Dear Reb Guard, May you see much erlicher yiddishe nachas from your son who is becoming bar mitzva.
You should be zocheh to witness him grow medarga-ledarga bi'kedusha vteharah.
He should grow to be an ish emes, a baal chessed, and a baal midos tovos & baal derech eretz.
Let it be the ratzon of the Bashefer, that throughout his years in yeshiva, he aquire the skills, knowledge, and understanding to be osek in torah with a cheshek, with hasmadah, with hatzlacha, and LISHMAH!!
And that he inspire many many yidden throughout his life to teshuvah - through his seriousness and dedication in avodas H-shem.
(Feel free to pick up where I left off raboisai)