Recently, I was attacked by a bout of curiosity, and I felt an urge to investigate images of female reproductive anatomy. This was most probably the YH duping me yet again, but has this acutally been proscribed by the Jewish sages?
In order to make proper judgement in these situations, you need to give yourself an objective view.
What I mean is, you will "feel" like it is your curiosity telling you to study those areas - because you want to feel that way. You know the implications of the possibilities, and are biased.
The best thing would be to ask somone else (who is on the same page as you concerning the importance of the matter) for his opinion.
If this is not possible, picture in your head that reading the material
might cause you to lose a large sum of money, or be seriously injured G-d forbid.... and it might not.
Is reading the material important enough to you, that you are willing to take that chance? If not - then this should be no different.
Also, it's one thing knowing what the ideal thing to do would be, but if we were seriously to live as the rabbis suggest, we might as well just become hermits in mountain retreats (no disrepect to the Rebs intended). It's really not easy, or sometimes even practical trying to implement their teachings in today's world and society, especially if you're a non-Jew.
The rabbis don't tell us which situations to be in. They tell us to do our best. Obviously becoming a hermit is not an option - (unless all of society becomes
really bad). "Our best" means to have good filters, and keep away from things which can trigger the wrong reactions.