Yiddle2 wrote on 28 Dec 2009 01:28:
I think its an interesting apporach. It is different for everyone. If one can do it I think it is certainly ideal to do but I would say that I do not have the spiritual make up (although I would say I certainly have the religious make up but that doesnt help) to do this. It takes having ALOT ALOT ALOT (thats an understatement) of trust in Hashem. Do i want to do that? Of course. Its just not realistic for me to transform my thought process to that approach. Maybe if i wokr on it little by little I will eventually get there, but that is probably a lifetime's work and frankly I dont have that much time to bring myself to freedom from lust.
Personally, I think this approach is
a lot easier than "struggling with the yetzer Hara" all the time. We simply need to learn to
ignore the struggle and say
"this struggle might be good for others, but I can't deal with it at all, because I am lust-addict. Instead, I leave the whole "struggle issue" to Hashem. It's His business. For me, lust is a distraction, that's all. It distracts me from focusing "outwards" and doing Hashem's will for me today, to the best of my ability." This approach makes freedom from the addiction a lot easier than those who are always "struggling" epic-struggles with it...