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90 days clean but only from m...
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TOPIC: 90 days clean but only from m... 424 Views

90 days clean but only from m... 16 Mar 2022 14:26 #378696

  • DeletedUser243
  • Current streak: 2 days
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It's been a while since I've posted anything about myself so I just wanted to let the chevra here know that baruch Hashem, I'm over 90 days clean from m. This is something that I previously thought would be impossible because I've been trying for 8 months to stop before finding GYE and I never made it to my goal at that time which was 40 days. Filters were also just not under my radar and neither was accountability services. 

Now baruch Hashem I'm free from m for over 90 days and counting, but I still can't stop looking at p. Although I can hold myself back from utilizing a few of those few chances that I have from looking at p, I find myself inevitably falling still a few times and in the last few days I've actually fell a lot in terms of looking of less explicit material and then p too. And although I've been free from m for such a while, looking at that stuff for the past few days is putting that desire to m again in me again, even though when I fell before and gave into watching before I hit 90 days from m, the desire to m wouldn't really be as strong oddly enough. 

I just wanted to update the chevra here of that, as much as it will suck I'll restart my count here and I'll keep the count now in terms of both watching p and/or less explicit stuff and m. I started the journey wanting to do this in the first place and it can't be complete without both of them and it won't be lasting without both of them.
Last Edit: 16 Mar 2022 14:35 by DeletedUser243.

Re: 90 days clean but only from m... 16 Mar 2022 15:05 #378700

  • davidt
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Bilaam Harasha to Yosef Hatzaddik wrote on 16 Mar 2022 14:26:
It's been a while since I've posted anything about myself so I just wanted to let the chevra here know that baruch Hashem, I'm over 90 days clean from m. This is something that I previously thought would be impossible because I've been trying for 8 months to stop before finding GYE and I never made it to my goal at that time which was 40 days. Filters were also just not under my radar and neither was accountability services. 

Now baruch Hashem I'm free from m for over 90 days and counting, but I still can't stop looking at p. Although I can hold myself back from utilizing a few of those few chances that I have from looking at p, I find myself inevitably falling still a few times and in the last few days I've actually fell a lot in terms of looking of less explicit material and then p too. And although I've been free from m for such a while, looking at that stuff for the past few days is putting that desire to m again in me again, even though when I fell before and gave into watching before I hit 90 days from m, the desire to m wouldn't really be as strong oddly enough. 

I just wanted to update the chevra here of that, as much as it will suck I'll restart my count here and I'll keep the count now in terms of both watching p and/or less explicit stuff and m. I started the journey wanting to do this in the first place and it can't be complete without both of them and it won't be lasting without both of them.

You've used the 90 day tool correctly. The idea of it is to give you encouragement  and help you realize that you can have self control. So even if you only focused on one thing it still served its purpose and now you can start using it for the next level of the struggle. 
​Th ultimate goal should of course be to be fully clean of all addictive behaviors,  but the fact is that most people don't go there cold turkey overnight and having ups and down is very normal and part of successful recovery. 
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
feel free to reach out @  ahavayirah@gmail.com

Re: 90 days clean but only from m... 16 Mar 2022 20:36 #378731

  • Captain
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Keep up the great work! We are also really thankful for your advice about accountability software, which is really a must.

Maybe you want to supercharge this next leg of your journey by reading from The Battle of the Generation and listening to The Fight daily. They are awesome. See ththe links for them below in my signature.
In the place where ba’alei teshuva stand, even pure tzaddikim who never sinned cannot stand. (Rabbi Avohu, Brachos 34b)

Great free resources:
My favorite book for breaking free: The Battle of the Generation 
https://guardyoureyes.com/ebooks/item/the-battle-of-the-generation. Change your attitude and change your life!

Rabbi Shafier's incredible lectures on breaking free: The Fight. Download here: 

If you're only ready to try something small, check out an easier way to do self-talk here:

Re: 90 days clean but only from m... 16 Mar 2022 23:48 #378737

  • DeletedUser243
  • Current streak: 2 days
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  • Posts: 222
Maybe you want to supercharge this next leg of your journey by reading from The Battle of the Generation and listening to The Fight daily. They are awesome. See ththe links for them below in my signature.

I will, thanks. 

Re: 90 days clean but only from m... 18 Mar 2022 14:18 #378762

  • anonymous1234567
  • Current streak: 1 day
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I always wanted to reach 90 days like before... I want to be like you reached 90 days but it's difficult... bli ayin hara

you should be feeling great to reach 90 days 
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