Grant400 wrote on 07 May 2021 04:20:
Doing well bh with immense desires...
The Chofetz Chaim writes that the yetzer hara makes us think “I will never be perfect,” but we need to realize that every time we control ourselves is a phenomenal achievement. We receive tremendous reward for
each moment of self-control, even if we give in one minute later. As the Vilna Gaon relates, every instance of exertion is an independent accomplishment that is profound in its own right. Putting up a fight against our desires instead of chasing them is impressive even if we end up giving in.
We need to
focus on how much we gain from even one minute of self-control instead of worrying whether we will mess up later. We should focus on the immense reward we can earn and recognize how impressive our accomplishments must be since they merit such a lofty reward.
It is impossible for us to feel the thrill of being successful in the battle against the yetzer hara and at the same time give in to our desires. We have to choose between the two; we cannot have both. If we decide that we just can’t give up what we desire because we will miss out on too much, we won’t be able to feel good about ourselves. Giving in makes us look down on ourselves.
When we run after our desires and feel guilty, we are unable to be happy. Therefore, not choosing to stand up against our desires is a decision in itself, and unfortunately, it is a decision to be miserable. What do we want in life: true happiness and accomplishment or cheap physical thrills with misery? Choosing to be a slave to our passions means missing out on the most incredible life ever. If we don’t stand up and fight our way out of the clutches of desire, we will miss out on an exhilarating, meaningful life.