not negate the valuable points made by Eerie and others. In fact, I have joined on the cheerleading squad, a lot of the time. But there's a different aspect that I think is worth bringing out. Please listen to my story.

I had the opportunity to speak this week with a special Bochur who just turned 16. He's a really cute kid, upbeat, with a lot of energy. He has a lot of friends, always has a sparkle in his clear blue eyes. He has worked very hard at becoming a real Masmid; the guys in Yeshiva look up to him, younger Bochurim try to be like him. Finished one Mesechta this summer, finished chazering another, said a few Chaburos. Played ball too.  He was talking to me about how to avoid Nisyonos in the summer. He's careful. Stays away from devices, won't borrow a smartphone. He stopped watching along when his sisters are allowed to watch the occasional movie during vacations, because he knows that seeing the pretty girls in the (clean) movies are not good for him. Tries to be careful when walking in streets that are filled with images that are hard to avoid, and he's normal. So he tries to stay in yeshiva. All of these are his own choices, his own growth. He has talked to me about certain situations have made him feel uncomfortable, and asked for advice on how to avoid them. We have talked about wet dreams, and how to deal with them. Before and after.  

He has a Yetzer Hora. He is a red-blooded boy, surging with hormones. But he is beating the Yetzer Hora the very best way possible. By exerting a lot of energy to stay out of the fight. He lives in a world of Abaya and Rav, Chazering Shiur and saying Chabura, trying to develop a taste in Davening. When something makes him feel uncomfortable, in a way that's connected to sexuality, he forces himself to talk about it with his Rebbe or even his father, if his rebbe is busy. Even though his face turns red with embarrassment, he wants the advice. And he takes it, even if its hard for him to do [e.g.- not hanging out in the Mikva with some of his friends, even though they kidded him about it and he was embarrassed]. Because he wants to be big and pure and holy and to become all that he hopes to become. a truly great and holy Oived Hashem, Talmid Chochom and Tzadik. I hope and Daven that he will get there, and I think he will, with Siyata Dishmaya. 

He has no idea that his older brother also talks to me. Less often. The older bochur is also very special. Big Masmid, special boy. But a few years ago he figured out how to manipulate a loophole in the family computer and learned about porn. And now every time he is near a computer and alone late at night (which happens a lot because he learns until VERY late and there are computers everywhere) he struggles not to go and figure out how to get online [even though the loophole has been blocked, by his eventual request]. Boruch Hashem, I think he is doing well in his personal Milchoma. But he has a hard time. He recently had a long conversation with me about Bein Hazamnim, Shmiras HaEnyaim. I gave him everything I had, every tool I have to fight. He is incredible, I hold of him so much. But he struggles in a different place than his younger brother. He sometimes get depressed, wakes up late, walks around moody..... Ya'll know what I'm talking about, even if he doesn't know that I know, right? He's gonna be ok, more than ok, actually. He's going to be a Tzadik and a Talmid Chochom, with Siyata Dishmaya

Both of these young men are fighters. Both have a strong, normal, Yetzer Hora. The younger is in a place of greater purity. I am not the Kail Dayos. I won't presume to know who gets more Schar.      

I love both of these boys with a love that is more than love. Because they are my sons.
I love them equally, empathize with their struggles, revel in their accomplishments and am suffused with Nachas when I think about them, when I learn with them. I thank Hashem for them and I Daven for them every day. I think they are amazing. I Daven that Hashem save them from the Yetzer Hora. They are both better than me. But, contrary to what Chazal say, I am deeply, heartbreakingly, achingly jealous of my younger son. I wish I had stayed off the battlefield like him and I wish his older brother had done so, too.

I think Cordnoy is talking about my younger son.

P.S. I do not mean to take away the Madreiga of a Baal Teshuva. Or the Madreiga of Kol HaGadol MeChaveiro etc. All the points made are valid. And I, personally, live daily with the hope of being Misakein my many errors and converting them to Zachiyos one day, with Hashem's continuing goodness to me, in His Rachamim and Chessed.
But it's probably worthwhile to realize that Rabi Eliezer Ben Durdaya was probably not on a higher Madreiga than Rabbeinu HaKadosh, tremendous Madreiga aside [yes, I am familiar with what the Baal HaTanya writes in his Maamar on Rosh Hashana]. See Maharsha AZ 10b who says Rebbe cried because, although REBD was Koneh Olamo in Shaah Achas, he could have been so much greater had he been Koneh Olamo in Kamah Shanim...  

See the Ramban שמות פרק כד פסוק ה 
ועל דרך הפשט נערי בני ישראל הם בחורי ישראל שלא טעמו טעם חטא, שלא נגשו אל אשה מעולם, כי הם הנבחרים בעם והקדושים בהם, כענין שאמרו (ברכות מג:) עתידין בחורי ישראל שלא טעמו טעם חטא ליתן ריח כלבנון וכו'

Please feel free to reach out anytime at chaim.oigen@gmail.com
Last Edit: 15 Nov 2024 04:58 by chaimoigen.

Re: Chaim's Oigen 15 Nov 2024 05:19 #425152

Thank you R' CO for reposting this, as this is my first time seeing this! Absolutely stunning!! You are a very lucky man to have both of these amazing sons and they are equally lucky to have you as their father!! And thank you for making me cry!! 

Re: Chaim's Oigen 15 Nov 2024 05:19 #425153

  • chaimoigen
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“Losing Out. Or Not?”
By: Chaim Oigen 
This one was in my “Friday Night Blues” thread, in the BB Section.  But it’s really a universal Yesod, not limited to how to feel about “missing out” when the wife isn’t up for intimacy.

How many times are we compelled by the feeling that “I don’t want to lose this chance”, when the opportunity presents itself? A glance.. a stare… or more…. But am I really losing something? Does “Chapping Arein” an experience mean that I “got” something? Or is that just illusion?  Yes, pleasure is real, a feeling of pleasure. But when I really realize that I don’t have less when I passed up an experience, well - it changes the playing field and rules of the game.

At least it did for me. 

chaimoigen wrote on 03 Apr 2024 17:44:

The past few weeks have brought a lot of stress, and my wife has been struggling with a number of difficulties and frustrations, some of which are making her doubt and feel badly about herself. I’ve tried to be as helpful as I can to her, with varying levels of success. During this time, my wife hasn’t really been very available for intimacy, or emotionally connected during, and there were a few situations that were pretty frustrating.

BH I have been acting and feeling mostly like an adult, with understanding and caring about where’s she’s coming from and why she’s not being so physically and emotionally available. I have been ok, and been acting  and feeling mostly unselfishly, and I’m pretty proud of this. A lot has to do with the work I’ve done here over the past 322 days, BH. 

During this time, I have developed a personal realization that I wanted to share. Something that has better helped me be truly ok with the frustrations. This isn’t meant to be a lecture if you don’t feel this way, it’s just meant to be a glimpse into what’s working for me today- maybe it can be helpful for you…..

I realized that missing out an opportunity for sex doesn't mean that I actually lost anything. Yes, the night before she becomes a Nidda came and went, and we weren’t together, and now I will probably have to wait over 2 weeks until the next time. Ok. But I haven’t lost anything of importance.  I have the same life, same relationship with my wife, (with whom I also generally have a good bedroom life), I have the same tomorrow that I would have had, regardless of what did or didn’t happen last night. So giving up what I wanted wasn’t  such a big price to pay for being a caring and understanding husband. (And she deserves to have me actually care about what she needs.)

I realized that I had an ingrained attitude that was a bit deep-rooted, and it’s really a falsehood.  (I wonder how many can relate.)

While in the throes of sexual desire, there is sometimes a strong illusion that not to havefulfillment of this need, would be a loss. I feel that I would be losing out if I don’t have it.  This carries over with Shmiras Enayim too- If there’s something exiting to see and I won’t take advantage and miss it, there’s a feeling that I would be losing out. If my wife and I had planned to “go to sleep early” and then one of us got an important call and it got late and she was too tired - I realized that in the past I had felt like I lost an irreplaceable opportunity. And that feeling would sometimes cause me to get bent out of shape and put me in a bad mood. This is  actually  the Yesod of the “Friday Night Blues”. 

But I’m starting to feel differently now. I love being intimate with my wife. But if it doesn’t work out today,  there’s always next time. The point is this - If things between us are good overall (including the bedroom, which is important), then the individual times and experiences aren’t nearly as important as they feel like at the time. In fact, each individual experience probably isn’t so important at all, except for the fact that I want it, which in itself is not truly a matter of importance (except to the lower half of my body, who isn’t a Man Di’amar of such great importance). 

Having a healthy and happy bedroom life is an important part of marriage. Getting what I want at the time that I want it is not. Waiting a couple of weeks, at this stage in my life, while being frustrating, won’t inherently impact our relationship in any way. Unless I would make a big deal about it internally and externally, and send my wife on a guilt trip, and make my wants into a whole huge imperative.

Well, thankfully I choose not to do that today.

Thanks GYE. 
I think I’m seeing pretty clearly today. Feels good. ברוך ה!

מאן דבעי חיים
Please feel free to reach out anytime at chaim.oigen@gmail.com
Last Edit: 15 Nov 2024 07:07 by chaimoigen.

Re: Chaim's Oigen 15 Nov 2024 07:44 #425158

  • rebakiva
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chaimoigen wrote on 15 Nov 2024 04:15:
Who Are The Heroes
By: Chaim Oigen

A while back, there was a spirited debate on IMG's "Gardener of Grodno" thread about who are the real heroes. Cordnoy, bless his soul, took umbrage at the way many folks here use the word "hero" in describing individuals who are fighting back in this epic and incredibly difficult Milchoma against the Yetzer. He wrote that he believes that the true heroes are the ones who have stayed off the battlefield entirely. There was spirited debate, with many quoting the Gemora about Rabi Elozor Ben Durdaya, במקום שבעלי תשובה עומדים, etc etc.

I wrote this:

chaimoigen wrote on 21 Jul 2023 13:05:

bright wrote on 20 Jul 2023 05:16:
Thats not what was said... He said that people that never had an addiction are heroes but people that are dealing with it even succeeding (such as himself) are not heroes. Not that my opinion means much, but I would definitely pasken like HHM on this. Bmakom shetzaddikim gemurim omdim etc. Also, logically someone who has a bigger test and then passes is a hero. See gemora about r elazar ben durdaya...

I responded:
Ok, here goes. 
I would like to explain what I think is Cordnoy's essential point, by way of the following illustration. And I want to emphasize, in advance that this does not negate the valuable points made by Eerie and others. In fact, I have joined on the cheerleading squad, a lot of the time. But there's a different aspect that I think is worth bringing out. Please listen to my story.

I had the opportunity to speak this week with a special Bochur who just turned 16. He's a really cute kid, upbeat, with a lot of energy. He has a lot of friends, always has a sparkle in his clear blue eyes. He has worked very hard at becoming a real Masmid; the guys in Yeshiva look up to him, younger Bochurim try to be like him. Finished one Mesechta this summer, finished chazering another, said a few Chaburos. Played ball too.  He was talking to me about how to avoid Nisyonos in the summer. He's careful. Stays away from devices, won't borrow a smartphone. He stopped watching along when his sisters are allowed to watch the occasional movie during vacations, because he knows that seeing the pretty girls in the (clean) movies are not good for him. Tries to be careful when walking in streets that are filled with images that are hard to avoid, and he's normal. So he tries to stay in yeshiva. All of these are his own choices, his own growth. He has talked to me about certain situations have made him feel uncomfortable, and asked for advice on how to avoid them. We have talked about wet dreams, and how to deal with them. Before and after.  

He has a Yetzer Hora. He is a red-blooded boy, surging with hormones. But he is beating the Yetzer Hora the very best way possible. By exerting a lot of energy to stay out of the fight. He lives in a world of Abaya and Rav, Chazering Shiur and saying Chabura, trying to develop a taste in Davening. When something makes him feel uncomfortable, in a way that's connected to sexuality, he forces himself to talk about it with his Rebbe or even his father, if his rebbe is busy. Even though his face turns red with embarrassment, he wants the advice. And he takes it, even if its hard for him to do [e.g.- not hanging out in the Mikva with some of his friends, even though they kidded him about it and he was embarrassed]. Because he wants to be big and pure and holy and to become all that he hopes to become. a truly great and holy Oived Hashem, Talmid Chochom and Tzadik. I hope and Daven that he will get there, and I think he will, with Siyata Dishmaya. 

He has no idea that his older brother also talks to me. Less often. The older bochur is also very special. Big Masmid, special boy. But a few years ago he figured out how to manipulate a loophole in the family computer and learned about porn. And now every time he is near a computer and alone late at night (which happens a lot because he learns until VERY late and there are computers everywhere) he struggles not to go and figure out how to get online [even though the loophole has been blocked, by his eventual request]. Boruch Hashem, I think he is doing well in his personal Milchoma. But he has a hard time. He recently had a long conversation with me about Bein Hazamnim, Shmiras HaEnyaim. I gave him everything I had, every tool I have to fight. He is incredible, I hold of him so much. But he struggles in a different place than his younger brother. He sometimes get depressed, wakes up late, walks around moody..... Ya'll know what I'm talking about, even if he doesn't know that I know, right? He's gonna be ok, more than ok, actually. He's going to be a Tzadik and a Talmid Chochom, with Siyata Dishmaya

Both of these young men are fighters. Both have a strong, normal, Yetzer Hora. The younger is in a place of greater purity. I am not the Kail Dayos. I won't presume to know who gets more Schar.      

I love both of these boys with a love that is more than love. Because they are my sons.
I love them equally, empathize with their struggles, revel in their accomplishments and am suffused with Nachas when I think about them, when I learn with them. I thank Hashem for them and I Daven for them every day. I think they are amazing. I Daven that Hashem save them from the Yetzer Hora. They are both better than me. But, contrary to what Chazal say, I am deeply, heartbreakingly, achingly jealous of my younger son. I wish I had stayed off the battlefield like him and I wish his older brother had done so, too.

I think Cordnoy is talking about my younger son.

P.S. I do not mean to take away the Madreiga of a Baal Teshuva. Or the Madreiga of Kol HaGadol MeChaveiro etc. All the points made are valid. And I, personally, live daily with the hope of being Misakein my many errors and converting them to Zachiyos one day, with Hashem's continuing goodness to me, in His Rachamim and Chessed.
But it's probably worthwhile to realize that Rabi Eliezer Ben Durdaya was probably not on a higher Madreiga than Rabbeinu HaKadosh, tremendous Madreiga aside [yes, I am familiar with what the Baal HaTanya writes in his Maamar on Rosh Hashana]. See Maharsha AZ 10b who says Rebbe cried because, although REBD was Koneh Olamo in Shaah Achas, he could have been so much greater had he been Koneh Olamo in Kamah Shanim...  

See the Ramban שמות פרק כד פסוק ה 
ועל דרך הפשט נערי בני ישראל הם בחורי ישראל שלא טעמו טעם חטא, שלא נגשו אל אשה מעולם, כי הם הנבחרים בעם והקדושים בהם, כענין שאמרו (ברכות מג:) עתידין בחורי ישראל שלא טעמו טעם חטא ליתן ריח כלבנון וכו'

If I humbly may add a point, not tryin' to say anything, just a powerful chizuk for us and your older son.

I heard a story today, there was a very poor family who literally had nothing to eat, the kids AND the parents were forever starving,with no end in sight. The 2 boys Chaim 9 and Yankel 7 decided that for their parents anniversary they're going to get them a present, but there was no way for them to lay their hands on anything, so they were contemplating what to do.

One day Chaim came up with a great idea, he quickly and excitingly told Yankel, that in the school where they learn the menahel, has this program that whoever scores 100 on everything for a full month gets a jumbo cookie, so together they decided to be the top student's for the next month, and they'll save the cookies, Chaim's for mommy, and Yankel's for tatty.

The month finally came to an end, and the 2 boys along with another 50 boys got their coockies, Chaim put his cookie right into his briefcase, and quickly forgot about it, but Yankel had a very hard time, all his friends had already eaten up their cookie, but he was looking at his cookie, drooling at it, and trying with all his might to hold himself back from eating it, but it was very hard.

At recess, he couldn't help himself, he took the cookie out from it's hiding spot, fighting with himself if he shall tkae just one tinny bite, eventually the nisayon was just too big, and he fell, he took one tiny little bite. At lunch, again he just couldn't help himself and yet again he took just one tiny little bite. Then by english recess, he took the cookie out once again, put the cookie on his lips, tears running down his face, fighting the biggest war in his life, yes bite, or not to bite, when suddenly the cookie fell to the ground and turned into a pile of crumb's.

Crying non-stop he picked up the crumbs, put it into a bag, and came home. Chaim with a huge smile put down a beutiful jumbo cookie in front of his mothers face, while Yankel all teary-eyed, took out a bag of crumbs and started crying once again, telling his father what has happened to the precious cookie.

His father took his to the side and cryingly & emotionally told him, "you should know, that all though you fell, you didn't win the YH, and you brought home a heap of crumbs, but Chaim, thought about me only once, when he got the cookie, whereas you thought about me the entire day, every few minutes you again fought for my sake, every time you fell, you cried for me, you cared for your love towards me, THIS IS THE GREATEST PRESENT I EVER GOT IN MY LIFE" 

Now I'm not here to talk about your younger son, but the older son, and frankly all of us on GYE, we bring hashem the present of sheer love, we cry for our love towards hashem, not so much for our fall, but rather for our wish to bring to hashem a jumbo cookie BESHLEIMUS, but when it shatters into a heap of crumbs, we cry for hashems cookie, not for our craving to eat the cookie.
Talking with someone, is not about getting advice, it's about frienship, accountability & distraction;

Please feel free to contact me at 347-494-0430 {google voice} at any time or; 
PM me at mevakesh247@gmail.com

Check out My story here:  My strategy is to fight it with excitment ביחד ננצח

Re: Chaim's Oigen 15 Nov 2024 10:54 #425160

R' Chaim your posts manage to hit the spot EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Keep them coming, their epically inspiring and well written.

Thank you for the time you take to write your posts.

Re: Chaim's Oigen 15 Nov 2024 14:00 #425171

  • iwantlife
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chaimoigen wrote on 15 Nov 2024 04:15:

I love both of these boys with a love that is more than love. Because they are my sons.
I love them equally, empathize with their struggles, revel in their accomplishments and am suffused with Nachas when I think about them, when I learn with them. I thank Hashem for them and I Daven for them every day. I think they are amazing. I Daven that Hashem save them from the Yetzer Hora. They are both better than me. But, contrary to what Chazal say, I am deeply, heartbreakingly, achingly jealous of my younger son. I wish I had stayed off the battlefield like him and I wish his older brother had done so, too.

Ahh R' Chaim! Thank you for sharing this, it's from before my time here and I doubt I would've seen it. Just wanted to tell you how lucky your sons are to have you as their father. Your deep understanding of this inyan is priceless. I still remember, as a young, scared, confused bochur, when my parents discovered my browser history that I'd forgotten to clear. My father gave me a serious shmooze about how I can only use the internet if my parents are able to trust me. As if! I still remember silently screaming "Trust? I don't trust myself!". He meant well, but he had mammish no clue. So if nothing else, your sons are zoiche to Chaim's Oigen, and boy are those some good eyes!
"Believe you can and you're halfway there" - Theodore Roosevelt
"Comparison is the thief of joy" - also Theodore Roosevelt

Feel free to email me at iwantlifegye@proton.me or call/text ‪(347) 948-6542‬ (Google Voice)
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