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which Filter
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TOPIC: which Filter 971 Views

which Filter 28 Nov 2021 18:11 #374620

  • griner
  • Junior Boarder
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I'm wanna get a new computer, and I want to have a white list only. And one of the things I need is GYE but I'm embarrassed to reveal to others that I'm on gye.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Re: which Filter 28 Nov 2021 18:33 #374623

  • lou
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Teckloq is a great filter company.You can set your settings online or via email and you never meet the actual people that you are dealing with. The y have great customer service as well.

Re: which Filter 28 Nov 2021 21:39 #374627

  • griner
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Don't I have to setup an account with payment info. Etc.

Re: which Filter 28 Nov 2021 21:43 #374628

  • bhyy
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Being on GYE doesn't mean that you have watched porn or acted out before. May people use it as a preventative resource, there used to even be a landing page when you went to guardyoureyes.com that asked if you wanted to go to the prevention site or recovery site.
Anyways, you should feel comfortable with most of the good filter companies (Techloq, Gentech, Netspark, Nativ), they are here to help you and won't judge.
Also, TAG has a strict privacy policy and will not disclose anything said inside its office (at least in the office I use). Moreover, the technicians aren't even allowed to tell other people who came in to the TAG office. They try to make everyone feel super comfortable. 
נאָך אַ שריפה ווערט מען רייַך - After a fire one becomes wealthy.

My email: bhyy@protonmail.com

My thread: guardyoureyes.com/forum/4-On-the-Way-to-90-Days/349632-Hayom-Yom

Re: which Filter 28 Nov 2021 21:47 #374629

I work in a filter organization with TAG as well, and I know that the technicians don't tell anyone what people want - and most of them aren't surprised at all when people ask for websites like SA, AA, and GYE.
Hope this helps.
I am not trying to be a sober me - I am trying to change me.

I'm not here because I fell once, I am here because I sometimes want it to continue forever

If you are looking for me on the teen forum, I turned 18 and can no longer access it. Feel free to contact me at strugglingwithmyself613@gmail.com - although probably use a separate email and don't put your name on it, so as to keep safe.

Re: which Filter 28 Nov 2021 22:18 #374630

Lets just say, my filtering company knows that I report loopholes. When they ask me "what did you search to find inappropriate things", I say, "I don't feel comfortable saying". Lol. I've had to speak to them in a personal way because the message posting on GYE wasn't working.

Re: which Filter 29 Nov 2021 21:01 #374655

  • lou
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griner wrote on 28 Nov 2021 21:39:
Don't I have to setup an account with payment info. Etc.

Yes,but as far as I know they are in the UK. I am in USA.
So,yes Hentchy or Pessy  somewhere out there knows what I wanted to have blocked or allowed. It beats the alternative of not having it blocked.
Just today I am going back and forth with them about a site. It is a little humiliating but worth it in the long run.

Re: which Filter 18 Feb 2022 20:54 #377598

  • griner
  • Junior Boarder
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I didn't buy a new computer until now, because I don't know which filter to get. i wanna get a white list only, and I'm embarrassed to tell the frum people at tag what I need in my white list.

can i get a filter on my own from a not Chareidy place. and how does it work if i don't go trough tag, do i have control coastally to the settings. and which filter is good.

thanks for any tips.

Re: which Filter 18 Feb 2022 22:26 #377601

  • gettingthere9
  • Current streak: 147 days
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Yes you can. I am no filter wiz but I have a white list on my computer with gentech (and used to have techloq) and set it up myself.
The main thing, I think, is who is going to have control of your account.
Tag can do that for you.
My wife has control over mine... but others aren't able to do that...
(As an aside... trust me, there are people with longer whiter beards that have been to TAG asking for these things so no one there is going to bat an eyelash)
Hope for the best Prepare for the worst

Re: which Filter 19 Feb 2022 15:25 #377602

  • lost in search
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You can download the filter yourself from their website without having to step into a tag office, whether you decide to use teqlock or gentech, they both have great customer service and can set up your account from start to finish either on phone or through email. Noone will have to see your face and you can stay anonymous if that's what you choose
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm"
- Sir Winston Churchill

Re: which Filter 19 Feb 2022 23:05 #377607

  • DeletedUser243
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Check out Microsoft family safety, it's for free and it's what your looking for. I also recommend getting webchaver (covenant eyes) in conjunction with that filter service, and if you look at my signature you'll see how to get it for free. Go check out the services they offer, microsoft family safety has a lot of other good features on top of just the filter. 

By the way it may seem a little embarrassing to tell others about this struggle but everyone nowadays is aware of what's on the internet, it's just a matter of you reminding them of what a filthy place it is in certain areas. Even people who have never watched anything in their lives are aware of it. My mom for example never set filters on my device when I was younger but when I told her about my struggles (I had to tell her because I'm not in touch with my dad) she knew exactly what I was talking about and for me it wasn't embarrassing at all, I only felt uncomfortable about the feeling of embarrassment I thought I would feel, but it never happened. She was very understanding and this is how almost all parents are. And I do recommend that you bring yourself to do this because this is necessary to do with at least one person you know in person (even just a friend or a mentor here on GYE) in order so that they can help you with the filters. Without someone else to be in control of the filters, the only other option left is to let yourself be in charge of the filters and this will not help you at all because as soon as an urge comes you will give in. It's similar to someone who is trying to quit drugs and he decides to put his drug of choice in a safe to which he knows the password to. And given the nature of the internet it's as if this person then took it further and put the safe in his room and also an unlimited supply of the drug in the safe. This person obviously sets himself up for failure. 

If you want I can post below in detail of how I told my mom if you think it can help you do the same with people you know. I can also drop a list of allowed websites here so you can them to your whitelist without thinking that your trapped or the like. It includes websites like fedex and google drive to religious websites. Also, if you look into my signature you'll see that there is one loophole in Microsoft family safety but if you get webchaver also, the loophole is fixed as I said below.
Last Edit: 19 Feb 2022 23:06 by DeletedUser243.

Re: which Filter 20 Feb 2022 02:40 #377615

  • griner
  • Junior Boarder
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(As an aside... trust me, there are people with longer whiter beards that have been to TAG asking for these things so no one there is going to bat an eyelash)

thanks for your advice !!. But how do you know about my beard.... 

Re: which Filter 20 Feb 2022 07:18 #377623

  • starting
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griner wrote on 18 Feb 2022 20:54:
I didn't buy a new computer until now, because I don't know which filter to get. i wanna get a white list only, and I'm embarrassed to tell the frum people at tag what I need in my white list.

can i get a filter on my own from a not Chareidy place. and how does it work if i don't go trough tag, do i have control coastally to the settings. and which filter is good.

thanks for any tips.

You can do it through tag without giving them every website you want to leave open and when you get home try get to this website. The block page will come on with a link to request access. If you click on that link, some techloq/GenTech employee in India will add it to your white list 
The start of 'STARting' is 'star'. Just start and you're a star!!

'the cleaner I stay, the cleaner I stay' - AlexEliezer
העבר עיני מראות שוא, בדרכך חינו (תהלים קיט, לז)
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Re: which Filter 20 Feb 2022 18:40 #377649

  • lost in search
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starting wrote on 20 Feb 2022 07:18:

griner wrote on 18 Feb 2022 20:54:
I didn't buy a new computer until now, because I don't know which filter to get. i wanna get a white list only, and I'm embarrassed to tell the frum people at tag what I need in my white list.

can i get a filter on my own from a not Chareidy place. and how does it work if i don't go trough tag, do i have control coastally to the settings. and which filter is good.

thanks for any tips.

You can do it through tag without giving them every website you want to leave open and when you get home try get to this website. The block page will come on with a link to request access. If you click on that link, some techloq/GenTech employee in India will add it to your white list 

If you request a whitelist and tag is in control of it then the filter employee won't be able to add another website to your account cuz tag is in control of the whitelist, you would need to be in contact with tag every time you add a website to your account. You can get around this by specifically telling the tag employee that you want to be able to add a website on your own without tag, then he will set your account to be able to do that.
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm"
- Sir Winston Churchill

Re: which Filter 21 Feb 2022 20:39 #377718

  • hashem help me
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TAG is used to having GYE on people's whitelists. They will not say anything to make you uncomfortable.
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned

                    My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE
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