ooops, my bad, I must have forgotten she's just a shiksa and he's a rav, so he must not have done anything wrong. It must not be his voice. All the endearing names he called her and all the things he said he'd wanna do to her, yep, must have all been edited and fabricated. My bad. Of course, she's just a shiksa after all...... score one up for defending the rabbanim who prey on the innocent, whether it's women trying to convert or molesting teenage girls. I was once an NCSYer and was personally mesmerized by one Rabbi Baruch Lanner. That name ring a bell anyone? People like you reacting similarly to him FOR YEARS, defending him and not his victims. All the stories of the teen girls he touched... for years people in our community "judged him favorably", dismissed it, while he continued to destroy lives. Keep up the warm and fuzzy acceptance people! Especially in this case, because after all, she's just a shiksa.